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[394] Guro's guide to offensive building and traps.

Discussion in 'Builder' started by Guro, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. BeenCarl

    BeenCarl Catapult Fodder

    so 90% of the noobs. But I agree with you that people should build better towers than that.
    Guro likes this.
  2. Guro


    I agree. Seeing people build big xbox huge towers makes me burst blood vessels with rage, especially when they are high enough to cause fall damage when you jump off of them. That's why it is our job to educate these lost souls. (Although Beencarl did say that they were just an example). I assume you're referring to stone dropping when you say stone traps, right? I'll be including all that info in combat section which will be included in the next update. Not sure when it'll be done. Probably in the next couple days/as my free time permits.

    Picture related, it's me after watching some hero build a bighueg tower.

    As for that arrangement of towers, building towers in that style sort of has parallels to the staircase vs. towers dealio. Quality vs. quantity. I'd rather spend the resources of all three towers on one single unified entity. I don't want this thread to spiral into an argument about staircases/towers though.

    In regard to builders having limited combat options, I strongly disagree. The amount of damage a clever builder can do really is astonishing. I don't think many people realize just how many options builders have in terms of combat. I would say that they are easily the most versatile (but also the most difficult to master) of all the classes in terms of combat. Of course in straight combat vs knights it really does come down to just being a better player most of the time, but baiting using spikes, dropping stone, stomping etc are all extremely potent techniques in their own right. It'll all be outlined in the combat section of the guide (when it gets written).

    The catapult is a useful tool, but one that I never go out of my way to use. If I can scalp an enemy team's catapult then I'll use it for a little while if the situation permits it. I think where the cata really shines is breaking stall/turtling though, especially when the unit count is at 0 on both sides and you need something to attempt to break turtling or overly defensive play. It puts a huge amount of pressure on the defending team and can be tough to push against. However it is also expensive, irritating to make and fairly easily destroyed, so I only ever really use it in rare circumstances. It also gobbles up stone faster than the furious fist of the north star, so I am hesitant to use my stone for ammo when it could be put to use in ways that are potentially more damaging.
  3. BeenCarl

    BeenCarl Catapult Fodder

    I was referring to those rectangle towers that I built in the picture. It was a representation of Tower height placement so archers would have more areas to chose from instead of the single tower that some one decided to build 30 blocks higher than the wonderful archer's nest behind it, that usually collapses because it was horribly built. I'm not saying those towers should be 5 blocks apart. My main point was that someone will build a massive wall in front of a good tower so make good towers that slowly decline giving more space for archers or catas.

    Also, My other point to builders limited combat options, since I started that debate, was that builders were susceptible to archers in nest and that the best/only way for builders to deal with them is the catapult, not that they were limited to the catapult or other combat uses.
  4. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    I have seen your buildings and traps everywhere.

    I have recently started playing a combat builder, (not offensive, combat) I was playing on a hill map with a bunch of guys, the laughs I could get when I see myself demolishing a platoon of 5 knights with the power of ten stone.

    I would love to see what techniques you use as a combat builder so I can hopefully build on my personal techniques.
  5. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    hammer time? but no I like using builder as a distraction so my archers can pelt them
  6. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    If your with a knight you can just jump to the other side of your enemy from him and pincer him, he can't shield both ways, that and jumping as much as possible provides a good distraction while a team knight fucks him up, and you get the odd kill and few hearts of damage here and there. With water it seems that you can just jump from a bit of height and hammer, and half the time they're so low on health from swimming you can rack up a few kills finishing off air starved enemies.

    A single tower can be designed to accommodate plenty of options for archers, from knee shooters to massive archer overhangs you can have a full scope of very defensive to supportive long range fire. You just need to work them into a design without making the tower too weak in certain areas. There are some good designs out there for those kinda things though.

    As for the archer thing, you essentially need a few half witted knights and your usually ok, one thing you should always be doing as a frontline builder is making small towers for cover, just shitty 4 or 5 tile high ones that stop their knights getting over and give you somewhere to cower from arrows.
  7. Guro


    Updated Guide


    1) Included fairly broad section on builder combat
    2) Revamped overhang section
    3) Added more pretty pictures

    In the works currently:
    1) More traps
    2) Catapult section
    3) Maybe some videos. Not sure on that one though.
  8. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    One thing to note about stone fall traps is they are most effective with 2-3 stones stacked on top of each other, 1 stone will sometimes kill an enemy but 2-3 will almost always kill the person(s) underneath.
    SARGRA13 likes this.
  9. UrsaeGummi

    UrsaeGummi Catapult Fodder

    Really nice thread man, very helpful.
    Guro likes this.
  10. is there a (full) guide on how spikes work, relating to other blocks(team doors, trap bridges and stone blocks).
    :castle_wall::spikes_bg::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank: :castle_wall::bridge:
    :castle_wall::bridge: compared to :castle_wall::spikes_bg:

    anyhoo awesome guide, i used your first tower in: https://forum.kag2d.com/attachments/varyious_overhangs-png.7410/
    with a teeny bit of enhancements, it was quite intimidating for opponents however i discovered some knights somehow made it through after they destroyed the team doors without taking any bit of damage.
  11. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Guro likes this.
  12. Guro


    That building is actually a little out-dated now. I use a more efficient version of that tower/trap occasionally. This guide is really due for another update. I have a section on catapults half done, and about 5 new traps just about done too. I'll get this guide back up to scratch within a week.
    Canadian98 and killatron46 like this.
  13. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Guro was just showing the basic trap building. He does expect people to make buildings out of his traps and modify them.
    Guro likes this.