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[590] BSB - Bomb Spam Base

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Cube, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Cube

    Cube Catapult Fodder

    • added build number
    Here's two random variants on a defense tower I'll do almost every game if I get some builder freedom. Depending how the particular game is going, and who's on the enemy (like Contrary) I'll scale it all the way to the top of the map. It's been very effective when it counts. Makes a 40+ vs 0 ticket game still capable of winning. When I finish, I have 300-1000 gold coins. It's been good for throwing more accurate bomb spams and no place for enemy bomb jumpers to land. I came up with it in a game to keep Contrary out. Not everything here was built by me, like the team ladders at the bottom, since these were real games. But I'm looking for any input to improve upon it. KAG BOMB TOWER.jpg kag defense2.jpg t.
  2. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    I'm on the verge of not responding to this, considering how ridiculous the resource cost is and how ineffective it would be in an actual game. This would only be an achievable goal if five or more team builders stay back at the base and minecraft the whole game.

    Now I'm going to point out the obvious flaws in the design.
    • Resource heavy x100.
    • Enemy knights can bomb jump up onto a red door when it's open while an archer is sniping.
    • Two or more builders absolutely devastate the structure. *IN-GAME: Builder, under watchful protection of knights, destroy the spikes and place ladders across the spike trap, then proceed to either mine into the base of the tower or scale up using ladders, placing blocks up the structure at various intervals when collapses threaten your team's survival. The builders, aided with the knights, destroy the red doors, getting into the base and killing remaining enemies (in a game where there's 0 units left for red)and/or capturing the enemy flag.*
    • Catapult, even though all towers are weak to these, this is still a weakness. Especially when aimed at the higher tower point, where there's less actual stone blocks.

    Overall, I think my opening paragraph sums up this tower.
    Thank you, and goodnight.
    Gofio likes this.
  3. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    It's not really that resource heavy, mainly since you don't need all those trapdoors when you build it, you can alter it. And since it is near the tent there is plenty of trees.
    Enemy knights can bomb jump into a red door on every building with doors... Your point is mute.
    Two or more builders devastate any structure known to kag...

    Sorry for critiqueing your critique.

    With a few collapsible bridges this tower would be quite good at stopping an attack, and I doubt anyone will bomb jump over it.
    Go easy on those bridges as well.
  4. I saw this ingame. I helped make one of these, and suddenly ninja Vidar bombjumps into a door and bombs the hell out of it. Seriously vidar, stop with flyhax.

    Otherwise it was a good tower in another game. BC's flatmap I think. It held until the end of the game even if it was on the losing side *cough my side as always cough*

    You could do this to the team doors though for better chances of blocking of more flying ninja vidars:


    Good luck with the BSB. Or you can call it [590] SFNV - Stop Flying Ninja Vidars. Good day.
  5. faygo94

    faygo94 Catapult Fodder

    I agree this is resource heavy, I counted 1040 stone just from the stone blocks, not the back wall, mini tower, or spikes in the pit (first picture) and we can't even see the rest of the structure. I'm estimating another 250 stone if it reaches the map height like he said.
  6. LucasTT

    LucasTT Haxor Tester

    Show me a structure that doesn't have those "problems".
  7. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    If you have a main tower defending your flag that is under 1000 stone worth, then it needs to be taller and bulkier.
  8. faygo94

    faygo94 Catapult Fodder

    Well your entitled to your opinion.
  9. Cube

    Cube Catapult Fodder

    The convenient thing about the resources is that I can throw up a leg, hit the camp, throw up another leg, repeat. I can do a big chunk, quickly, by touching the camp for refills. Then the rest adds to height, and adds gold coins to my pocket to flood the area with bombs when they try to breach. No other builders are needed. Bomb jumping into the doors happens rarely and usually isn't catastrophic when it happens. Archers should be extended on the team bridge with a knight throwing bombs, ready to push Vidar or Contrary out. The big chunks of trap bridges at the bottom were done by Vidar anyway. I don't control those during a game.
    soulrealm and I3lue like this.
  10. Those trapbridges are for coin farms. We greedy knights like to chop trees forever for bombs and instead of throwing the wood down to some incompetent builder we shloop it into the form of trapbridges. 2 coins per block is a good deal if you ask me.
    soulrealm and Cube like this.
  11. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    why does everyone i love try to keep my out :(
    Superblackcat, Cube and I3lue like this.
  12. i dont mind if u cum in.
    eZ kill 4 me.
  13. Cube

    Cube Catapult Fodder

    I agree with it. Encourage it. I'm just pointing out it's not part of the concept.
    Superblackcat and I3lue like this.
  14. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    Personally I find this a good tower, However, make so "Vidar Bomb Chutes"


    etc etc. for more accurate bomb throwing :)
  15. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    How is that in anyway a good tower?
  16. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    That looks more like a Vidar castle, though that isn't exactly how he builds it...
    I3lue likes this.
  17. Cube

    Cube Catapult Fodder

    Here's a game happening now I was spectating with chutes. I like the idea of the chutes, but they're more predictable and lack some angle versatility that I find team bridges give you.

    Attached Files:

    BlueLuigi and I3lue like this.
  18. This is true, but the chutes are meant for pinpoint accuracy in a certain area. Throwing bombs over for max range are for down-the-field targets and the chutes for enemies at the base of the tower. Enemies rarely set up camp on your front lawn :P. They're either really far away/just within range of catas+archers or up in your face.
    Also I feel more protected by the chutes as the chance of being getting those bridges flipped by a flying knight and dying are 100% higher than being behind those chutes and bombing from safety.

    I'd trade safety, especially at zero tickets, than versatility any day.
    Cube likes this.
  19. Cube

    Cube Catapult Fodder

    Good points I3lue. I think in a 40+ vs 0 ticket situation. The original works more effectively because enemies will quickly(and recklessly) gravitate to the area I've highlighted below. That's where the majority of bomb spam kills will happen. In a 0 vs 0 situation, I think the bomb chute would be superior. More protection without sacrificing too much angle potential because of the 2nd bridge. Easily retrofitted as well. Thanks.

    Attached Files:

    I3lue likes this.
  20. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Its big. And resource heavy.
    Other than that its a pretty basic layout and design.

    At least knights cant get over it.