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[203] bunker!

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by NigerV2, Nov 26, 2011.

  1. TerryDactyl

    TerryDactyl KAG Guard Tester

    It's a loving sort of hate. <3<
    Jackal likes this.
  2. Jackal

    Jackal Shark Slayer

    I think catacombs are much cooler. :<
  3. Nixito

    Nixito KAG Guard Tester

    I've seen these in a handful of games lately. If you're an aggressive fighter these things lose their usefulness very quickly; they take a fair bit of effort to build, and once you've taken the ground ahead of them they become useless. Also, depending on how long the tunnel to get into it is, you may be handing the enemy a way past your defenses if they manage to get past the bunker, not to mention that your archers hiding in the bunker are trapped like rats once it's breached.

    In general I really like this idea, but the effort to build it kind of outweighs the usefulness of it in my opinion.
  4. ESL

    ESL Shipwright

    For that bunker it needs to be one more space higher so then the archer can shoot in a full 180* degree in front of him
  5. SonofSkz

    SonofSkz Shipwright

    I find that people say these are useful and i agree, its just in real game scenarios you want devices to stop the enemy completely or take an advantage from them, this does neither. most archers steer wisely away from tunnels due to the fact of horrible past experiences this is no exception. there is no height advantage, with few angles of attack you can easily be blocked, killed, bypassed or dug out and murdered, this provides no effective base stopping power. POSSIBLY with a good tower built on top it could become useful but then the chances of it being bombed or dug out to be converted to the enemy team is very high as it is still the easiest way through your base. All in all these seem like good ideas but realise archers need only two things, a place to hide from return fire and different angles of attack. A hole never ends well for an archer you dont have the falling arrow advantage, with this build a small angle of attack and its soooo easy to get into if i was a knight id sit on top buy a couple of bombs when i could and blow my way in to kill al and move on. Rant over. Conclusion: needs definite improvement.

    Monsteri: i think even with a tower on top it wouldn't work. bombs accumulate at the bottom of towers surely youve noticed, any player with two bombs and some sense is in there and for the return of one low down archer spot id rather have a kneecapper and call it a day.
    Chinizz likes this.
  6. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    But things are to be combined. Alone this structure would be a little useless compared to effort it takes to make it. But imagine it with an average tower on top, and a spike trap in the other end of it (to guarantee that enemies don't get behind the tower). Useful, no?

    By the way, the door should be placed like this:
  7. SonofSkz

    SonofSkz Shipwright

    No because a kneecapper could do a better job, achieve the same goal, and provide a smaller weakness/ same weakness for a lot less effort.
    SARGRA13 and Nixito like this.
  8. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Put a tiny one far in front of a tower. Enemies come to said tower and you shoot them in the back.
  9. Hoj

    Hoj Builder Stabber

    A well placed bomb at the right moment would kill any archer inside. If the enemy team takes over the area, they can use that tunnel against you. Adding extra reinforcement would make the bunker more effective in the long run. Archer ports are a plus due to the fact that a narrow opening is harder to shoot into. Overall i like this concept , not the design.
    </br>--- merged: Mar 25, 2012 11:01 PM ---</br>
  10. celuideleon

    celuideleon Builder Stabber

    Here am I, presenting the "ninja" trap. I actually wanted to keep it secret forever, but I saw some people reproducing it, so...
    The idea is to stay hidden, with a knight or an archer, wait for an enemy too pass and jump at him (in most cases, the enemy just pass by). It is more effective on open areas, after a fortification:
    It is recommended you only attack players that you can one-shot. If you are an archer, wait for a knight to be far, if you are a knight, wait for an archer to walk by, if you are a builder, well, stay quiet.

    If you have a lot of time ( and ressources) you can do the following:
    The system is the same: the enemy can't see you. If he is at the left set of doors, go at the right one, jump and shoot.
    It may seem ridiculous, but it works great. But you must be patient, because you have to enter when no enemy can see you, and you must wait for one to come.
  11. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    This isn't a secret, people have been doing this build 190.
    Chinizz, inactive_account and One like this.
  12. In b190 bridges collided with players.
    inactive_account likes this.
  13. celuideleon

    celuideleon Builder Stabber

    If what you say is true, it faded away, because no one do it anymore (literally no one), and I am bringing it back to live.
  14. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    Stop making fake post Ej. I know they didnt collide in 190.
  15. No one uses it because it's plain dumb now when everybody knows about it.
    1. You have to dig 4 tiles which takes time.
    2. It's 100 wood. There are 100 better ways to spend 100 wood. Ladders, door walls, bomb eaters or, on premium servers, small towers.

    Merged with the old bunker thread.
    inactive_account likes this.
  16. Jim_Dale

    Jim_Dale Arsonist

    I have seen it quite a lot recently, though mostly on free servers.
    The only difference from what celuideleon posted is that all the bridges are broken to hide the poor scumbag sitting in them.
    FlameHaze3 likes this.