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long wood bow's classes v1.947

More classes. Anyway.

  1. long_wood_bow
    Known Issue
    • Long loading time because of precache textures.
    Add 15 classes.
    Them and genuine 3 classes are categorized in melee, ranged and support classes, and defensive, tactical and agility.
    (Knight the defensive melee class)
    Chopper the defensive melee class

    For all level players
    This class is specialist of wood.
    Can use axe that can deal heavy damage and mattock that can be used like pickaxe.
    Also can build wooden structures. Make defense and chop enemies with axe to control the area.
    Can build and mine, with strong melee attack.
    Axe is effective for wooden things.
    Is not as strong as knight, as melee fighter. Need to build something for beat stronger melee classes.
    LMB to build.
    RMB to use axe(1.5 damage, multiple target hit but slow) or mattock(as same as builder's pickaxe). Can change them in inventory.
    Spearman the tactical melee class
    For all level players
    This class has strong melee attack and mid range attack.
    Also, spear ladder is better than arrow ladder (except at climbing speed).
    Strong melee attacking allow you intimidating enemies, with many mid range attacking weapons.
    Higher health.
    Can make spear ladder that tougher than arrow ladder.
    Melee unit, but few way to block, or dodge bombs.
    Spears use bigger slot, so can't put many items to inventory.
    Can't hurt stone blocks.
    LMB to jab/strong hit/double strong hit like knight's sword. Strong hit has more charging distance, range but lesser arc degrees.
    RMB to jab/throw spear/double throw. Spear deals 1.5 heart damage. Also, spears become ladder like arrows.
    Space while holding Shift to pick collided spears like archer and arrows.
    If you select poison or fire spears, and melee something or throw, they are used and cause poisoning or igniting.
    Warhammer the tactical melee class
    For expert players
    This class has heavy melee weapons.
    Warhammer is slow, but has great damage and range.
    And he has a flail that can mid range attack.
    Has very strong damage and can hurt stones.
    Charging is very slow.
    LMB to jab/slash like classic knight.
    Jab damage is 1, Slash is 3 hearts.
    RMB to spin flail as charging. Release to shoot. Damage is 1.5.
    You can glide like knight shield when spinning.
    Assassin the agility melee class
    For expert players
    This class allow you killing an enemy without take counterattack.
    Smoke balls make it more.
    Can attack quickly and not take counterattack because attacks can knock enemy.
    Can kill reliably by using smoke ball.
    Can move quickly using grappling to chase enemy or run away.
    Low health.
    Can hit only one enemy, so weak to the group.
    Can't hurt stone blocks.
    LMB to stab. It is effective to flesh and can stun enemies.
    RMB to throw grappling hook. Can't throw it while stabbing.
    Space to use smoke ball and stun nearby enemies. You can buy it in knight shop.
    Duelist the agility melee class
    For intermediate players
    This class allow you climb enemy walls using grapple and attack quickly.
    Can't use double slash, but has very fast charging to attack.
    Can attack quickly with strong damage.
    Can move quickly using grappling to chase enemy or run away.
    Can't hurt stone blocks.
    Can't use double slash, so not enough damaging sometimes.
    LMB to jab/slash. Charging will be decreased when overcharging (like classic knight).
    RMB to throw grappling hook. Can throw it while sword playing.
    Musketman the defensive ranged class
    For all level players
    This class can snipe enemies with musket, and build barricades to block enemy's attack.
    Bullet has high velocity, range and can hurt stone blocks.
    Barricades help ranged classes of your team.
    No triple shoot, so can't hurt shielding knight alone (but can knock).
    Low health and no agility. Also, bullets can't make ladders like arrows.
    LMB to charge and shoot bullet when fully charged. When it's overcharged, the charge will be decreased like. Bullet can deal 1.5 heart damages, hurt a block even stone block.
    RMB to use shovel and dig dirt, gold or not thickly dirt stone block.
    Select in inventory and press LMB to build barricades. Need barricade frames in archer shop.
    Weapon Thrower the defensive ranged class
    For all level players
    This class can throw boomerang that can attack far or chakram that can attack mid range and break stone.
    Also, this class can use shield to block attacks, gliding and sliding like knight.
    Shield has great advantage to other ranged classes.
    Has no jabbing attack.
    LMB to throw/double throw like spearman. No jab.
    RMB to use shield.
    Space while holding Shift to pick collided chakrams like archer and arrows.
    Crossbowman the tactical ranged class
    For intermediate players
    This class has old style triple shoot that allow you attacking enemies over the walls.
    And, bayonet allows you beat non melee classes in close range.
    Can shoot strong triple attack to long range.
    3 heart health with long range.
    Can fight without charging in close range.
    Tripe shoot has low accuracy and has slower firing speed than archer.
    Needs more time to triple shoot.
    Can't hurt stone blocks.
    LMB to shoot arrows like old archer. arrows of triple shoot are not disappear in mid range. Crossbowman can use only normal, poison or fire arrows.
    RMB to use bayonet like knight's jab. You can get arrows when hit wooden thing like classic archer. Also, you can pick stuck arrows like archer.
    Fire Lancer the tactical ranged class
    For intermediate players
    This class can use fire lance that shoots some iron frags like shotgun.
    Also can use flame thrower.
    Can attack strongly on mid range.
    Fire lance has big recoil and can use it to big jump.
    Need 3 seconds to shoot.
    Can't cancel shooting after ignited.
    LMB to ignite fire lance or flame thrower, 2 seconds to ignite. On ignited, the frag or flame will be shot after 1 second.
    RMB to use handle as weapon, low damage but high knockback and stun, or cancel igniting, can't stop shooting after ignited.
    (Archer the agility ranged class)
    Gunner the agility ranged class

