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Action! Unlimited

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Rayne, Dec 5, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. Solaris

    Solaris Batlord Sliftensnurgh Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    >Deletes his post
    I3lue likes this.
  2. Alpaca being mad at Europeans being better.
    Kalikst likes this.
  3. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    Alpaca>All other pretentious assholes. I, in fact, am the LORD of the pretentious assholes, so you can just back the fuck off.

    E: Icy u know i luv u
  4. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    >green text
    Schizoid and Guitarman like this.
  5. >greenest text
  6. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    >green? yo motherfags don't know the meaning of the word
    Guitarman likes this.
  7. Darthlawsuit

    Darthlawsuit Catapult Fodder

    Think I'll do that next time then. Sucks to lose a fully decked out cata to a troll then get banned -_-;

    Does this game save server logs? I don't remember anyone unless I team up with them often.
  8. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer


    Logs should be saved there.
    Schizoid likes this.
  9. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    I wasn't using green text, that was a "greater than" symbol. lrn2context
  10. JohnTS

    JohnTS Builder Stabber

    I got frozen, then banned, out of absolutely thin air. Was playing on the server for a couple of hours then I got banned..... :>:(:
  11. Alpaca dun be mad c:
    I3lue, Guitarman and Yagger like this.
  12. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    Kalikst likes this.
  13. Darthlawsuit

    Darthlawsuit Catapult Fodder

    BTW ban has been lifted, still posting log though.

    [20:26:48] <JasonGill21> we need a cata
    [20:26:59] <imoore> help
    [20:27:01] <JasonGill21> we need a cata
    [20:27:05] Imbris left the game
    [20:27:06] <Darthlawsuit> cata coming
    [20:27:06] <Awesomeperson> afk making a sandwich
    [20:27:08] <Darthlawsuit> just got ammo
    [20:27:17] New player joined the game
    [20:27:17] Unnamed player is now known as Odji
    [20:27:18] Odji has joined Blue Team
    [20:27:30] <JasonGill21> here
    [20:27:35] <JasonGill21> builder
    [20:27:42] <#Wafl Azeal> heh
    [20:27:50] <cesaralberto> dafuq
    [20:27:52] <Terraria_Clone> cata closer
    [20:28:23] <JasonGill21> Darthlawsuit: Build quarters!
    [20:28:24] <#Wafl Azeal> cata move up
    [20:28:25] New player joined the game
    [20:28:25] Unnamed player is now known as jjrat
    [20:28:26] jjrat has joined Red Team
    [20:28:28] <#Wafl Azeal> you are hitting us now :P
    [20:28:32] <Darthlawsuit> duke stole the cats
    [20:28:37] <#Wafl Azeal> there ya go
    [20:28:51] <Joefesok> Faggot
    [20:28:53] New player joined the game
    [20:28:53] Unnamed player is now known as Ranberko
    [20:28:53] jjrat left the game
    [20:28:54] Ranberko has joined Red Team
    [20:28:59] <Terraria_Clone> keep shotting!
    [20:29:01] SHAKE Speak left the game
    [20:29:04] <#Wafl Azeal> wtf is this wall for
    [20:29:09] <Supergrunt56> some1 build and outpost
    [20:29:15] New player joined the game
    [20:29:15] Unnamed player is now known as JoshTG
    [20:29:15] JoshTG has joined Blue Team
    [20:29:27] New player joined the game
    [20:29:27] Unnamed player is now known as manuelcosta
    [20:29:28] manuelcosta has joined Blue Team
    [20:29:29] New player joined the game
    [20:29:29] Unnamed player is now known as top200
    [20:29:30] <Joefesok> Really odj
    [20:29:30] top200 has joined Red Team
    [20:29:31] New player joined the game
    [20:29:31] Unnamed player is now known as tidex
    [20:29:31] tidex has joined Blue Team
    [20:29:33] <Duke2die4> greefer
    [20:29:37] <Joefesok> You fucking kill people for sitting
    [20:29:39] <Darthlawsuit> theif
    [20:29:42] <Duke2die4> kick him alredy
    [20:29:44] New player joined the game
    [20:29:44] Unnamed player is now known as Scionzenos
    [20:29:45] Scionzenos has joined Red Team
    [20:29:45] <Joefesok> God damn fucking pussy ass faggot nigger
    [20:29:48] <Duke2die4> kick the greefer
    [20:29:49] Joefesok left the game
    [20:29:54] New player joined the game
    [20:29:54] Unnamed player is now known as Joefesok
    [20:29:55] Joefesok has joined Red Team
    [20:29:55] <Duke2die4> ty
    [20:29:56] <Darthlawsuit> kic the theif
    [20:29:58] Joefesok left the game
    [20:30:02] <Darthlawsuit> steaing my cata
    [20:30:04] <JasonGill21> who is the theif
  14. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    "greefer" lol
  15. I have noooo idea man. Haven't been able to admin that server all day. But seriously, all the other admins, give warnings maybe?
  16. Oximus

    Oximus Arsonist

    Ping ban don't cause freezes.
    Alpaca and I3lue like this.
  17. Fuck i'm a derp.
  18. jackitch

    jackitch :(){ :|: & };: Global Moderator Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Whoever rebanned Solaris please speak up. I'm unbanning him for a second time and would like an explanation as to why he was rebanned.

    I3lue likes this.
  19. Joefesok

    Joefesok Builder Stabber

    Banned for trying to join the blue team.

    /slow clap
    Guitarman likes this.
  20. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    Well, if you switched and made the teams uneven, then an admin switched you back and told you not to even the teams, then you did it again, and again, then yeah, that's ban worthy. You're not supposed to uneven the teams, you're DEFINITELY not supposed to keep doing something that an admin has told you not to do, and MOST OF ALL you're not supposed to piss off the admins, on this server one strike and you're out, if that's what you did then you just got three of em. If it isn't, and no admin ever told you not to uneven the teams or switched you back after you did so, then you sure it was an admin? cause the way i see it is you either got ping banned, or you deserved it.
    Ej and I3lue like this.
Mods: jackitch
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