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Gold Rush 0.8.2

Resurrection of the first game mode of a very early KAG build

  1. Rewritten rules, updated well, new gui, fixes, tutorial and more!

    • Added a simple tutorial window (press [X] key);
    • Added bombs to Water Bomb Shop;
    • Added a Nursery;
    • Added a Fire Arrows Shop;
    • Now you can see a search range of a tent by pressing [R] (but you need to zoom out to max)
    • ONE NEW MAP!!! (by @Olimarrex)
    • Now it works faster;
    • Only builder is avaible on warmup;
    • New GUI;
    • No time reset;
    • Removed Meteors;
    • Tons of Sacks don't spawn anymore when warmup ends.
    • Sack's price is 100 wood.
    • Match time is set to 20 mins;
    • Well works better;
    • Changed some descriptions;
    • Removed the ability to see how much gold is in Sacks (since it's useless, just hold [E]).
    • Tent counts sacks of any team
    Maybe there are more changes. I just don't remember.
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