    For intermediate players
    This class can shoot bullet.
    Normal shoot has row accuracy, but faster charging than musketman.
    On full charge, this class can shoot high accuracy bullet, or row accuracy double shoot.
    Can attack mid range with strong knock.
    Can climb using grapple and go camping point.
    Need to charge longer to attack long range.
    No jabbing attack.
    LMB to shoot bullets. You can't shoot if release button before the ring appear on cursor. If it's after ring appear, shoot row accuracy bullet. If it's after fully charged, can snipe or double shooting. You can change full charge shoot in inventory.
    RMB to throw grappling hook.
    (Builder the defensive support class)
    War Crafter the defensive support class

    For all level players
    This class allow you to build raft, mounted bow, traps and some craft to help allies or defend the line.
    Can build defense to counter enemies and utility to help allies.
    Can build traps to deny enemies' attacks.
    Can dig enemy defenses and hole to make trap.
    Can't build tough wall.
    LMB to build. Some blobs will be built on click on inventory.
    RMB to use pickaxe as same as builder.
    Space to rotate building blob.
    Rock Thrower the tactical support class
    For intermediate players
    This class can shoot rocks quickly to prevent enemy pushing.
    Also can use hammer to break enemy buildings and build ladders.
    This class can use drill like builder.
    Can make rain of projectiles.
    Can hurt blocks without items, but has some attack methods.
    Ladder can support your team.
    Slow movement when throwing or attacking.
    Ammo is expensive in end of game.
    LMB to throw rocks or build ladder. You can change them in inventory. Rocks can deal 0.5 damage and hurt wooden blocks, they work when the rock has enough velocity.
    RMB to use hammer like builder's pickaxe. Can knock shielded knight a little. so can't hurt it alone.
    Space to construct a boulder if select throw action, or rotate ladder if select build action. Constructing has a timer of cooldown.
    Butcher the tactical support class
    For expert players
    This class allow you to butch corpse to earn steak and poisonous meat to throw.
    Also can use cooking oil to burn enemies and wooden things, or cook steak to making double and fishy to save.
    Can make strong heal items on battlefront.
    Can use poison easily.
    Can use fire with melee attack.
    Melee attack is not as strong as other melee classes.
    LMB to use knife, if you destroy corpse with knife, you can get steak and 2 poisonous meats. If it's poisoned, can't get steak but can get 5 poisonous meats.
    RMB to throw poisonous meats. Has no damage but can poison enemy.
    Space to use oil to burn enemies and wooden things. Also, can cook steak and fishy into food like burger. If it's steak, you can make 2 cooked steaks per raw steak.
    Medic the agility support class
    For expert players
    This class can support your allies by healing and spray.
    Healing allows your team pushing enemies more.
    Can go to the battle front, or run away quickly.
    Spray allows you supporting and defending, especially against rats.
    Need jars to attack enemies, but expensive.
    LMB to heal nearby ally using med kit. You can earn coins if you heal the ally.
    RMB to throw grappling hook.
    Space to use spray. You can buy the jars to spray in builder shop. Water can knock enemies, poison can slow down enemies and give slip damage and acid can hurt enemies and blocks.
    Demolitionist the agility support class
    For intermediate players
    This class allow you to move quickly and break enemy walls, also you can use bomb box that explodes strongly. Also can use drill.
    Build makeshift barricades that blocks anything to jamming enemy.
    Can climb wall and break weak spot of enemy wall.
    Attacking is as weak as builder.
    LMB to use pickaxe or build bomb box or makeshift barricade. Can change in inventory.
    RMB to throw grappling hook.
    Poison system supported

