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CTF [ACCEPTED]Toothgrinderx

Discussion in 'Accepted Maps' started by PUNK123, May 30, 2017.

  1. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    Map name: Toothgrinderx
    Gamemode: CTF
    Symmetrical: no(but mainly)
    Special features:
    • Teeth
    • Cavities
    • Poorly made tongue
    • Thick Stone for Gums
    • Fillings
    • Cancer
    Last edited: May 31, 2017
  2. erik102003

    erik102003 Base Burner Tester

    Plz do
  3. _Cuffs_

    _Cuffs_ Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Looks dope but, how will it play? I've never been a fan of maps with roofs because games usually end up with a few players, mainly archers, just dicking around up top and not really contributing but the teeth shapes might make a top route more interesting and maybe more viable. Looks like it could be a lot of fun.
    BarsukEughen555, PUNK123 and Fuzzle like this.
  4. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    The real dickish behavior wouldn't be from lemming archers, but from sky tunnelers raining kegs.
  5. toothgrinderx

    toothgrinderx Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin

    10/10 best looking map of all time

    And it probably plays better than half of what's on the rotation right now.
    Clev, BarsukEughen555 and Biurza like this.
  6. _Cuffs_

    _Cuffs_ Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    It has a dumb name though.
  7. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    This looks pretty neat. I don't mind the cave-top maps, they definitely can lead to keg drop spam but the extra path makes them a unique experience. There are often pretty spectacular collapses as well.

    I'll add it to the repo on monday.
    Vampire, epsilon, Ni and 4 others like this.
  8. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Slightly modified it to add a border of bedrock - keeps the "minimap art" aspect but makes the sky black so the in-game appearance is a little nicer.
    PUNK123 and _Cuffs_ like this.
  9. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    Some opinions expressed from the first playthru of toothgrinderx
    [00:05:13] <[©] PUNK123> geti
    [00:05:17] <[©] PUNK123> /loadmap toothgrinderx
    [00:05:36] Map: Punk123_toothgrinderx
    [00:05:37]  * Scrambling the teams...
    [00:05:38] <TOXIC Cruxiat> EW
    [00:05:39] <TOXIC Cruxiat> SOL
    [00:05:40] <TOXIC Cruxiat> NEXT MAP
    [00:05:41] <Geti> enjoy
    [00:05:42] <[©] PUNK123> oh god
    [00:05:43] <john> * whoa *
    [00:05:45] <john> * really *
    [00:05:45] <TOXIC Cruxiat> oh geti
    [00:05:47] <john> * weird map *
    [00:05:48] <Waxtor1> dafuq is dis
    [00:05:57] <ETHER JayP> weirdddddd
    [00:05:59] <[©] PUNK123> its toothgrinderx
    [00:06:01] <Plasmon> i've never seen this map for but it offends me
    [00:06:01] <[AOE] Taricus> Geti :D
    [00:06:01] <[©] PUNK123> blame him
    [00:06:01] <Waxtor1> shark mouth?
    [00:06:12] <OVEN_MAN> What... is this map.
    [00:08:58] <ETHER JayP> This map thouh
    [00:08:58] <Geti> :p
    [00:09:06] <Geti> i quite like these kinda maps tbh
    [00:10:41] <OVEN_MAN> Please just take the flag and next map.
    [00:10:58] <Geti> lol@ map griping
    [00:11:10] <CLUCK Terri> No clue people don't like this map
    [00:11:12] <CLUCK Terri> I think it's fun
    [00:11:57] <TOXIC Cruxiat> GG THIS MAP IS TERRIBLE
    [00:11:58] Blue Team's flag has been captured by Cruxiat!
    [00:11:59] <TOXIC Cruxiat> GG THIS MAP IS TERRIBLE
    [00:11:59] <TOXIC Cruxiat> GG THIS MAP IS TERRIBLE
    [00:11:59] <TOXIC Cruxiat> GG THIS MAP IS TERRIBLE
    [00:12:04] <Dar> pretty cancer map
    [00:12:05] <Geti> terri its punk's map :) no salt from me
    [00:12:11] <[©] PUNK123> to be fair
    [00:12:15] <[©] PUNK123> geti accepted the map
    [00:12:16] <ETHER JayP> Ofc it is
    [00:12:18] <ETHER JayP> fucking punk
    [00:12:19] <Geti> just have seen people complain about literally flat maps and complicated maps so uh
    [00:12:20] <[©] PUNK123> i called the map cancer
    [00:12:21] <ETHER JayP> autism
    [00:12:32] <[©] PUNK123> i legit called the map cancer in the thread
    [00:12:33] <Dar> ofc punk is the author
    [00:12:36] <[©] PUNK123> and said tooth made me do it
    [00:12:40] <[©] PUNK123> it is all on geti
    [00:12:40] <Geti> ;)
    [00:12:46] <[©] PUNK123> map seems fine tho i stand by it
    [00:12:46] <Geti> #blamepunk
    [00:12:48] <[©] PUNK123> fucking cucks
    [00:12:49] <ETHER JayP> autist makin cancer maps
    [00:12:51] <CLUCK Terri> I like it
    [00:12:51] <Waxtor1> I find high maps cause bigger bases
    [00:13:01] <[©] PUNK123> i has question
    [00:13:02] <Geti> and yeah i like those kinda maps cause you get more vertical play
    [00:13:37] <ETHER JayP> Asking for permission to skip that map every times it comes on
    [00:13:38] <[©] PUNK123> there were like 5 blue builders up top tho
    [00:13:44] <TOXIC Cruxiat> ik
    [00:13:45] <TOXIC Cruxiat> cancer
    [00:14:16] <[©] PUNK123> i made tht map because tooth asked me too
    [00:14:22] <[©] PUNK123> hence why its called toothgrinderx
    [00:14:35] <CLUCK Terri> No matter what reasons you give punk you will always be the bad guy.
    [00:14:37] <[©] PUNK123> idk why everyone is salty when everyone else was enabling me
    [00:14:48] <CLUCK Terri> But don't worry I think it's good
    [00:14:59] <CLUCK Terri> You still suck poo though.
    Didgedy, Asu, an_obamanation and 2 others like this.
  10. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Be proud of your map, punk. It's their fault for not being able to handle how awesome it is.
  11. Cruxiat

