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[963] Flag Lure Trap

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Klokinator, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay


    I originally made this trap in a ctf match but recreated it in sandbox. Please assume the middle has a flag in it.

    Meet the flag lure trap! This trap is extremely minecrafty, but very stable and effective at the same time. Its biggest weakness is that a keg can be delivered right to the center of the building, thus ruining all your planning, and it also has the dilemma that dumb teammates trying to climb the middle inside will fall into the saw because they can't get past the trap blocks, but assuming your teammates aren't borderline brain dead this shouldn't be a major issue.

    This tower costs approximately 500 stone for the tower itself, and for the small trap outside another 150-200 stone. (Like I said, minecrafty.). As far as wood goes, I try to use wood backwall everywhere except where a strategically placed fire arrow could burn everything to the ground.

    The idea is that when a knight approaches, they have four main threats to worry about.

    1. Attack that wooden front door, because it's made of shitty cheap wood! And wood sucks! Then they fall into the trap (Made of LAYERED spikes, natural tile, stone tile, natural tile) and die.
    2. Say to themselves "Oh look some idiot accidentally made the platforms face the wrong way so I can climb in and get their flag hurr durr" and then they climb in. If they jump up to the ledge and stay there slashing at the platforms, the spikes underneath will keep slashing them.
    3. If they decide to walk further into the trap, they either fall down into the saw for a quick KO, or they hop onto the ledge to attack the wooden doors. Because wooden doors are shitty! Meanwhile that spike in front of the wooden doors takes care of them.
    4. If the saw gets destroyed or deactivated, there are spikes in front of each door that will likely take care of them while they're stuck in there.

    This trap requires that your teammates stop keggers from getting to it, and while I'm not sure what happens if a keg falls into a saw (Does it explode or does it get destroyed?) it's still a good idea to make sure someone defends it.

    Thoughts? Anyone else think of a way they can modify this to be less minecrafty and just as effective?
    Hallic and Aphelion like this.
  2. dogenator.png
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
  3. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    You so funny.
  4. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    If Knights didn't have bombs, this trap would be pretty much unstoppable. Unfortunately, they do, and one well-placed bomb will probably break a spike or two, rendering it far less effective.

    Still, it's quite impressive.
    Klokinator likes this.
  5. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I actually find it's most effective against archers, since they have no way to get past it unless they climb over it.

    But then again, a snail would be effective against an archer.
    Saigon likes this.