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long wood bow's robots v4

Battles of overpowered robots.

  1. changed laser sound

    Changed laser sound.
  2. Better plasma

    Improved control of Plasma.
    Reduced plasma touching damage, 1.2 -> 0.2/0.1sec
  3. change and fix

    • made plasma more slower and easier to control.
    • fixed railgun and lightning effect.
    • now jetpack uses more energy on flying.
  4. Reworked and some changing

    • Added Planet Shooter.
    • Changed the texture of energy ball.
    • Changed the sound of laser.
    • Now plays sound on recover from emp.
    • Now you can move while warmup time.
    • Now you can hear different sound on get energy damage.
    • Changed the effect of nanomachine.
    • Added corpse.