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Way of the Templar Classic TexturePack REVIVAL 15.6.2015

CLASSIC, Winter, Revive, WIP

  1. Sad_Tomato
    Version: 15.6.2015
    Seems like a good texture pack and knowing that's it not finished i expect it to be one of the greatest
  2. adisss650
    Version: Small Fix
    Looks good, it's nice to play with this texturepack when you are bored of default textures.
  3. FearSome
    Version: __
    Makes game look even better than beta!
  4. 8x
    Version: 2015-04-05
    Nice to see this being reworked, and good usage of the spoilers!
    1. Withror
      Author's Response
      Thanks, I'm still in the early stage though. Reviews are important to help me with what to change next.