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[281] Corner spikes

Discussion in 'Builder' started by Acavado, Jan 26, 2012.

  1. sjasogun

    sjasogun Base Burner

    Both these spikes and ceiling spikes act extremely glitchy, spawning random blocks underneath them or glitching the player through blocks. That's a bit of a bummer, but luckily Auto-Spikes still work fine. Especially with the dark caves those could prove to be extremely potent.
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  2. Bump, I think I found a way to build corner spikes:
    Testes proved that there is no way to survive fall into this.
    Unfortunately, now there is no chance for teammates to slide down through it.
  3. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    So umm. . . . Why wouldn't you use the design already posted then? Last time I tried it was still insta-kill:

    look at the part to the lower left, bridges placed in the notches with spikes hanging OUT.

    Also, that can be used in a tunnel and its team passable both ways.
  4. Because then spikes glitched.

    Maybe I'm just doing something wrong, I'll check it later.
    inactive_account likes this.
  5. Hoj

    Hoj Builder Stabber

    Fresh new ways to kill more people i like it.:)
  6. Yoshimotoman

    Yoshimotoman Arsonist

    Very helpful. Thank-you.