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Kotori - sabres & bloodbath 0.1

A texture pack about stylized ninjas

  1. Updated and some changes

    Changelog 0.1.1 (25/10/2013)

    - Changed the greenish colour to the vanilla blue one
    (so all the items, vehicles, shops, etc... spritesheets do not have to be adressed, and the teampalette.png remains the same) The shops, factories might get don for a next update.
    - The charachters pose a bit smoother
    - Changed the menu background to a plain one, it might change back if there's a next update.
    - Tweaked the migrant sprites
    - Tweaked the heads that let blank pixels
    - Done the whole current head spritesheet
    - Tweaked the builder hammer and axe
    - Tweaked the arrow sprites
    Brindobob and Tsilliev like this.
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