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[319] How to Vault Like an Esteemed Professional

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by Bracket, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    it'd be cool for someone to show us how to do the 4-high slash jump ;) .
  2. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Slash jumps aren't possible anymore, but you would basically slash at the top of your jump while moving against the 4 high wall you wanted up, similar to your method eggnogg.
    You could also do it with a jab, instead of a slash.

    Edit: My bad, Wyeth, didn't think about it ;P
    sj67 likes this.
  3. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    Oh wow... that'd would've been really useful :/
  4. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    Please refrain from making deep discussions about the new vaulting etc in this thread. If you do not have anything to say about the vaulting in build 203, this is not the right way to post it. If you feel you want to add something, like Rayne did here, even though I don't see why this would be necessary, add the current build number. Don't just say "in the newest build" or "in the new build". See the GUIDELINES for this.
    If you feel that there needs to be a new discussion about the changed vaulting mechanics, go ahead and make one. This is only about the old vaulting. I moved the respective discussion into the general mechanics discussion (yes you can use that instead to talk about the CURRENT mechanisms).

    Relevant for new people looking around, since [263]:
  5. pickled_heretic

    pickled_heretic Shopkeep Stealer

    you guys gotta think about the health of the hardcore community in this game... look at things like rocket/bomb jumping in pretty much any game... skiing in the original tribes... surfing in hl1/source engine games... these are things that, when you think about it, were probably "bugs" or at least "unintended" consequences of the game engine... but they have become ubiquitous in their respective genres. instead of patching every "unintended" advantage a player can get by exploiting the game engine you should take a long, hard look at whether or not it truly breaks the game as you see it and consider keeping it in if it doesn't. personally i don't see how letting everyone jump 1 block higher in certain circumstances breaks anything.
  6. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    Except that this should be mentioned in tutorial : I felt like I was cheated on, when a knight alone have managed to get over 4 block wall,I've just created(when I had no idea that vaulting exists) .I mean,its not gamebreaking if everybody,even newcomers can easily get info on this.

    Surfing in source games wasn`t a gamebreaking thing,because I haven't seen any official map where it could be used easily and effectively.
    Jump-turn-jump move in quake online is explained in tutorial.
    In TF2 even the basic hint during loading screen tells you how to rocket jump.

    In KAG,vaulting can be used anywhere and doesn`t exlained at all.

    Dont get me wrong,I want them to leave it as it is - just add it in tutorial or at least hint it out.
    GrimWaltz likes this.
  7. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Why mention it on a tutorial when a tutorial is supposed to mention the basic elements of gameplay? Not things that require some experimentation and meta-gaming.
    Noburu and Rayne like this.
  8. ShadowFire2010

    ShadowFire2010 Haxor

    cant you now do this with 5 blocks cause i have
  9. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    You could in 228 aswell just needed to slash for momentum.
  10. kiro

    kiro Garde KAG Donator Tester

    As of build 275, we can now jump 4 blocks high walls without vaulting.

    But vaulting doesn't work anymore (ie can't jump 5 blocks high walls when vaulting).
  11. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Tis a sad sad day. Lets hope it is just an unintended side effect of stopping squeezing.
  12. kiro

    kiro Garde KAG Donator Tester

    I meant 4 blocks high. I've always sucked at maths.
  13. TheWaywardMoogle

    TheWaywardMoogle Catapult Fodder

    wow i'd had never thought to try vualting around, I like that the mechanics in KAG allow for movement like this because it really sets it apart from your typical side scrolling game
  14. Gamerbro

    Gamerbro Drill Rusher

    I use these tricks a lot when i play kag :B):
  15. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    slash jumping works or still works. just jump when you fully charged slash.
    allknowingfrog likes this.
  16. D0ubl3Tr0ubl3

    D0ubl3Tr0ubl3 Shopkeep Stealer

    Thx taught me how to vault properly :)
  17. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    I know a technique where you can get up 5 blocks using a ledge and slash. But it will be to hard to explain using the forums and most people would understand this advanced technique. I might make a post someday concerning this.
  18. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Just do a video snippet and take virtualDub to make it a gif.
    Noburu likes this.
  19. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    I've a clip of Antman slash vaulting taken from the tutorial project which is having freaking aids and technical problems left right and center should be out (or at least in the middle of coming out) before the next update. Here:
  20. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    how do you even that?