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[428] General Knight Discussion

Discussion in 'Knight' started by killatron46, May 14, 2012.

  1. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    I agree, when i first came... It was a lot better, none of the "WHAT THE FU** HOW THE FU** DID THAT HAPPEN THATS BULLSH**"

    Back then, i sucked though.... LOL
  2. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    What I'm basically trying to say is why did they have to change the way combat works and class balance even though there was nothing wrong with them a few builds ago. Of course there was a few glitches and other stuff that people wanted to be fixed, but in this build (even though there are less bugs:migrant:) The combat mechanics are horrible and class balance is completely stuffed. Because of that the game gets to aggravating to play and people are winning by using no amount of strategy.
    I hope the devs fix this quick because it is really getting quite horrible at a fast pace, class balancing and other mechanics are hard to do so I'm Not expecting them to fix it straight away, but I would rather them focus on the main gameplay rather then adding more things.
  3. Riletyface

    Riletyface Horde Gibber

    Exid, just because you can't adapt to the current build doesn't mean you should go around, wanting to be in build >203. Work as a team, beat the people who are doing the things that can't be dealt with alone. If it makes your team win, then surely it is great intelligence and alteration of how you currently play KAG.
  4. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    I'm saying they should fix it not bring back build [203] or [190], Im not going to adapt to this build because it is horrible, as knights people just spam bash and jab with no amount of skill, Archers just stay back in healing shops and sniping some fool who is not shielding and hardly anyone go's offensive builder any more. This game is running out of fun, sure its cool when we get new stuff but really there's nothing better then killing eight knights in a row, sniping people from far away and watching your buildings and traps work.
    You cant do the same stuff as you did in older builds ex : [Old build] bomb jumping over a base then running away with the flag [this build] bomb jump over a base the chance of hitting a block that explodes you 40% chance your stun lasts forever 10% Bounce off the block like its rubber 40% chance of making it over if hitting a corner 10%
    Riletyface are you really asking me to use teamwork, I remember trying to Make the public's win in a AOE vs ALL, you know what happened nothing, people don't listen too you because they are either busy fighting, talking or thinking of themselves.
    I joined aoe so I could actually get some teamwork, If your asking me to try to make a team in a public server your asking to much.
    Also Riletyface my job I do for my team is to push and gain as much time, this helps my team a lot but I'm finding it harder with each and every build that goes by.
    Extra : Im sure your sick of people beating you to riletyface with only bashing and jabbing spam.
    Antman likes this.
  5. Riletyface

    Riletyface Horde Gibber

    As you said, they are making this build more realistic, more rational in how you play the game. Although I agree with most of your statements, try to accept that spamming hate about the all the work that the developers have done for us. And really, if you need to kill 10 knights each death to make yourself convivial, your expectations are high. On another note - It is agreed that I want some things to be back, too: Bomb jumping 100 blocks away from where you formerly were was just too immortal for the poor little builders. I want bomb jumping to let you go higher, not horizontally further, with that getting rid of some of the annoying "I hit a wall and exploded" glitches.
  6. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    My expectations for killing ten knights are low, But they are quite high when Its a 1vs1 So I always get angry when I see someone just spamming bash and jab and win, compared to me when I try to time it and position myself right but fall flat on my face because bash and jab spam is so stupidly overpowered. Me and a few other people try to avoid using spam as much as possible, but its getting more moronic and harder to counter without spamming yourself with every build.
    One likes this.
  7. Riletyface

    Riletyface Horde Gibber

    Yeah, jab spam should be the same rate as knights dig blocks. :P
  8. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    That is the most annoying thing about this jab spam, if its a one on one you can do this but if its a two vs one your going to die.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  9. I find this one of the best builds for knight combat, yeah shield bash bugs and abuse is annoying, but atleast my bloody slashes actually hit people instead of going straight through them.
  10. Antman