    Cruxiat Haxor Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    [00:05:13] <[©] PUNK123> geti
    [00:05:17] <[©] PUNK123> /loadmap toothgrinderx
    [00:05:36] Map: Punk123_toothgrinderx
    [00:05:37]  * Scrambling the teams...
    [00:05:38] <TOXIC Cruxiat> EW
    I give really good feedback
  12. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    imo having a gimmicky map in the rotation like this one is not all that bad, although I haven't played it yet, it does look like fun to play on.
    BarsukEughen555 likes this.
  13. jibbo35442

    jibbo35442 Base Burner

    Seems builder friendly, especially up top.
  14. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    Tunnels generally are:rekt:
  15. erik102003

    erik102003 Base Burner Tester

    How the fuck did this got accepted? Archers just camp on top spamming arrows, cant build a normal base, not talking about that its super hard to defend it.It gets skipped most of the time. Plz delet
    Fuzzle likes this.
  16. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    Everyone can get to the top it is a vertical map.
    "normal base" can you be any more ambiguous?
    Kinda the point of being able to take over the sky above the enemy that they dont have much defense afterwards right?
    Ive played on it 4 times and it hasnt been skipped. I dont know your individual experience, but i dont think a decision to remove a map should be based on only the games that you have played on them(and whether or not they were nextmapped). Obviously if you dislike the map you'd start a nextmap vote every time it came up so im assuming that what you mean is that the majority of kag dislikes the map, which would be good to know. I cant take your word for it that everyone hates a map though because you arent everyone.
    Quality criticism certainly makes the effort i put into it feel worthwhile.

