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Action! Unlimited

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Rayne, Dec 5, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    Well, despite my spammy post not being deleted, a moderator did respond to it, so even if Raron isn't still watching this thread it is still moderated.... If by moderated you mean people who just so happen to be mods read it for shits and giggles XD
  2. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Why do you think I am here posting about it. It's a take over.:p

    Your admins are already getting tired of the shitty way you handle things so I was hired to usurp you and put rayne back in charge.

    P.S. With the way you run the server you should stop calling it Action

    Killing what was left :v
  3. JohnTS

    JohnTS Builder Stabber

    I got frozen for some reason, I think because I broke a bridge by accident and it killed a teammate. Due to my unstable internet, I got disconnected during this frozen period, because of this, I got banned. Unban pls? :thumbs_up:
  4. Unbanned you JohnTS, I was wondering whether or not someone had banned you or you had left, as I was going to unfreeze you.
    Lancelotz likes this.
  5. JohnTS

    JohnTS Builder Stabber

    Thank you! :D
  6. Ottuboy

    Ottuboy Horde Gibber

    I just read through the Medieval swastika action. In my opinion, Radpipe is being an ass, publicly confessing banning Medieval because personal feelings. Using swastika action as an excuse. All the respected members know, that Medieval does not deserve this idiotic ban. There are always way too many griefers in Unlimited, and then you ban the guy who has always been righteous. Good luck with the attitude man, will not take you far in life.
    rocker2 and Hella like this.
  7. So this guy is righteous even though he griefed in the middle of his base? k.
    Lancelotz likes this.
  8. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Yeah, Medieval's a decent guy.
    Kalikst and Ottuboy like this.
  9. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    hmmm, you only have 2 posts, you're reading old pages of our server thread, and you didn't complain about being banned yourself, so the 2 logical conclusions would be:

    1) medieval told you about being banned on action, and you thought that you could come vouch for him and have it undone, even though you'd never used the forums before and therefore the only ones with whom your opinion would carry any wait is those who you have played with many times; so either you think that you know many action admins personally, or you just came onto our thread, insulted one of our admins, and none of us even know you. The latter would be a BIG mistake.

    2) you are medieval's alt. having more than one forum account is a ban-able offense.

    so basically there are 2 situations, and one of them has 2 outcomes. of the 3 outcomes here,

    1) many action admins who you have played with for a long time, chatted with for a long time, and who know you and like you very much, will step up and say it's ok for you to think that, but we run our server how we want.

    2) you don't know any action admins, you've never posted on the forums before, and you just came onto our thread to insult one of our admins and complain, which is what all of the people who are about to get double perma banned do.

    3) you have multiple forum accounts, and you will end up having one or both of them banned from the forums.

    So you tell me, which one is it?
    Radpipe likes this.
  10. Like I said, I don't really care. He was banned for a day anyways, and it will end today.
    Lancelotz likes this.
  11. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Yeah, Alpaca, Ottuboy isn't an alt or anything. He's also a cool guy, who I've seen a lot around, including, quite often, on the Action server. Being an ass to him for calling someone an ass for doing something that was clearly a disagreeable action never helps a situation, right?
    Kalikst likes this.
  12. I think this entire thing is idiotic and we should all go be horrible at KAG again.
    Stevedog, I3lue, Radpipe and 2 others like this.
  13. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Hella and Alpaca like this.
  14. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    I wasn't being an ass to him, i was pointing out 3 possible outcomes, one of which involved him being perfectly ok, because he's a cool guy who plays on action a lot. I honestly did not know which one it was, which is why I asked him at the end.
  15. Ottuboy

    Ottuboy Horde Gibber

    First, you are hilarious.

    1) BIG mistake? I have never been active in Forums, why? Because I like fighting, not chattin (except in the game ofc). I am giving my fair opinoin about the situations. I heared that Medi was banned. And after reading over the thread, I am saying what I see from a neutral point.

    You misconceive my view.

    I am no Medieval alt. I have never seen you playing, thats why you do not know me. But be sure, claiming me to be Medieval's alt, makes a lot of people laugh (justi, kalikst, fiddy and others) . I am not picking a fight, I am telling you what I think, freedom of speech.

    You can do whatever you want in your server, but I am stating my point, Medieval was banned for personal reasons.
  16. Holy crap, why is this argument even going on any further? I already said I don't care he's going to stay banned until the ban itself ends, stop arguing over something that's already been decided.
    Lancelotz likes this.
  17. Ottuboy

    Ottuboy Horde Gibber


    I agree, will do that now :).
  18. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor


    I didn't say it's a big mistake to not be active on forums, I said it was a big mistake to come onto our server thread and insult one of our admins. I didn't say you were medieval's alt, I said that you were one of three things, and asked you which one you were. Instead of just saying you were the good one, which was one of the options, you have to go and insult me? PISS OFF.
  19. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Nononono, Alpaca. You said he might maybe, on a longshot, be someone who knew some of the admins, but you implied it was unlikely with your other options, which stated he should be banned either on the server or on the forums.

    And then he totally insulted you, by calling your rather unnecessary implications "hilarious", which they kind of were. They were also entirely unprovoked, and, oh, there you go again, telling him to piss off. Nothing you've said to him carried any kind of positive connotations, rather the reverse. The essential meaning of what you said at first was that he shouldn't contribute in any way, because you've never heard of him and therefore he's unlikely to be known by anyone you know, and since you know the best people, if they do know him they'll just echo that he shouldn't be here.
    There were no indications that you appreciated his existence here, or even tolerated it in a distant way.

    PISS OFF. :)
  20. That's the point, we don't.
Mods: jackitch
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