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The Bowl 1.2

A map with with all the gold located in the middle. One flag.

  1. Mazey
    Version: currently version 1.1
    Nice map but:
    Would be nice with 2 flags.
    Spread resources better/more resources
    1. steve_jobs
      Author's Response
      I don't like to do things "because I can". I don't have a good reason too add another flag, so I'm going to just keep it at 1 each.

      Although, I might increase the resource count.
  2. RaMmStEiN_2012
    Version: 2013-10-11
    Nice one
  3. kilmanio
    Version: 2013-10-11
    The map looks great and has a lot of detail, looking forward to play on a server with this map.