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KAG should be free to play only if there is already enough money to fund the development for KAG2.
I will get a lot of support here, despite the cancerous elements.
If the Devs recognize that the KAG community is on-board, supportive, and actually enjoy the game (hard to determine currently with this...
The games are completely overlapping. It's not a coincidence. And it's obvious how few people even know about KAW. He is wrong, because...
Here is the proper thread for this link: "Without any problem" except most or all of the KAG "community" holding somebody back. What a joke!...
Good video, I will repost it in the proper thread though....
Coming from PooManChu's thread: Here is...
Here is King Arthur's World which is more and more obvious now that very few here have played, to give you the proper background: [spoiler]
The thing about a 2-handed class is that it's offensive, not defensive, since it lacks a shield. It shouldn't have a shield. Halberd is great...
For those that haven't played the SNES "King Arthur's World" you're missing an essential, central piece of the puzzle, regarding what KAG is,...
I really like and support your idea of a 'polearm' 2h type class. I think halberd would be best though, possibly allow them to change or upgrade...
The plot of the movie should be the quest to make KAG2!!! Heyyyy bootiful, how u doinnnn??? :wink: :wink: :wink:
Also for everybody with no background in KAW, here is the old SNES game, however it does not show the goblin and air people stages: [MEDIA]
This thread is breaking the forum.... uh oh. Well when I started KAG about a few months ago now, the forum was like completely barren and nobody...
I appreciate your kind words and detect no sarcasm whatsoever, thank you! .........................
It hasn't actually, it's just getting started. Ignore Asu and the other cancer-posters, naysayers, who hate KAG and want to see it fail. Their...
It appeared to me from the depth of fragmented dreams, on a cold, hopeless night.
I started KAG like 3 months ago. To Be Honest, it was and still is difficult to find active multiplayer servers. Looking into the matters, it...
I believe that KAG could have been, and still could be, much more popular. There is still a lot of potential, and revenue. The big deal these...
False, "minecrafter" implies that a builder stays at base and builds aesthetic "pretty" designs. I do not do this. I usually push the team...
Separate names with a comma.