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[428] General Knight Discussion

Discussion in 'Knight' started by killatron46, May 14, 2012.

  1. It's there, people are just very uncooperative, and also, there is a Beta of King Arthurs Gold on steam which is free for the people who have already bought the game, as Classic has more or less died out.
  2. Musicist

    Musicist Builder Stabber

    I know, I linked my old kag account to the steam one, and I was talking about the "beta" one. Anyway, someone told me (in game) that it's still in, but you have to "climb" the other knight...is it true or what. It's kind of hard to "force" someone to "climb" you ^^'
  3. Yeah, you can climb them, but it leads to glitches like being able to fly, which is pretty fuck'n fun. Games aren't really meant to ever be so realistic.
  4. emasame

    emasame Bison Rider

    This is still in beta? i totally thought this was ousted
  5. ZeldaMarioDude

    ZeldaMarioDude Tree Planter

    Well, you all know that when a knight charge too long the knight will "crash" right? Well, when I was playing beta, I used female knight, and I realized, when I crash I will hear a female "crash" sound. But when I slash, I will hear a manly slashing sound. Something good has to be done.
  6. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Well, there's nothing feminine or masculine about hacking somebody up with a sword. You call the slashing sound "manly", but in reality that one is just more primal.

    Seriously though, a matching female sound will probably get added, once the higher priority stuff gets taken care of. Fixing things like, stated above, a glitch were you can fly seems a bit more important.