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[590]Spike Pit Tower

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by FlammableSoulz, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    um I responded to kl, that's why I didn't quote your post. :rollseyes:

    kl was right above me, I thought it was obvious...

    I agree, let's stay on topic.
    Force likes this.
  2. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Yes but the point is to destroy it quickly. Slashing backwall takes a matter of time. Thus the other team would see you and try to kill you...
  3. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    Not if you had several team knights helping you. A builder would help too.

    No. The point is to obtain the enemy flag. To obtain the enemy flag you need to get past every obstruction the other team throw at you, be it a spike trap or a tower. The easiest way to deal with towers is bombs, but knights need to learn to use their swords.
  4. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Of the game in a whole, but taking the flag requires a step by step operation. Destroy this tower, ladder this tower, tunnel under this tower, etc. This is just one step and in this case I just assumed you were a single knight hoping to destroy the tower as quickly as possible and in this case that means using bombs.
  5. Chill like Chillander guys. Now, back on topic. ;)

    I think the bottom tower spike stair could be bothersome early game when enemy knights siege the fort while team knights try to move them into accidentally going in the trap tower. Then they're stuck and without bombs (cause early game). Other than that its pretty useless. A full stone base would better serve the team.
    Force likes this.
  6. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Its a friendly argument. :D