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[ƒ] - frisson

Discussion in 'Dead/Inactive' started by sangfroid, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. Aurora-

    Aurora- Shopkeep Stealer

    heyheyhey b nice pls :0)
  2. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Last edited: Oct 29, 2014
  3. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    Are you interested to play a MLK match against [NMS] ?

    We can play on an us server. We wont whine about pings. Let me know @sangfroid @Rayne @Gurin @Skinney @rymcd
  4. Skinney

    Skinney THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator Tester

    Short answer, yes.
  5. Ozminer

    Ozminer Bison Rider

    I like this clan only because of @rymcd
  6. rymcd

    rymcd Bison Rider Staff Alumni Tester

    To bad the day of our clan war you insist on us playing on a Eu server as well.
    How brave of you.
  7. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    According rules, you have to use us server then euro server for a nice match. If 3rd map, home team can choose the server.

    We call that fair play and i played many leagues with that. Dont be so rude, this small community doesnt need that for just a question of ping. @rymcd
  8. rymcd

    rymcd Bison Rider Staff Alumni Tester

    We know the rules to MLK.
    We weren't ready to face a top tier Eu clan on an Eu server.
    We probably wouldn't of even accepted this match up if we knew it wasn't going to be US only.
    That's why when you posted here "We can play on an us server." we were under the impression the cw was US only.

    Now all of a sudden the day of I hear "oh by the way Eu server as well". We couldn't even decline at this point, also sangfroid was a no show.
    You can imagine how we felt about this match up by this point. Don't even get me started on the map choices, non symmetrical maps with a different flag count. It doesn't have to be completely symmetrical but the "Burrow" map is sketchy as fuck.

    To be honest I really appreciate you hosting this but I don't agree with some of the concepts going on. You might think I'm rude but so far it feels like the league is set up for NMS winning instead of balance. In my perspective I'm just making sure we don't get screwed over and I'm criticizing the league so it gets better. If you don't want feed back that's fine I'll give it a rest, I said what I wanted to anyways.
  9. RampageX

    RampageX Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    It's clearly not set up for us to win because we actually have to physically beat clans to gain points, their are other clans competing and it just so happens we're in the lead, not by much.
  10. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Jig just really really hates playing with lag on his end.

    What I think happened is that spidey said this
    and Jig (understandably) took that to mean we wouldn't be playing any matches on EU servers, whereas that may not have been what spidey was intending to say. So in short, a miscommunication. Then on the day of, you say one of the rounds is gonna be EU, which is exactly what he didn't want, and thought we agreed against.

    Obviously you guys aren't setting up this big tournament just to give yourselves the win to feel good. I don't think anybody actually thinks that. We should all just put the fighting behind us, I really do believe there were no bad intentions anywhere. The only reason there was any fighting at all imo is because someone got caught up in the moment after game two and said something like "Fuck yeah, suck it" or whatever in all chat, and then a bunch of people jumped in.

    That map (burrow) has to go though. Even if it were a totally fair map (which I don't think it is, but I won't get into that), asymmetrical maps will always create a lot of ugly arguments.
  11. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    If i wanted to be famous, i would have choose another game with a bigger player base haha and not a league with only 100 players... Im only around to try to keep this game alive with a proper competitive scene : thats my only goal. Im too old with for that e penis shit.

    About leading :
    • yes we are leading because we are active. This league will last during 3 months, dont forget that! ( with just a match, you have already 3 points!) Activity is rewarded.
    • AG is behind us!!! :migrant:
    About lag :
    • its a multiplayer game and yeah you have to play against others countries. If you stay in your corner, it will be hard to play against another clan. And its a bit sad for such a small community!
    • I hope everyone is enjoying this league. If you cant handle the ping problem, you can decline any match. Its your choice.
    • About eu and us servers, it was a miscommunication, i thought everyone understood that we will play on both servers in the name of fair play.
    About maps :
    • There are always asymetrical maps in multiplayer game. On soldat, there were a lot of that kind of map and it wasnt really a problem (it was even a tactic!). If there are too many complaints about it, i can remove it without any problem!
  12. MadRaccoon

    MadRaccoon Haxor


    Attached Files:

  13. [​IMG] best
  14. -Crimson-

    -Crimson- Haxor

  15. startselect3

    startselect3 Arsonist

    Could you guys stop asking us to cw you guys, I've been asked by about 5 of your members and they wont stop asking me we already have 6-7 other clans already wanting to clan war us and you guys are really good. we know you haven't played in a cw in awhile but we really need some time, we haven't ever even played as a clan and this week and next chukka will be very busy. We would still be more then happy to have a practice war with you guys though :)
  16. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    What the fuck are you talking about. Screw practice cw's and any cw until we develop strats as a clan
  17. startselect3

    startselect3 Arsonist

    i thought we did in the private chat
  18. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    We need to be on top of it tho. It takes in game meet ups before we can get a total sense of how we want to do things.
  19. startselect3

    startselect3 Arsonist

    well i was kinda saying
    we should probably bring this to a private chat
  20. Alright, alright here's the deal. We want to cw you guys, full MLK competitive match and all. Unfortunately scheduling is difficult at this time because most of us are preparing for exams and visiting family during the Thanksgiving season. I hope we can have more luck with scheduling in the future because I'm really eager to see what our clans are capable of. Hopefully Christmas break will make these things a lot easier to plan for.

    Sorry for the inconvenience,