    note:these opinions are expressed as the mapmaker and not the map moderator. Nothing can be done with the cycle anyway until joop comes back.
  17. erik102003

    erik102003 Base Burner Tester

    Yeah, i know, i have eyes, but when im a knight, how am i supposed to kill a archer thats hanging on the ceiling? And no i dont want to switch to archer every single time theres an archer
    A tower, for example, the hill is in the redzone, so you cant build in it, the second enemies get the control of the hill youre dead. Also the area below "teeth" has SO FUCKING MUCH potentional for ratting
    dafuq? only thing you can do from up there is drop spikes as builder or shoot arrows as archer, and few blocks of platforms stop that anyway
    [00:05:13] <[©] PUNK123> geti
    [00:05:17] <[©] PUNK123> /loadmap toothgrinderx
    [00:05:36] Map: Punk123_toothgrinderx
    [00:05:37] * Scrambling the teams...
    [00:05:38] <TOXIC Cruxiat> EW
    [00:05:39] <TOXIC Cruxiat> SOL
    [00:05:40] <TOXIC Cruxiat> NEXT MAP
    [00:05:41] <Geti> enjoy
    [00:05:42] <[©] PUNK123> oh god
    [00:05:43] <john> * whoa *
    [00:05:45] <john> * really *
    [00:05:45] <TOXIC Cruxiat> oh geti
    [00:05:47] <john> * weird map *
    [00:05:48] <Waxtor1> dafuq is dis
    [00:05:57] <ETHER JayP> weirdddddd
    [00:05:59] <[©] PUNK123> its toothgrinderx
    [00:06:01] <Plasmon> i've never seen this map for but it offends me
    [00:06:01] <[AOE] Taricus> Geti :D
    [00:06:01] <[©] PUNK123> blame him
    [00:06:01] <Waxtor1> shark mouth?
    [00:06:12] <OVEN_MAN> What... is this map.
    [00:08:58] <ETHER JayP> This map thouh
    [00:08:58] <Geti> :p
    [00:09:06] <Geti> i quite like these kinda maps tbh
    [00:10:41] <OVEN_MAN> Please just take the flag and next map.
    [00:10:58] <Geti> lol@ map griping
    [00:11:10] <CLUCK Terri> No clue people don't like this map
    [00:11:12] <CLUCK Terri> I think it's fun
    [00:11:57] <TOXIC Cruxiat> GG THIS MAP IS TERRIBLE
    [00:11:58] Blue Team's flag has been captured by Cruxiat!
    [00:11:59] <TOXIC Cruxiat> GG THIS MAP IS TERRIBLE
    [00:11:59] <TOXIC Cruxiat> GG THIS MAP IS TERRIBLE
    [00:11:59] <TOXIC Cruxiat> GG THIS MAP IS TERRIBLE
    [00:12:04] <Dar> pretty cancer map
    [00:12:05] <Geti> terri its punk's map :) no salt from me
    [00:12:11] <[©] PUNK123> to be fair
    [00:12:15] <[©] PUNK123> geti accepted the map
    [00:12:16] <ETHER JayP> Ofc it is
    [00:12:18] <ETHER JayP> fucking punk
    [00:12:19] <Geti> just have seen people complain about literally flat maps and complicated maps so uh
    [00:12:20] <[©] PUNK123> i called the map cancer
    [00:12:21] <ETHER JayP> autism
    [00:12:32] <[©] PUNK123> i legit called the map cancer in the thread
    [00:12:33] <Dar> ofc punk is the author
    [00:12:36] <[©] PUNK123> and said tooth made me do it
    [00:12:40] <[©] PUNK123> it is all on geti
    [00:12:40] <Geti> ;)
    [00:12:46] <[©] PUNK123> map seems fine tho i stand by it
    [00:12:46] <Geti> #blamepunk
    [00:12:48] <[©] PUNK123> fucking cucks
    [00:12:49] <ETHER JayP> autist makin cancer maps
    [00:12:51] <CLUCK Terri> I like it
    [00:12:51] <Waxtor1> I find high maps cause bigger bases
    [00:13:01] <[©] PUNK123> i has question
    [00:13:02] <Geti> and yeah i like those kinda maps cause you get more vertical play
    [00:13:37] <ETHER JayP> Asking for permission to skip that map every times it comes on
    [00:13:38] <[©] PUNK123> there were like 5 blue builders up top tho
    [00:13:44] <TOXIC Cruxiat> ik
    [00:13:45] <TOXIC Cruxiat> cancer
    [00:14:16] <[©] PUNK123> i made tht map because tooth asked me too
    [00:14:22] <[©] PUNK123> hence why its called toothgrinderx
    [00:14:35] <CLUCK Terri> No matter what reasons you give punk you will always be the bad guy.
    [00:14:37] <[©] PUNK123> idk why everyone is salty when everyone else was enabling me
    [00:14:48] <CLUCK Terri> But don't worry I think it's good
    [00:14:59] <CLUCK Terri> You still suck poo though.
    And i didnt see ANYONE saying something positive about this map
    I am trying to criticise the map, but theres just so much wrong with it

