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Duke's Texturepack - Alterations 1.4

Alters, Materials, Shops, and More to come with new Sprites.

  1. New Workshop Sprites

    New Sprites for the Empty Building, Knight Shop, and Archer Shop. (Old Files still inside the folder)
  2. Knight & Archer Shop Tweaks

    Still Testing but i turned them into Wooden Shops and Removed the stone Sides they had, it looks better this way, However i kept the Former Stone Shops in the Files as well in case anyone wants to use those.

    Also Removed the Base Folder from the Download and Replaced it with Entities instead, Due to all my spriting being in that folder.

  3. Archer Hut, Builder Hut, And Knight Hut Are Now Altered!

    Took me awhile but i'm pretty proud of the results...




    While i did do some Copy+Paste of unused sprites found in the games files, I did alot more spriting to clean things up and i'm happy with my progress, i think it looks great (by my standards)

    Updates will happen often, if anyone has ideas of what i should sprite now feel free to let me know :D