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[781][Gen] What do you think would be the best way to stop stalemates happening?

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by Invaders, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. JTG

    JTG Bison Rider Tester

    Siege right now is fine, before the current siege, they were a absolute nightmare; you all didn't think things through or experiment or even analyze things like usual, the cata has infinite ammo considering repacking, it can mow down enemies quite easily when parked at a proper place, so the trajectory skims ground when manned by a person with good aim
    Its also very easy to park alongside of that and defend as a knight while opening a hole for you to go through to do your business.

    The catapult is actually a forward siege weapon for front line attacks, which is why its cheaper than the ballista, better at mowing down enemies than the ballista and can be repacked for infinite ammo in summary.

    On the other side, the ballista is actually your frigging artillery, with bomb bolts, it can easily wreck a team across a lot of distance safely, if your builders are making ballista platforms, not to mention it completely destroys anything you need it to quite fast.

    The ballista can be aimed precisely in two manners, the very bottom of the angle is the furthest you can shoot, you can decrease the power, or raise your angle to move the arc backwards. That being said the ballista can actually go a VERY large distance since it doesn't drop that much compared to a catapult projectilewise. So setting it up on elevation increases its distance drastically, Ironing that point in again

    What you are asking for is basically the ability to shoot siege weapons from your base into the enemies fortification, the ballista can nearly always do that depending on map size, and if not a slightly frontal tower gets the job done, in any case you should wait for a modder to make a trebuchet if thats your aim.

    Siege right now breaks stalemates faster than ever, Its just most people ignore it and fight, this is literally THE power of the builder right here engineering wise.

    Also to add onto that, you even need to chart the ballista like artillery when using a platform, by hitting M and viewing the tile destruction on the minimap per each bolt so you know what you are hitting, that completely says a lot about its usage doesn't it?
  2. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Oh yeah believe me, I've ended matches with the Ballista that had been going for hours. Some walls were 10 tiles thick and that bomb bolt was essential for getting to their flag. That being said, I still feel like there should be less crazy taxi driving going on and more slow and steady advancement. A trebuchet would be a nice touch, something on treads would be optimal in my opinion. I really want a slow, powerful, melee siege engine that gets up close and pounds on the enemy's walls, that'd be pretty sick.