    Antman Base Burner

    Yeah, it's smooth and not very buggy at all..
    The probem is that things that do not require skill are more powerful than things that do.
  11. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    Like I said before the only problem people had before in build [190] or [203] were jabs countering, compared to now were things lack of skill and thinking I would rather have the old way back even if it did have a few bugs, I mean earlier builds had problems with squeezing and shooting through walls, and the random bash that would warp people into the ground. These things didn't effect combat that much.
    To me It feels like the devs got rid of good knight combat and bugs, and then they gave us horrible knight combat but less bugs :L
    Cheesemaster66 likes this.
  12. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    A minimum force cap in order to trigger shield bash and preventing being able to bash somebody right at the start of a jump would fix most of these issues. That way, the bash would only work more or less when you actually jump forward onto someone, rather than being able to surf people and still shield bash in a 2 square high tunnel. You actually have to commit yourself to a bash in that situation, meaning that it can counter bad slashes and break shield defenses, but can't do all the other things it does now.
    Exid and Riletyface like this.
  13. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    right now in small 4-6v4-6 pub games i can usually bomb jump their defences (if my idiot team has made a tower or there is a large thing i can jump of of) grab their flag either being able to runoff of it or i die throwing into the reach of my team if someone is there and by this i mean my team is usually hardly there
    also one can take 1v2 jabbing just shield bash as long as there is no high ping bastards players
  14. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    It's easier to do this when, the build time is short, less players, good positioning for the bombjump and the skill level of the opponents is lower then yours.
    The possibility to bombjump into a base and getting the flag was always there for a lot of builds, I'm not saying that its impossible to do, I'm just saying that it's harder to do it without failure in these builds.
    I was just using it as example because It shows that knight mechanics are changing and are getting worse.

    If your having problems with high ping players convince other people to kick them, im sure everyone hates getting killed by a guy being knight with 400 ping. If they are not there to talk you should really kick them because it becomes unenjoyable for many people (even to the high ping player himself/herself)
    extra: not sure if you were saying this because of my post or just randomly saying you can still do it.
  15. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    its usually people with 200 or more ping that i have problem with
    also i hate how for some reason i shield bash an enemy and they go flying and then pop up next to me
  16. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    Unless they are a archer or builder ( or Just want to talk or stalk someone), they shouldn't be on that server even when they aren't playing knight,laggy arrows and lagging builder hammers make the game really annoying to play.

    Are you talking about when you send a enemy flying forwards and then all of a sudden they appear right behind you, It's are really nasty glitch that gives the enemy knight a chance to back stab you when your brain is still trying to figure out what the hell happened.
    GhostyS likes this.
  17. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    Well, knight combat is not that bad in this current build. Like what everyone is saying the main problem is how affective jabs are compared to what they used to be. A couple of days ago Antman and I tested if jabs clash, we found out that they don't, I think this is the cause of the new found power in jab spamming. Although I could be wrong. Bashes, well they are just stupid at the moment. However slashes are working damn good, and bombs do not tend to 'half kill' people as often as they used to.
    Antman and GhostyS like this.
  18. Antman

    Antman Base Burner

    Yeah, after testing the jabs, I was starting to think they act like a hammer (just double damage).
  19. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    I would be half okay with that jab spam If my shield worked half the time and if it wasn't stupidly overpowered and overused, and as you said shield bashing in this build is stupid.
    I cant say your right about slashes though, even though its not as much as it used to be, slashing stills has its bullshit moments Ex : failing to do damage even though it hit the enemy knight right in the face.
    I love it when you try to kill an archer on top of a building with a bomb and he survives with 0 hearts, again this is my opinion but bombs should be more concentrated rather then being a frag grenade.

    There are still things that make it different to a hammer (mechanics) , but yeah your right it is almost like a slower but more powerful version of a hammer.
    Antman likes this.
  20. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    i hate that if a builder is attacking me the mini stun is so great that i cannot attack back