    You can use poison arrows as archer or crossbowman.
    Poison causes enemy lost agility and slip damaged.
    Also medic can use poisons as spray.
    Spearman can give poison using poison spears.
    Butcher can give poison throwing poisonous meats.
    It's not for light edition because don't change Hitters.as, Butcher's poisonous meat give 1 damage to enemy.
    More water source of bucket
    You can get water from builder shop(or workbench).
    Clan flags
    Japanese flags for thank Japanese players.
    Also, if you want clan flag or personal flag, I'll add it. Please tell me.
    Med kit for all classes
    When you take med kit in hand and press V(eat food button), you can heal yourself.
    Uses 5 med kits, 3 sec cooldown and 0.5 heart heal.
    If you are medic, don't need to take in hand and use 1 med kit, 2 sec cooldown and 1 heart heal. Give med kits to medic and let him heal yourself.
    Destroy the Statue (DTS) mode supported
    You can play DTS, TDM based gamemode that destroy enemy statues and defend your statues, with my classes too.
    Need LWBClasses_DTS and set sv_gamemode DTS.
    Light Edition supported
    I made light edition of this mod.
    Light edition doesn't change most of genuine files, so it doesn't cause issue than standard edition and can use at more environments.
    Also, more fittable with other mods.
    Modded files
    "*" on head is in light edition too.
    Archer.cfg:Added poison scripts.
    ArcherAnim.as:Added poison arrow texture.
    ArcherAutoPickup.as:Added poison arrows to list.
    ArcherCommon.as:Added poison arrows to enums.
    ArcherIcons.png:Added poison arrow.
    ArcherLogic.as:Added poison arrow icon.
    Builder.cfg:Added poison scripts.
    *BuilderAnim.as:Added fast hittable items.
    *CommonBuilderBlocks.as:Changed builder workshop in TTH, from factory to TTH workshop(can convert to factory or quarry).
    Knight.cfg:Added poison scripts.
    *KnightLogic:Changed attack script for barricade.
    KnightSwordCling.as:Now it will be happen with spearman, crossbowman, warhammer and duelist, too.
    *EatFoodButton.as:Every classes can use med kits.
    OnHitFailed.as:No sound for new projectiles.
    RunnerHead.as:Added new classes' default heads.
    RunnerKnock.as:Added new knockable hitters.
    FleshHitEffects.as:Added new hitters to show effects or not.
    [Important]Hitters.as:Added new hitters.
    KnockBack.as:Added new hitters no knockback.
    ShieldHit.as:Added new blockable hitters.
    BlobPlacement.as:Assassin, musketman, duelist, firelancer and gunner moves their pickup attachment point when crouch like archer.
    *PlacementCommon.as:Changed for make dirt buildable.
    HighlightItems.as:Added new items.
    StandardPickup.as:Added new items for wheel menu and priority.
    LootCommon.as:Added new items.
    *OneClassAvailable.as:Make genuine class shops can change player some classes.
    *StandardRespawnCommand.as:Added new classes and new style select menu.
    *MiniIcons.png:Added new tech icons.
    *ArcherShop.as:Added new items.
    *BoatShop.as:Added bomber and bomb ball.
    *BuilderShop.as:Added new items, also can buy materials and get water to bucket.
    *KnightShop.as:Added new items.
    *Quarters.as:Added butcher's items.
