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KTMC++ [Unmaintained] 0.2.1

A simple yet powerful tool to replace KScript2 in C++/Angelscript

  1. Asu
    KTMC++ is an easy-to-use alternative to the famous KScript2 written in C++.
    It communicates with KAG servers using TCPR as KScript and you can create mods in Angelscript, which gives a similar coding experience as KAG.

    It is very lightweight (low memory usage, near zero CPU usage, low disk space) and you can "plug" it into multiple servers at once which makes it the lightest way to make such mods now.

    Since it uses TCPR, the target will require to run *nix (Linux, OSX) currently, and the current KTMC++ build is Linux-only, however an older build of it is Windows-only. If you want it, shoot me a PM.

    It's not just used for making mods! You also can use it to monitor multiple servers at once. Example :
    [13:24:34] [RCON/1] <[LabZ] AsuMagic> I'm on the first server!
    [13:37:18] [RCON/2] <[LabZ] AsuMagic> I'm on the second server!
    It soon also will feature a very simple command prompt to send messages to the server, but you already can do pretty much everything from scripts.

    Installation instructions :
    - Unzip this somewhere on your linux box or your linux server (if it allows running your own software, i.e. a VPS or a dedicated server). The 'unzip' commandline program may do the job for you ('sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unzip && unzip ./KTMC.zip' for Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/anythinghavingapt-get).
    - This build only is 64-bit yet, you'll need a 64-bit OS and you will need to download 64-bit SFML librairies. Download this and extract it to /usr/lib/ on your VPS/dedi.
    - If it throws an error about GLIBC_blahblah, update your OS. Debian-based distro instructions :
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get install libstdc++6
    - Everything should work, if not ask some details there.
    Edit : It is actually trickier than this on some systems. On my linux VPS (Debian 7) I had to update libc which is very tricky because basically EVERYTHING requires it. I won't give details how to do it because I don't want to put some error on the guide since it can DESTROY your linux installation - I'm often on H-H (a server hosting service I often use)'s service, I've already seen 2 failed libc install attempts on 3 attempts... tl;dr get a modern linux OS (debian 8 i presume, ubuntu 14.10 at least probably, get the highest available)

    Run it! :
    - Modify /Scripts/servers.as to let KTMC++ connect to your KAG servers. There are examples in it. If you have a problems, make sure you've read what outputs KTMC++ to the console.
    - Run a screen (screen -S KTMC)
    - Run KTMC (./KTMC++)
    - Enjoy!

    Feedback time!
    @Fernegulus :
    <Ferne> AsuMagic
    <Ferne> AsuMagic
    <Ferne> AsuMagic
    <Ferne> gib
    <Ferne> gib
    <Ferne> gib
    makmoud98, L3fty and SirLoading like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. makmoud98
    Version: 0.2.1
    works really well, very efficent. the only issue is that the Database class is not working, so i could not use it for my project
    1. Asu
      Author's Response
      Thanks. Unfortunately I've lost the sources, but as I'm making a statistics mod I'm preparing it to support a TCPR backend (which means writing another software like this one, with angelscript or not)
  2. Diprog
    Version: 2015-06-24
    Awesome, dude
  3. Fernegulus
    Version: 2015-06-24
    Beautiful, powerful, dangerous, cold!