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[781][Gen] What do you think would be the best way to stop stalemates happening?

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by Invaders, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Only in the best teams does teamwork apply. It's not everyday you're in a good team xD
  2. Iamaclay

    Iamaclay Shark Slayer

    Love the meteor shower. Makes no sense and I fucking hate it.
    That's my thoughts. ;)
  3. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    Meteor shower sounds fun and the only way I see it breaking a stalemate is by destroying defenses and forcing both teams to quickly coordinate and rebuild OR take advantage of the situation and rush the other team.

    In the end, when a disaster like this occurs it's usually the team that can quickly get back on it's feet that wins.

    Of course, this won't be a 'magical solution', it would simply motivate people to pay more attention to the game and learn what's best to do in such situations plus how to quickly deal with a dire threat accordingly. In the end, teamwork in KAG is quite simple and you can tell from a glance that a team mate needs back-up but most people simply prefer to ignore that and do what they think is 'fun'.
  4. eamono

    eamono Arsonist

    i'm with one on this, having stalemates be solved by RNG is a terrible idea. 9 times out of 10 the meteors are going to do more damage to one team then the other, and if I was 30 minutes into a match and a fucking meteor comes and makes us lose I would be pissed

    If we're going to have a "disaster" as a stalemate ender I vote earthquakes, it would happen after about 25 minutes and would damage all stone blocks and doors above a certain height. every 5-10 minutes an even worse earthquake would happen which would affect stone blocks worse and closer to the surface. I think this is better because it would affect everyone the same and not rely on rng, and teams would be able to "counter" it since it will not damage wood blocks. This way each material has a weakness, Stone will get damaged in earthquakes so you will need a good team of builders to repair it quickly (note: earthquakes would not destroy stone blocks, each earthquake will damage them a set amount but once they reach maximum damage earthquakes have no affect on them). If you use wood you won't have to worry about earthquakes as much but it will be weak to fire and your knights and archers will most likely have to use their water bombs/arrows on putting it out.

    But if they were to add a "disaster" into KAG (which they probably won't) they need to let server owners toggle it on and off
    amgtree likes this.
  5. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    So. Let's say that this does happen ingame. The stalemate would continue on despite the damaged blocks.. since well... people will either rapidly repair it... or some douchebag would come in and finish the job (a.k.a Griefing)
    Meteor's however are NOT able to insta pwn you, nor are they gonna be Stone kegs falling from the sky, they're just simple boulders falling from the sky that slowly breaks down your defenses from top to bottom not bottom to top...

    Another thing to consider.... what if no one listens to you when you say "REPAIR THE BASE!!!" eventually you'll lose cause no one listens to ya? Sure! Some people will help, but realize this. The kag community is not the most... kind or helpful lot. So dispite what you just said above, that kinda thing will only work if the team in question is actually good.
    And one more thing to consider. What if you have captured 3 walls... due to some obvious reasons.. everyone (Almost everyone...) would be on the front lines repairing. The rest might be on the others. "Minecrafting" as you call it. Because of this, a few players who are bloodthirsty mother fuckers would say "Stop minecrafting, noob! Get to the front lines and help!' Now.. if those few minecrafters go to the frontlines... and the halls behind them fall. If that hall out front is fallen or taken... you're fucked. o-o

    Well.. almost... might last a few moments but that's it. It all depends on what team you have really. o -o
  6. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Pretty much we need some way to make fortifications matter, while still being able to penetrate them at the same time.
    It is a major issue, because fortifications and halls entirely can be ignored in many ways, but at the same time, they can be impossible, or really easy to penetrate.

    Even a hall made out of wood can last an incredible amount of time, that it can be a very silly turtle situation.

    I frankly don't care if the towers are destroyed top-to-bottom, people can get past it easily enough as it is with mining, or flying [and it becomes a strange game where it eerily becomes CTP]; and penetration [to claim the hall] is a matter of a few dozen minutes of constant bombing, or someone using the door at the wrong time.
  7. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    You have a very negative view on the community don't you
  8. eamono

    eamono Arsonist

    I would rather lose because my team sucks instead of losing because some stupid rng sent the fist of god down upon my base while the enemy got a playful slap. and no matter what happens both of our ideas don't fit into KAG at all and there is definetly a better option to solving stalemates, perhaps more late game seige weapons, or perhaps a research system that doesn't give both teams the same thing after 10 minutes.
  9. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    I missed the old flood mechanic in classic. Man that was awesome. But right when that happend they would have to activate drowning
  10. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    bring back the old 60 minute countdown timer.
    Apronymous, crackwise and Invaders like this.
  11. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    What was the 60 minute timer? 60 minutes until sudden death?
    I don't know, I think the issue would become turtling, and making halls [and their fortifications, or their capture] frivolous.
  12. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    never played classic CTF? after 60 minutes, it would just end in a tie. I guess for TTH it could be whoever has the most halls at the end of the game wins the round.
    Apronymous likes this.
  13. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Actually that's a mod, it's never been an official feature of CTF.
  14. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    best mod then
    Apronymous likes this.
  15. eamono

    eamono Arsonist

    OT: I hope CTF will remove stalemates :/
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2013
  16. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    But yeah, TTH falls into a horrible monotony
    CTF, well, they said it'd be difficult.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2013
  17. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    There has not(from what I've seen) been a stalemate in the past couple of builds. As much as tths is a crappy gamemode and sucks a** it does not have stalemates(from what I've seen.)
  18. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Spending 30 minutes straddling the same midlands is a pretty good example of a stalemate.
  19. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    I thought that was just the average round time. That is not bad at all. I remember playing one round at 6 PM then when the round ends its 4 in the morning.
  20. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    I honestly don't see a way of getting rid of stalemates other then making game modes simpler. In a game like kag I think we just need to learn to live with the occasional stalemate. And if you can't just play tdm. *~*
    neil_v and Guitarman like this.