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Ace of Spades General

Discussion in 'Other games' started by saniblues, Aug 11, 2011.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. VadimRus

    VadimRus Shipwright

    Ace of Spades Beta 0.60 is OUT!

    1. -SMG no longer sucks
    2. -global killfeed
    3. -configurable controls
    4. -added windowed mode
    5. -spade now has alt-fire (replaces pickaxe functionality)
    6. -server can reset map or load new map without restarting
    7. -map transfers now compressed
    8. -wireframe block placement
    9. -can now hear other players reload
    10. -score page is now sorted
    11. -out of ammo indicator
    12. -clearer chat console
    13. -better hit registration
    14. -actual .ini files
    15. -separate configs for client and server
    16. -network protocol improvements
  2. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Yay! Now what's there left to do, are some default map servers! I love the default map, but almost no one hosts it anymore. Could someone from these forums host a default map as 'Official EU TW'? It was much on in the early times, and I think that the name would attract much oldfags to play.
  3. Doohl

    Doohl Shipwright

    Yeah, I kind of miss the default genned map. There's just something about how natural it feels for blue to be tunnel rats and green the fortress builders, instead of the usual maps like pinpoint where there's no strategy at all, it's just building random walls and pictures and shooting at the other team. Also, most servers using pinpoint make the water hurt you, so you don't even have the choice to sneak around all the shooting, nab the intel and take a few potshots at the enemy, and return victorious.
    Monsteri, Neat and illu like this.
  4. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    nice game,too many griefers.
  5. Marijuana

    Marijuana Shipwright

    Grievers are a mechanism in that game, they're the actual challenge.
    Eggnogg likes this.
  6. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    I played the game and I like it, Though I think its a tad to easy to rack up kills with the rifle since the heads of the players are so frikkin huge!

    The new Territorial control seems like a fun gamemode but I have yet to find a decent server that hosts it.
  7. UWBW

    UWBW Shipwright

    I can't get it to run! It won't connect to the server or something.
  8. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I like it okay, mostly since it plays decently on my quite old laptop I use while at work.

    It feel like its mostly dumbeddowndeathmatchminecraftwithguns
  9. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Haven't played this since they introduced new weapons and made the rifle shit. Until today.

    The rifle's back to being good; Why even bother with the other two? Also everyone is terrible at it now, and boy is there a lot of people. Fair play to Ben for sticking with it, it's a lot cleaner and friendlier now. Still a bit of fun.
  10. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    How did they make the rifle shit? It was fairly good even when the other two weapons were put in, it beat the other two pretty awesomely.
  11. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    It's accuracy plummeted. You went from being able to headshot someone in one shot if you aimed well, to being able to hit someone with a few shots maybe sometimes.

    Now it shoots straight again, yay!
  12. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Yay I completely missed the nerf saga!
  13. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    Yeah, the rifle was given a huge firing cone :/

    I really wish I could still play some of the earlier builds. The new weapons aren't entirely useful. It was great when the game was actually like a WW1 snipefest :D
  14. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    Just played the new build on an original gen server (the only gen server in the entire lobby!), and it was great fun. I like the territory gametype; it promotes teamwork, and battles are a lot more condensed.

    But I dislike the new HUD. The game still has some major issues such as unbalanced teams (shouldn't get to choose), game lobby, lack of accounts, bad interface as well as how difficult it is to kick griefers.
  15. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    i like the rifle as it is now,too powerfull before the nerf.
    and the SMG and shotgun both have their advantages and disadvantages.
  16. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    I think the SMG has it's place, yes, but the shotgun; not so much.
  17. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    What destroyed the atmosphere and strategy in this game was the autoclimb.
    Otherwise it hasn't changed very much.

    This image is a bit exaggerated, especially on custom maps, but sure is right.
    AoS before autoclimb, AoS after autoclimb.

    Honestly, smashing space button was annoying at times, but the autoclimb is just too fast. And not to mention it usually blows your cover, when you accidentally walk a block up. You don't either need to plan your manuevers very much, you just have to run & gun. Everyone lone-wolfs because they need no team, and it is so fast to run across a map that death isn't even any penalty.
    Green forts used to be glorious massacre lines - lasting for hours, without blues ever seeing them falling down. People built bridges and tunnels for faster transport, and this became TC mode in itself - they offered the other team so much advantage, that usually all the enemy team forces were used just to bring them down - and this led to forts near the transport systems, oh, it didn't happen every time, but when it did, it was AMUSING.
    Now it never happens.
    Now there is no need for bridges. No need for tunnels. No need for great Green forts. All because of autoclimb. (and slightly because of the sucky community too).

    You don't need bridges, it is easy and fast to move from A to B without any flat route.
    You don't need tunnels, no need for intel capture, no need to be in cover from Green fortifications, no need for faster transport.
    You don't need big forts, reaching mountains is fast, you need no extra cover.
    You don't need to do anything other than running and gunning, even in genmaps.
    You don't even need a team around you, it is usually a 1vs1 situation because there are no green forts.

    4/5 of this only because of a very little feature, called autoclimb. And yeah, 1/5 the internet kids.
    Server hosters play a quite big role in it too, tho, all hosting shitty maps.

    For the people that were angry about their thumb-medicine bill, duh, they could have just held their space down instead of hitting it.
    illu likes this.
  18. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure in some of the earliest builds, there was an auto-jump feature. Ben knew that smashing the spacebar was ridiculous, so all you had to do was hold space and the character would jump automatically.
  19. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    i liked holding space.
    meh maybe he should put some kind of workshop like at KAG so buildings have at least SOME use* other then being camp and hiding spots.
  20. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    Yes, I think it's unfortunate that all an effective defensive structure needs to be is a wall with a hole in it for sniping from.
Mods: BlueLuigi