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[590] My Death Trap (Built Infront of Red Base)

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by gorilakingmk2000, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. gorilakingmk2000

    gorilakingmk2000 Drill Rusher

    • added build number
    I was building without disruption. Suddenly so many people came on. And lucky enough we had a pro team. (There was a stupid tower infront of me) So we were able to move up and reds started to bomb jump pass us and walk back. But when they walk back they have the problem of my tower. Please tell me what I can Improve and maybe like rate me out of 10 (1/10 lowest - 10/10 highest)

    Attached Files:

  2. DubstepMonkey

    DubstepMonkey Horde Gibber

    Right build numbers [590] im guessing, very high on resources really weak on the bottom of the structure and way to much wood +1000 (Max). I recommend you work on more cheaper structures and a more defensive and effective tower. Other than that 3.5/10
  3. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    this is impractical and could only exist in freebuilding or as a detriment to your team
  4. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    Too complicated to remember how to build, extremely resource heavy, and overall an impractical tower. Also, one question - how does the enemy actually get stuck in the deep death hole?

    Next time remember the build number. I give it 2.5/10. 0.o
  5. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I can see you put a lot of time and effort into this building, which is good, you just didn't apply it in the right ways. As the other posters have been saying this structure uses too many resources thus is impractical for a real game.

    I'm also wondering, which way to you plan on the enemy coming from? The tower seems to have defenses equally good on both sides, usually you want more defense facing the enemy than behind. (Red is to the right, Blue is to the left, on Blue have more defenses facing to the right and on Red more defenses facing to the left).

    You should also consider adding a way onto the roof, never leave a roof without a way up for your team. In the future, try to post buildings that use less than 500 wood/stone, as anything more than this people usually just disregard. Buildings are meant to be built in stages, (build wall with a little back wall, then go collect more resources, add shops, collect resources, more back wall and thicken, collect resources, ect...).

    Keep up the good work gorilla king. :B):
    Superblackcat, Contrary and Conquerer like this.
  6. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    I had a second look at this tower, and I slightly understand better how this tower works. This is a good tower, but a tad complicated to remember. You should get rid of the spike spam (as well as the trap bridge and door spam inside the tower) on the top and exterior of the tower, and instead focus more on collapses and traps. As killatron said, you also should make a way up onto the roof, for team knights to deal with bomb jumpers/enemy attacking parties. Keep up the good work, this is a good tower, even if resource heavy. I suggest minimising the 3 stone layer on the roof to a 2 stone layer, taking away door spam, trap bridge spam and spike spam, and create a way up to the top level (where the bomb/arrow shops are) of the building on the right to improve the cost of the tower and increase the defence standard.
  7. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Very resource heavy. In fact, too resource heavy.
  8. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    But this is a death trap. For the person trying to build it anywhere it would matter.

    Props for the accurate thread title.
  9. gorilakingmk2000

    gorilakingmk2000 Drill Rusher

    Oh I was stealing resources from reds. So when got so many resources i upgraded. At first there was no left side. And there was roof access. But I had to change it because of bomb jumpers from reds. Blue knights kept gibing me resources.
  10. eamono

    eamono Arsonist

    lol it's an upside down boot

    far too resource heavy, exposed doors, doesn't take alot of work to collaspe, and a bit confusing for your own team to navigate the first few times they do it

  11. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    Could you give at least a brief summary of why you give it a 3 out of a possible 10?
  12. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Merry Christmas.