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Confirmed Script KAG [2048] Able to make workshop while standing on boulder

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by epsilon, Dec 4, 2016.

  1. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    Category: KAG Client
    Operating system: Windows 10, 64 bit
    Build number: 2048
    Description: If you stand on top of a boulder and make a workshop, the workshop is created and instantly destroyed. The back-walls fall down, the frame of the shop is destroyed and you receive coins for making a workshop. You can quickly do this one after another until you run out of wood. This is a fast and easy way to get coins if you have a large amount of wood and can be exploited. I assume it's because the game thinks you're standing on solid ground (the boulder) but when you make the shop there isn't anything to support it so it collapses.
    Steps to reproduce:
    Switch to builder and spawn/make a boulder.
    2. Stand on top of the boulder.
    3. Make a workshop.
    Kazaco97, Biurza and Coroz like this.