    *VehicleShop.as:Added more sieges and bomb ball.
    *Drill.as:Now rockthrower, warcrafter and demolitionist can use drill, but only for builder and them, even in TDM.
    *Factory.as:Extended menu size.
    *Workbench.as:Added mounted bow, also can get water to bucket.
    Chest.as:Added new items.
    Present.as:Added new items.
    Crate.as:Added more sieges.
    CratePickupCommon.:Added more items for pickup list.
    Keg.as:Added new hitters to onHIt.
    Mine.as:Added new hitters to onHit.
    Arrow.as:Added poison arrow.
    Arrow.png:Added poison arrow.
    *Scroll.png:Added new tech scrolls textures.
    *TDM_Ruins.as:Added new clases.
    StoneStructureHIt.as:Added new hitters.
    WoodStructureHIt.as:Added new hitters.
    SwingDoor.as:Rockthrower's hammer works to door like pickaxe.
    Ladder.as:Rockthrower's hammer works to ladder like pickaxe.
    *Bomber.as:Added the system of bombing and health bar.
    VehicleAttachment.as:Allow bomber to detach mounted bow.
    WoodVehicleDamages.as:Added new hitters.
    *GameplayEvents.as:Added medic heal event for earning coins.
    *HelpfulDeathTips.cfg:Tips for this mod.
    KillMessages.as:Added new hitters kill icons.
    *PrecacheTextures.as:Added new class textures.
    ScoreboardRender.as:Allow new classes to use own icon.
    *CTF.as:Now player don't spawn as disabled classes at initial.
    *CTF_GiveSpawnItems.as:Added resupplies for new classes.
    *CTF_Trading:Added scripts for medic heal event.
    *TDM.as:Added respawn items for new classes and classes icons. Also now player don't spawn as disabled classes at initial.
    TDM_Interface.as:Added new classes icon.
    *TDM_Trading.as:Added new items.
    *WAR.as:Added new techs in shops. Also now player don't spawn as disabled classes at initial.
    *WAR_GiveSpawnItems.as:Added items for new classes.
    *WAR_Structs.as:Added bools that new classes can get items per spawn.
    *WAR_Technology.as:Added techs.
    *DefaultLoaders.as:Added DTS loader.
    *BasePNGLoader.as:Added new items to random magazine. You can get new
    items from random dispenser of TDM.
    1. Extract file.
    2. put files in it to Mods folder.
    3. Open mods.cfg.
    4. Add LWBClasses to it. If you want to play light edition, add LWBClassesLight instead of them.
    5. If you want to play DTS, add LWBClasses_DTS to it and change sv_gamemode in autoconfig.cfg to DTS. You can play it with light edition, too.
    6. If you want to disable some classes, open and change LWBClasses(Light)\ClassesConfig,as. Also will be disabled to buy disabled class's items.
    7. If you want to change DTS config, open and change LWBClasses(Light)\DTSConfig.as.
    To Do
    • Bullet has too fast velocity, so some issues will be happen. I'll improve it.
    • Bullet classes is too strong at plain, especially DTS(because can't build. at TDM, it has many non-plain maps...).
    • Balancing
    • Better texture? They have too few difference...
    • Better English? (I must study more...)
    • New class brains for other mod or new challenge
    TBA_LordKnight likes this.

Recent Updates

  1. Cart fix
  2. Fixed rockthrower
  3. For 4762, and some changes

Recent Reviews

  1. tigorsun
    Version: v1.45
    very good I love this mod
  2. egor0928931
    Version: v1.52
    great mod