    I kinda like maps that "step out of the line" but this one is just one big EW
    Didgedy and Fuzzle like this.
  18. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    You throw a bomb, or bombjump, or drop down on them from above, but most of the time they're not worth reaching anyway. How are you supposed to kill a builder that's deep in their base or a tunnel? With some effort. That's hardly a problem, if an archer really wants to just sit around somewhere where they're mostly safe and spray arrows, they'll be able to do that on any map.
    But there's hella bedrock and water, that's not the kinda place I would wanna rat in. And what hill are you talking about? The canines? On maps like these you can pretty easily seal off your side of the map, and the canines are far enough from the middle that any builder could make a usable wall before the first knights get there. I think if anything it's good to have maps where you can't make a "normal" base (read: you have to change your strategy based on the terrain, which is kind of the entire point of having different maps)

    I think people are just map weenies. In any case, your chatlog is hardly "evidence" that this map is widely hated, and besides, there are people who have positive things to say about it even in that chatlog, like Geti for example.
  19. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    That criticism is really only valid for tdm. You dont need to be able to kill any camper in ctf.
    You have a canine tooth right infront of the hill that is taller than the hill. I dont see how there isnt any opness involved in that layout. If i messed around with the map and made it to where you could build on top of the canine tooth then the map really wouldnt work because youd have a strong position and a full built base on it. In conclusion though, no you still have a pretty strong hold spot once they take mid.

    The are below the tooth is filled with water. If you want to rat you might have some success but ALOT less than you would if you came from the map from above.

    You profess to have eyes right?
    [00:09:06] <Geti> i quite like these kinda maps tbh
    [00:11:10] <CLUCK Terri> No clue people don't like this map
    [00:11:12] <CLUCK Terri> I think it's fun
    [00:12:51] <Waxtor1> I find high maps cause bigger bases

    Id also like to give some context that was obvious to me but isnt to you(because i played that game and you didnt). Cruxiat didnt want to even give the map a chance(which is fine but doesnt make his salt valid imo). Darruin's message i immediately disregard because he is a troll when it comes to anything i make(see spoiler for resource he didnt play on but downvoted hard with his friend).
    It also was a very small pool of people's opinion(one aus ctf map in the middle of the night) and i only posted it to show how funny it was that people immediately shat their pants looking at the map. Even Cruxiat admitted his criticism was terrible in this thread itself. You're taking a joke post of mine as proof of your point, when it doesnt.
    You're doing a bad job of it imo.
  20. erik102003

    erik102003 Base Burner Tester

    Eh, ok then keep your shitty map, i suppose ill be forced to leave when this map comes on