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[360] The Low-Down on Tunnels.

Discussion in 'Builder' started by TerryDactyl, Feb 17, 2012.

  1. Acavado

    Acavado KAG Guard Tester

    I spent a couple matches tunneling like a ult1mate pr0 and recording it, too, just to test what killatron just said. I'm looking through my computers recycling bin for the video. It was really long and people kept falling in the trap when I wasn't recording. How it worked was pretty unexpected. Sure it shredded enemies, but my teammates using my tunnel killed themselves at random when they went up. Really sucks when you're retreating with one health.

    Totally agree with leaving a few notches without spikes in them: it's crucial. When you accidentally shimmy up the bare wall it will hurt due to the wallsliding and spikes effect. This won't happen if you're in notch-climbing mode.
    killatron46 likes this.
  2. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Oooh, Sounds like fun Acavado. Wish I could've been there! :)

    Yeah, definitely leaving those first few notches is the most important part of this kind of thing, because its attempting to make a two-way "team passable" area, that if the enemies enter from said direction they will end up dying. It seems like what you said is true, once you enter "notch climbing mode" then you're safe.

    It can also be fairly cheap, because you can place it without bridges until you know your team will need to go through it.
  3. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    recently thought of a way for tunneling. say you got a tunnel like this.
    so i thought of the spike glitch thingy
    which will hurt any1 that comes near/lands on it for lethal damage.
    so i came up with this
    this lets you and your team mates pass through easily and an enemy like a knight have a struggle
    still susceptible to watchful builders tho
  4. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Shark Slayer

    Couldn't you dig a bit and give an archer a clear shot through all the spikes to counter?
    UnnamedPlayer and cmblast like this.
  5. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    Realy needs to be stickied.
    Im sick of losing due to some lone builder digging a tunnel acros the entire map, defeating all the awesome and nearly impregnable construction aboveground.
  6. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    Its in the "useful threads" thing under "tunneling"
    FuzzyBlueBaron and Noburu like this.
  7. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    I'm sorry, but any server where that happens does not deserve to exist.
  8. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    This is a great guide, like everyone else I definetely think this should be stickied for new builders as whenever there is a noob builder on my team that makes a base to base tunnel. Then when I block it up with stone what happens? I GET KICKED BY THE NOOBS ON MY TEAM FOR GRIEFING. :'(
  9. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    If you would have read just a few more posts . . . Oh well. ;)
  10. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner


    New community idea:

    Make sure the new players have fully read the tutorials, handbook, and everything; Along with answering questions correctly and answering a spambot puzzle, after all this let them on.
    cmblast likes this.
  11. Filio

    Filio Shopkeep Stealer

    I have a great idea!
    Make the newbies have to take an exam on what to do in certain situations and they can only play if they pass. [/sarcasm]
  12. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    It shouldn't be sarcasm. MAKE IT SO!
  13. flamegod

    flamegod Catapult Fodder

    Mainly I only build tunnels when above ground has fierce resistance from multiple archers and catapults and my teams knights fail to act together. Making a tunnel can be a useful way to avoid archer fire if the enemy team predominantly has archers, because they lose their height advantage. If the enemy prepares a shaft that I sawearlier for their archers to use simply block the shaft with stone above (the block above your head) and dig a new shaft for the knights to use. or even a short range tunnel towards a tower can help hide from arrows. For stealing the flag make sure that the enemy hasn't noticed you, make no emoticons, and when the enemy gets near stop digging or moving (I make a small cloud) if they see you just give up and fill the hole. when your under the flag room MAKE SURE that no enemy team members are there. This works a lot easier if the enemy has an open, since they wont be in their flag rooom, in fact one time I made an open and gave it to the enemy so I could easily steal their flag.
  14. feet

    feet Bison Rider

    Also, when steal-flag tunneling, teamchat ONLY.
    And you weren't kicked?
  15. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    The "..." symbol still shows up over your head when typing showing where you are. Best to have a plan already and dont type or emote at ALL in the tunnel.
  16. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    this is pretty old thread (128 builds ago!) but i suppose its still good.
    last round i made a tunnel and my team was being total idiots.
    1 some F****r middle fingered in the dark causing them to notice my tunnel
    2. ruin my capture a pokemon-knight trap (TWICE) and when an enemy was in there they dug him up and killed him rather then leave him (that was the second time)

    So 3 majors rule atm that i can think of that likely idiots will never read
    2 of which noburu said (good for him)
    1. never emote in the dark
    2. Never talk in the dark except if you are sure they can't see
    3. only bring in a lantern or do so when your tunnel is spotted perhaps NEVER
    following these tips you are more likely to succeed (except if your on mole server and some jack*** enemy bought a bright-as-sun lantern

    couple of things that can show you are tunneling in the dark which idk why you can see these
    1. the dust from falling
    2. when a builder hits bedrock the sparks can be seen
    3. you can also hear people mining

    also its usually good to have one person lead and make decisions

    suggestion= team only lanterns only you can see this light and not your enemy
    would help so much if only
    something only non idiots will read
    likely to be kicked but then your team is full of idiots and dont understand what you are trying to do
  17. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    How about this tunnel trap.
