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[Open Source] KAG Tools v0.5.0

A set of useful modding tools for the game King Arthur's Gold.

  1. Release v0.5.0

    Due to replacing the installer, if you are currently using a version of KAG Tools prior to this one,
    you must manually uninstall it and install this version or later (the app will not auto update).

    • Added API Browser (Server Browser and Player...
  2. Release v0.4.0.3

    • Fixed manual tabs not working after KAG update
    • Fixed an error when duplicating empty mods
  3. Release v0.4.0.2

    • Fix server + client error
  4. Release v0.4.0.0

    • Added run server + client function for multiplayer testing.
    • Added KAG Manual interface.
  5. Release v0.3.0.1

    • App now checks for updates before it starts.
    • Fixed wrong app version.
  6. Release v0.3.0.0

    • Added mod info dialog (name, gamemode, etc.).
    • Active mods' custom gamemodes are now included in the gamemode list.