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Palette maker util [Unmaintained] 1.2

Tired of outdated and unclear palette files for your map? This simple tool can generate one for you!

  1. Asu
    This tool will simply ask you to choose a maploader file, an output file and you'll be done!
    It allows you to chose any (KAG release version) maploader file and to generate a palette image file (.png / .bmp) from it. That's it!


    Original thread

Recent Reviews

  1. kaizokuroof
    Version: 1.2
    Great application, esspecially when creating your own BasePNGLoader.as file with many colours or shades. Works fine using Wine under Debian 7 - Wheezy 64 bit. Thanks!
    1. Asu
      Author's Response
      Thanks, nice to know it works under linux!
      I have now a better idea of which functions are supported by wine using GM :p