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Action! Unlimited

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Rayne, Dec 5, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. genobee

    genobee Builder Stabber

    Banned for no clear reason earlier. No questioning, no warning, not even freezing me before banning.

    What I was doing:
    • I started as builder (blue team). I built a quarter, a bomb shop and an arrow shop. Proceed to walling base, covering it with stone blocks and proper exit doors for both side.
    • After that, I added 3 heights block of spikes and bridges on top of base to anticipate bomb jumpers.
    • Other player suggested warp tunnel. I dug 9 heights block deep outside of base. 3 blocks for warp tunnel, 1 block for bridge and 5 for spike pit. Walled all side properly with stone blocks and spikes.
    • The pit was done but I didn't have any gold bullion to built the tunnel. I decided to look for it just outside 1st tower base. If I couldn't find it, I could use the hole as a spike pit. Dug there, walled the tower base foundation with stone blocks and constructed bridges so team could get back up to base.
    • Then suddenly banned. No freezing, no questioning and no warning.
    As for chat log. I remember someone kept telling the blue team to go to frontline to rush red team. At that time, there were 5 knights, 2 archers and 3 builders (I was one of them) which I thought the team will do just fine. I continued to dig then sudden ban.
  2. Bammboo

    Bammboo Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I would say that this could be a ping ban, which is certainly still could be, but this does sound like someone familiar. You were probably just minecrafting, which isn't against the server rules, but doesn't help your team win in unlimited lives. If the person that banned you doesn't reply after I get back home, I'll un-ban ya. But that won't be for ~15 hours approx.
  3. Ramsis

    Ramsis Ballista Bolt Thrower Donator Tester

    To any admins reading this shit, if there's a charge and builders stay back... You fucking leave them alone. Some of us fortify the base while you rush just in case you dipshits can't seem to handle the counter rush. True most builders will essentially scream FTP like me and run headfirst into the first knight they see and raise a monolith in front of him the split second he tries to attack just to get the prefab for a watch tower down but this can't be said for all builders.
  4. genobee

    genobee Builder Stabber

    My latency does spike once in awhile but I'm not sure if that is the cause. I'll hop on to different servers for time being. Thanks for your reply, Bammboo.
  5. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Ramses has achieved full made-mode
    Evan5567, rocker2 and GloriousToast like this.
  6. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    why has action been emtpy the past 20 hours or so? D:
  7. the communists won
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  8. SamuraiCupcake

    SamuraiCupcake Builder Stabber

    Hey guys, I really like playing on your server, since its usually has the most players. Turns out though I've been permabanned a while ago, for dropping a rock trap. Here's what happened :
    1- I was in a tower doorway
    2- Enemy blue comes flying from bumb jump and crashes down the tower, then tries getting up by attacking door ladder
    3- I'm a builder, so I put up some rock blocks in a line above the doorway to fall on the blue, attached to wall with shop piece, then release the trap
    4- Some admin sees stuff falling, freezes me, accuses me of griefing
    5- I stay frozen for a good while while they taunt me, not listening to me when I try to explain
    6- Got permabanned

    If you could unban me that would be much appreciated. I'm a good sport and never find fun in griefing. Thanks! :)
    I3lue, Alpaca and Froghead48 like this.
  9. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Fwiw, I've seen Samurai about the place. I'll vouch they're a decent sort. :)
    I3lue, Froghead48 and Alpaca like this.
  10. jackitch

    jackitch :(){ :|: & };: Global Moderator Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Unbanned both genobee and samuraicupcake since no one spoke up. My decision may be overruled in the future, but for now, you should be able to join again. :heart:
    genobee and I3lue like this.
  11. SamuraiCupcake

    SamuraiCupcake Builder Stabber

    Thanks guys :)
  12. nepeta

    nepeta Builder Stabber

    titmau5 is an insufferable shithead and i have no regrets. deth 2 homophobic meme-laden word 'art'
    he won't notice if i don't REPORT MYSELF AGAIN AHAHAHAHAAAA

    //Edit by FBB @ 01:36, 03-05-13: I have a nose rivaling the beak of a toucan and the wit of a spoon. Nepeta is so much better than me, I am the most jealous. Please forgive me, mighty overlord; I have made a terrible transgression against thee. Clearly the only solution is a retroactive autoabortion!
  13. Only one word may sum this up. Perma'd.
    I3lue and rocker2 like this.
  14. Titmau5

    Titmau5 Bison Rider Staff Alumni

    Beef and I3lue like this.
  15. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Found something I thought was both funny and relevant to KAG.

    Oximus, Bammboo, I3lue and 4 others like this.
  16. Slather

    Slather Bison Rider

    Hello all. I just perma-banned "GuardWithNoJob" ID: 47032 for griefing WITH THE EDITOR, and not in a fun way. His name wasn't red, it was white... "mroowa" and "Solaris" are witnesses... I've never banned anyone for editor abuse cuz superadmins are supposed to be the only ones with editor access right? Anyway, I hope this is the right place to report it.

    Scripting build soon!!! hells yeah
  17. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Not quite. There is at least one regular (non-red) admin with editor access.
  18. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Spoilered your gif, nepeta. Please be considerate of peoples' eyes next time.
    I3lue likes this.
  19. editor hack, ban on sight
    I3lue and Alpaca like this.
  20. rocker2

    rocker2 Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Please, leave KAG and never come back.
    I3lue and Titmau5 like this.
Mods: jackitch
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