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[203] Lack of skilled archers

Discussion in 'Archer' started by Wyeth, Nov 24, 2011.

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  1. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    My earlier post disappeared somewhere :>:(:
    Not eager to write that exam again, duh, here goes a part of it:

    Why I go archer:
    • Too much lag to play as a knight
    • Enemy has archers, our team doesn't
    I don't really go archer to have fun.
    However archers are pretty damn effective, and yes, fun, if your TEAM knows how to treat them.
    If you've got one knight protecting you, few knights rushing at enemy, and a pair archer, you will have loads of fun if you know how to aim.

    But this doesn't usually happen in public servers, because some people don't know how to play, and some don't just care.
    Therefore, archer should have something more to him. Something as cool as gliding and bombjumping.
  2. LightzZ

    LightzZ Shipwright

    Monster i play archer and i know that problem D;
    i had to take knight when our team are stupid and all pick builders and stay all entire game building the shit base.
    Archer are fun when have another archer with you or knight
  3. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Yeah, lag is usually the main reason why I play archer, but it doesn't mean I don't enjoy the hell out of pwning knights. ^__^
    sj67 likes this.
  4. LightzZ

    LightzZ Shipwright

    I play with 250+ ping and i always have a good k/d and help the knight and builders making cover for them
    Probably we have ten or less good archers on kag now D;
  5. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Nah, I've played games where all the archers were top-notch. It was awesome, for the archers at least. xD
  6. LightzZ

    LightzZ Shipwright

    Ah i don't see too much good archers D;
    And when i see archers only shoot because the others archers can't shoot him without a builder helping with a tower '-
  7. Salted

    Salted Haxor

    There are many. Definitely more than 10:) probably this topic helped people to start practicing :D
  8. Oleker

    Oleker Shipwright

    Frequently I get a good K / D, my ping is always above 200.
    As I said in my post, the problem is the lack of sense of play. Many arhcers only stop in a high place and start shooting without worrying about the difficulty of angle or with the time it takes to get the arrow to the target.
    Others always use straight angles to the target, even if they are on vulnerable points. How many skills I've ever done shooting up over the tower or protection. When the builder make a wall to protect the catapult. I shoot up to hit over the wall, and get 15 cois per hit on cata. And most times, the builder move the catapult. It means he stop shooting my tower for a time, giving more time to repair or upgrade the fortification.

    Some details like these can make a big difference.

    sry for my google-translated english,
  9. ShadowMyr

    ShadowMyr Shipwright

    I always play archer, unless the other team is right at our base. I often find people who play as archer always try to rush. They just run and kill themselves, and nobody builds stuff for archers so i have to switch to builder and build my own stuff. My ping is mostly 66 all the time and i get okay kd, but when you have a team that just kills themselves its hard to play. Most of the time i find myself trapped in some pit and having to suicide cause im out of arrows.

    People need to take the time to actually play as an archer, not as a fast runner.
  10. massivebacon

    massivebacon Shopkeep Stealer

    Basically what I was going to say. The fact you have to charge your arrows much longer now makes playing an archer less fun and much more of a slow paced class than it used to be. It's bad too because the health discrepancy between Knights and Archers used to make sense because of how nimble archers were, but now vs. a knight in somewhat close range, a Knight will almost always win. If anything, I think stunning with an arrow should maybe do a half-heart of damage to the Knight so they at least dont feel invincible vs. archers in straight 1v1.
  11. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Still really don't understand what all the fuss is about.
  12. Nixito

    Nixito KAG Guard Tester

    Archers can do a lot of things to help out their team, such as take out catapults, lay down suppressing fire, and fire charge shots at enemy knights to give friendly knights an opening. But I think one problem is that your average person who plays archer just plays it for the nice k:d ratio archers tend to have. People that play archer for this reason will never do these things and will always be bad, and unless they have a reason to care for the team, there isn't really much that can be done about it.
  13. synthesispandabot

    synthesispandabot Bison Rider

    This thread to me is a make fun of new people thread.
    Wonkyth likes this.
  14. Menen

    Menen Shipwright

    I play archer alot, and im still not good at it. It takes alot of time to get over the learning curve the archer has. Knowing The power of your shot, how much gravity will affect it, and where it will go are very hard to predict. Arrow physics is a hard thing to master.
  15. Auri

    Auri Tunnel Addict Donator Tester

    Nah, it's more of an "all the good archers are mostly playing knight now" thread.
    Rioja, Noburu, Contrary and 1 other person like this.
  16. Demented_SCV

    Demented_SCV Shopkeep Stealer

    Greetz. I've only been playing for a week at this point. I've spent most of my time in Archer and Builder. I enjoy seeing archers on the other side; I like taking them down! I can rather consistently hit them before they get their arrows trained on me.

    Any new Knight player instantly understands "WASD movement" and "Left Click to Swing Sword"; that's all that is needed to be helpful for a newbie Knight. He is instantly, upon spawning, a contribution to his team (even if only a little bit).

    A Newbie Archer, on the other hand, has a lot to learn before he can even begin to assist the team:
    1. He first has to learn how to make arrows. A newbie player may not like "wasting time" making arrows when he could just as easily be a Knight and go straight into the action after spawn. So instead he goes Knight and doesn't learn Archer.
    2. Shooting isn't "point and click" like using a Sniper Rifle in other games. Factors like the range to target, relative height of target, and movement of target take getting used to, and getting used to those factors is the biggest part of why Archers aren't any good. Being good at Archer can only be accomplished by failing first. It takes time being a complete failure before it gets better, and that is why you don't have many good Archers. Most players don't want to invest the time being useless.
    I think I'm a good Archer. I pick off my targets fairly quickly. I recognized that the Archer has the potential to wtfown people after some time investment. Not everyone, however, is willing to endure the transitional period of being useless.
    Those are my thoughts anyways.
    Regards, SCV.
  17. Ladd

    Ladd Shipwright

    Well, I like to play as Archer, but:
    Arrows are hard to obtain on most servers.
    Builders often don't know how to build good cover, or ruin my line of fire with doors\walls everywhere.
    Knights almost never protect you, they just rush to the front.
  18. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    1)Build your own cover, building as a builder and knowing whatgood cover is and knowing how to make cover you know how to use gives you coins for arrows and let's you be as useful as possible
    2)Knights almost never protect cause they're busy rushing out, if you have that cover you shouldn't need their protection, think before you rush out as an archer and use your cover as you can, I'm not a good archer so my advice could be bad, maybe others can chime in, but this is what I tend to see archers that complain about these things doing wrong.
  19. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Half the time I shield archers and they don't give a shit, they run off or jump in front of me and take an arrow to the face. So, meh, sometimes I get bored of doing this.
  20. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    Dear Knights,
    We really apreciate when you shield us.Sometimes it is hard to notice that you are shielding us,especially when there is a builder trying to make a catapult next to our castle and we have to take him out asap.
    Use emoticons so we will notice that you are actually defending us on purpose.

    We love you , altruistic shield holders.
    CoughDrop likes this.
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