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[394] Le Bear Mountain + Le Bear Cave

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Sarmane, May 21, 2012.

  1. Sarmane

    Sarmane Go Tau'va yourself San Diego. Donator


    Different ideas for varied Clan War starting defense buildings. Top Picture is another form of tower, which if assaulted by a front on assault will prove difficult without co-ordination class work by builders and knights as various points of attack and spikes will cause injury to any group of knight balls or escorted builders (does need combat experience as not been tested in either large Public Games or CW's)
    </br>--- merged: May 21, 2012 1:29 PM ---</br>
    Bottom picture is a quick start HQ structure which promotes the idea of Roof Access to buildings instead ofDoor Spamming

    What this base for HQ provides is a quick (two builders within a 6v6 can easily handle assembling this baby) form of flag control and last standing base- what is shown is only a Basic Model. Builders are meant to add onto the structure their own desires for the building whether that be only a giant stone wall, archer overhang, spiked roof :p-

    Also a guide to these buildings will be posted soon (thinking next few days, not great at presentation tho should be bearable)

    Again please note any critique, game success/failure stories and thank you for reading
  2. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    Title reference? :D
    "Bear Cave - Bear Mountain"

    Great structures! Only:

    All buildings: TUNNELS and SKYBRIDGES :D
    SARGRA13 likes this.
  3. Sarmane

    Sarmane Go Tau'va yourself San Diego. Donator

    on first point-

    indeed knights can poke at these open holes in the tower and cause good damage with 2 or more bombs, only remedy is an able builder who is presumably attending this tower (as all buildings i make are namely in a CW fashion which would indicate that the team has competent builders...) and agreed with that- these need testing if shown to be too fragile at these 'joints'

    on second point-

    all buildings are by-passable yes, however, the resources used in terms of time, manpower, materials, lives and territory used up by opponents all make the point of these buildings a bonus-
    these are about causing reactions on the opponent side that require greater effort to overcome then simply spamming ladders, climbing over and forgetting theres even this giant stone 'hill' in their way anymore- if the buildings are persistent in this fashion then they have served if not their primary function at least a secondary one-

    not to mention the additional vulnerabilities that tunneling and sky bridging have, once your move has been reacted too, you then react to their change in assault accordingly- its makes dictating the field of play much more easier

    thanks for the observations:D
  4. Roc_Computer

    Roc_Computer Shopkeep Stealer

    we are aware that the bear-corps knee capper design has a slight chance of malfunction due to secondary explosives, but if there are archers there, no problems with knights and bombs, stun and explode archer's secret ;) on the cave, you can put trap bridges to prevent stone from blocking entrances also, bombs are not really an issue until they get on top, for that they need a builder, and he is a bigger issue (the builder).
  5. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    Roof acces will not work alot on pubs, since the tower in front of the main base there will be a tower higher then the main base, cue shield-gliding knightstorm.
  6. Sarmane

    Sarmane Go Tau'va yourself San Diego. Donator

    indeed it would be a shit-storm/knight-gliding storm in its current state- as i said however, that structure shown is only the base model, just showing the main part of what makes it a good hq base, builders are meant to add their own parts to the structure accordingly.:)
  7. KnightGabe13

    KnightGabe13 Arsonist

    *sees first image*
    Time to practice my bomb jumping! :p
    SARGRA13 likes this.
  8. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    Hmm, that could become something, but i dont think you'd ever want roof acces.
    Dont get me wrong, its a good design, but roof acces is usually not a too good idea. You'll always want to use a way to be ABOVE, your enemy, gaining alot of advantage.
    Mayby a winding path?
    Like so:
    :blank: _
    _| |_

    And then make sure you can hold the middle section by adding doors behind it, and you will always have a advantage
    You can even add roof acces to the end!
    KnightGabe13 likes this.
  9. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    I'm a bit confused by the choice to have "windows" as it were in the first tower, is that intentional? Generally light is best avoided from a defensive standpoint unless there's some trap that your not gonna notice otherwise, you'd still see the archers in all those 3 positions regardless, just not quite as well if those points were clogged up with backwall.
  10. Sarmane

    Sarmane Go Tau'va yourself San Diego. Donator

    left the 'windows' to help light the interior so you could see in this demonstration :)

    @Miauw62- completly agree with you- and thats what the HQ base does when given more add-ons (used to do a 'hallway' winding path like you suggest)- i showed the HQ in its current form to highlight the idea that a HQ base can give defenders an easy route of exit/entry while making life more difficult for opponents whom would either door smash ground level entries or attempt "heisting" the flag- not to mention its fast as brooo :D
  11. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    Yeah I thought they were intentional, just was always under the impression it was better to stay in the dark as much as possible as an archer unless you are gonna be at risk off been snook up on yourself.
    SARGRA13 likes this.
  12. MrJinkies

    MrJinkies Horde Gibber

    I only got 1 problem with this structure and that is it's movement all snipe holes are seperated withot quick access to change or re adjust this can be a deciding factor in a buildigs usefullness also that spike pit with team doors maybe ladders underneath for archers to use them??
    SARGRA13 likes this.
  13. Sarmane

    Sarmane Go Tau'va yourself San Diego. Donator

    that is a major flaw- doors on the side might prove best- just add trap-brigdes over the appropriate exit/entry to cover the awkward vaulting- good observation