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Mumble Soundpack 2013-12-10

Fuck if i know

  1. Fellere825
    Copy your original base you're going to want it somewhere safe.
    Extract this base you just downloaded.
    Put this base file into the Kag folder.
    Go around and get a headache with all the sounds....

    Fuck... download it if you are bored. Don't if you want to avoid a headache... gah

    Two hours of audio... I had to sort through two hours of audio to find these clips... The massive headache...

    This is zero star material here...

    Still working on it, with more mumble time I'll add more sound clips.
    MadDog and PumpkingSlice like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Verrazano
    Version: 2013-12-10
    arcrave out of 5 would bang fellere
    1. Fellere825
      Author's Response
      thank you good sir