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[514] kl4060's random spike traps.

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by kl4060, Oct 7, 2012.

  1. Tyngn

    Tyngn Ballista Bolt Thrower

    The problems for me with these traps is
    A. Expensive (and if the other team decides to mine your spikes)
    B. Time Consuming (to make)
    C. Obvious
    D. Fragile (One block is gone, and your team starts dieing)
    E. Generally Ineffective (The first trap hall, is made so a knight can jump over it easily)

    And if we are gonna talk about fun, I think everyone should have fun, in a way that is not disruptive, and contributes to the team (to an extent) , for all those people who actually want to win.

    Remember KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
    Gofio likes this.
  2. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    oh, right: if you got floating blocks spelling your name, why even bother turn off editor?
  3. kl4060

    kl4060 Haxor

    1. they can't see inside specially in tunnel they just run after you and next thing they know is they are dead.
    </br>--- merged: Oct 9, 2012 9:19 PM ---</br>
    omg what an idiot... there is like 15 traps there. you choose one and use it in your building. not just make it like that so people can jump over.
    and people can't see it because it will be in dark
    and it can be built fast because its 2 or less spikes 1 or 2 doors and 1-3 trap bridge.
  4. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Listen. Stop calling people idiots. It's a bad habit of yours. At many times I question your own intelligence.:argh:

    You posted in Building Critiques. You should expect us to critique your work, telling you what problems there are so that you can make a better structure or trap in the future. You should not expect us simply to praise your sub par work and give you likes. I'll tell you here and now--this thread is terrible. You stuck a bunch of spike traps (that have been explored previously in other threads) into a series of buildings (if you can call them that) using editor, and took a screenshot, plastering your own name over it the top.

    No explanation was given for any of these traps and the way they should be used. You keep telling people that the "it will be in dark", yet you did not even mention that in the OP. Explain how a player can position a trap so that it can't be seen, perhaps including more screenshots of the traps in action. Take into consideration the fact that we, the other members, can't see into your mind and know what you're thinking about the traps. You need to express it in words and/or pictures. :sword:

    By the way, your grammar could use some work as well. If you are going to make a thread for everyone to view and comment on, the least you could do is capitalize words at the beginning of sentences and use punctuation at the end of sentences. (You don't need to be fancy--just legible.) Double your spelling as well! Try to organize your information as best as you can, using numbers or bullets in a long list and adding line breaks to separate walls of text.

    Now that I have presented this basic advice to you, if you do not make an effort to follow it, please don't ever make a thread again.
    Jim_Dale, Lord_bugg, Monsteri and 3 others like this.
  5. Lord_bugg

    Lord_bugg Smashing Donator

    You keep saying it would be dark but why exactly would it be dark? There arent teamdoors at the top of the tower or at either endor the spike corridors which would stop light getting in. Alsodid it not occur to you that although they would (if they were stupid enough) run after you you would also die? spikes arent choosy about who they kill...

    Also i agree with Para that you should stop calling people idiots and man-up enough to take criticism.
  6. Jim_Dale

    Jim_Dale Arsonist

    Why isn't this thread just locked? ParaLogia's said just about everything that needs to be said; (and it's pretty clear KL won't do anything to improve what he's posted...) anything else would be unnecessary.
    soulrealm likes this.