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[428] General Knight Discussion

Discussion in 'Knight' started by killatron46, May 14, 2012.

  1. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I find that I can double slash reliably but it's rare that the second hit actually lands like it should.
  2. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    I have noticed that if you spam your shield while moving it up and down you can absorb stun if timed right.
    I don't know what really causes it but I have tested it a bit and about 20 - 50 percent of the time it works (further testing is required)

    Recovery time is just to short, you can't even get a double slash in when you stunned someone with the first slash in mid air, the second one just fails to hit or the person recovers and starts shielding.

    Jabs half the time feel like they cant hit nothing, and the rest of the time It seems they reach to far around corners.
    Jabs hardly slow movement down at all, if someone is standing right next to you and you try to escape they can still keep up while repetitively jabbing at you.

    Knights can't push enemy's away anymore, slashes are meant to but they fail most the time. When someone is hugging you they are staying right next to you, and even if you do get a lucky slash that manages to push them away they just recover midair and easily come back at you.

    Bombs still warp/lag If you slash throw them or throw them while falling.

    A person shielding while standing right next to the enemy and waiting for him/her to either run or attack is just bullshit, if you attack his/her shield takes the hit and then he/she recovers just quick enough to hit you back, and start shielding again (this is for a slash, jabs just get you in a jab spam battle), and running doesn't mean anything because he/she can keep up while attacking.
    zollie20 likes this.
  3. stig700

    stig700 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    i confirm that and it is it is a way to absorb the double slashes with ease if you know the timing the spamming isnt needed you can just move up and down but it onlt works if hes above you not higher than 5 blocks
  4. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    Well that sucks, so whats the point of slashing if your above someone?
    I mean Half the time people move their shield up and down without thinking, and I have noticed how unenjoyable
    it is when your the person going against it.
  5. stig700

    stig700 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    ye it gives turtling a Op feeling to it when his in a hole but its kinda random to sometimes it doesnt work

    but a bash counters it directly because a bash still stuns only a slash doesnt then but because the bash still stuns the slash would hit so its not to op only ig he has a roof
  6. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    Hmm when I tried it most of the time (when it worked) it absorbed every kind of stun like arrows, people stomping, catapult fire, bombs.
    sometimes it would still push the person but it wouldn't stun

    Anything that can stop a attack directly without any consequence is kind of a annoying thing for me, if your are defending with a shield you shouldn't be able to ignore stun.

    People are near impossible to kill when they do this and it's been annoying the shit out of me for the last few builds, thanks for telling me how to spot it better.
    stig700 likes this.
  7. Panasonic

    Panasonic Builder Stabber
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    That's great
    we all hope you enjoy using your shield again also maybe knights could fly but they have to pay a lot of coins for a 1 minute fly around places then we could have air combat
  8. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    I said that in build 418 (the build now is 590), now they hardly block anything or they block every single attack thrown at them. And the best part about it you cant tell when it's going to do this because it's randomish.
  9. zollie20

    zollie20 Haxor

    I've noticed a distinct lack of unique attack styles lately. It started with the pubs, who would just move forward, hold their shield above and do nothing when arrows started to fall, and jab when faced with anyone on the other team. Now this is all fine and dandy, but when premiums dropped their slashes and followed suit, I saw KAG Multiplayer as a sort of place to fight laggy 'Henry' hordes. Anyone else miss when the closest knight would duel you with slashes, bashes AND jabs?
    SlyStalker likes this.
  10. stig700

    stig700 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    i agree with most of it but with the lack of unique attack styles i dont everyone fights diffrent even when they try the same thing they always will fight a bit diffrent
  11. zollie20

    zollie20 Haxor

    There's only so much you can do with clicking repeatedly...
  12. hiddenshadowdart

    hiddenshadowdart Catapult Fodder

    Is it possible to slash/ jab a team bridge? if so; HOW?:bridge::no:
  13. You have to position yourself very carefully, and jump-slash from beneath the trap bridge. You must make sure only the sword of your hitbox touches the bridge, otherwise the bridge will trigger and become invulnerable. It takes a lot of work to get it going, but once you do it you can turn trap bridges into everyone bridges.
  14. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    You don't really have to slash, either. Just jab.
  15. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    To hit a bridge four blocks above ground, it's easiest to jab. To hit a bridge five blocks above ground, it's easiest to slash.

    :castle_wall::sword::sword: :left: These swords are one knight (you!)

    For the lower one, you can make a tiny, slight jump and jab upwards. This should damage the bridge and allow you to get on it. For the next bridge, you can charge a slash, then jump (not too high) while you slash upwards. If you lag a lot, you can sometimes just walk right up to a bridge that is even lower, and jab it before it activates.

    It will take some practice, but this skill separates the noobs from the decent knights. Whenever a pleb team makes a single vertical wall covered with bridges, the good knights on the other team have a field day making the bridges neutral. In addition, once you learn this skill, you will better understand how much a noob can inhibit his teammates, like when someone keeps trying to jump onto the bridge, preventing you from hitting it. :>:(:
    I3lue, Exid and zollie20 like this.
  16. This is very true, the second slash on laggy servers almost never follows up.

    Though on Action last night I was able to land the second slash 80% of the time, I don't really know how the physics work for a guaranteed second slash but most of the time it's pure luck.
  17. SlyStalker

    SlyStalker Shopkeep Stealer

    I find that weird too... I usually either 1) get confused as to why the noob is staying still and shielding then get him with a slash or 2) run away and just when he's about to throw the bomb, jump up behind him and shield
    arcanecat likes this.
  18. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    Last time I lit a bomb near you Sly you ran away like a pussy.
    stig700 and jerloch like this.
  19. SlyStalker

    SlyStalker Shopkeep Stealer

    Oh yeah, that was option three. Don't worry, I only do that with pros. :p
  20. Musicist

    Musicist Builder Stabber

    Can someone explain me why they removed the possibility for knights to "stack up" on shields and use them as a plattform? It was so cool and teamwork-promoting.

    I missed a lot of changelogs, hopped in once again into the game, and found no more of this "feature"; so sad :'(
    MadDog, Varion, hierbo and 1 other person like this.