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Action! Unlimited

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Rayne, Dec 5, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. Cerevox

    Cerevox Catapult Fodder

    There is the chat log for that game. I can see why bystanders would vote against me though. I actually did knock down stuff, even if I didn't realize it until after it came down(seriously, who builds stuff with only a single ladder tower supporting it:huh?: ), and I was yelling about fairy towers before that.

    [00:06:49]  * Balancing the teams...
    [00:06:49] LFG 360NOSCOPE has joined Blue Team
    [00:06:49] Cerevox has joined Blue Team
    [00:06:49] Spart Yoksu has joined Red Team
    [00:06:49] Fried Bammboo has joined Red Team
    [00:06:49] Celia has joined Blue Team
    [00:06:49] [Pk#] Areo has joined Red Team
    [00:06:49] TheWhiteKnight has joined Blue Team
    [00:06:49] CatZombies has joined Red Team
    [00:06:49] 6_Fanta_9 has joined Blue Team
    [00:06:49] dzama has joined Red Team
    [00:06:49] New player joined the game
    [00:06:49] Unnamed player is now known as movomo
    [00:06:49] <TheWhiteKnight> gg
    [00:06:49] movomo has joined Blue Team
    [00:06:50] <Fried Bammboo> :D
    [00:06:52] <Cerb WarrFork> lol
    [00:06:52] Celia is now spectating
    [00:07:03] New player joined the game
    [00:07:03] Unnamed player is now known as novono
    [00:07:03] <A WLD Apocaslpe> Hi celia
    [00:07:04] novono has joined Blue Team
    [00:07:04] FarlesBarkeley has joined Blue Team
    [00:07:05] <[Pk#] Areo> celia
    [00:07:05] <[Pk#] Areo> celia y u do dis
    [00:07:15] <Cerevox> no fairy towers, make fucking super solid macho bunker forts
    [00:07:20] <Celia> beep
    [00:07:22] <Spart Yoksu> i think i need to get the gold s
    [00:07:28] Cerb WarrFork has joined Red Team
    [00:07:29] <CatZombies> teams are unbalnced
    [00:07:29] <A WLD Apocaslpe> CELIA
    [00:07:32] <Cerb WarrFork> Areo
    [00:07:33] CatZombies has joined Blue Team
    [00:07:33] <A WLD Apocaslpe> HI
    [00:07:33] <Cerb WarrFork> you fucker
    [00:07:37] Celia has joined Red Team
    [00:07:37] <CatZombies> fuck
    [00:07:38] <[Pk#] Areo> i luve u warrfork
    [00:07:40] <CatZombies> lolol
    [00:07:40] <[Pk#] Areo> c:
    [00:07:42] <CatZombies> hahahahha
    [00:07:45] <Celia> Hey Apo
    [00:07:46] <CatZombies> i m god
    [00:07:57] <Fried Bammboo> back to fried
    [00:07:57] Cerb WarrFork is now known as Areo WarrFork
    [00:08:00] <Fried Bammboo> best clan
    [00:08:01] <Fried Bammboo> world
    [00:08:04] <[Pk#] Areo> no
    [00:08:08] <[Pk#] Areo> look at warrforks clan
    [00:08:13] <Areo WarrFork> I'm in the best clan
    [00:08:13] <Fried Bammboo> Oreo is shit clan
    [00:08:18] <[Pk#] Areo> it is
    [00:08:19] <[Pk#] Areo> but areo
    [00:08:21] <[Pk#] Areo> is bst
    [00:08:25] <Fried Bammboo> and
    [00:08:28] <Fried Bammboo> its warrfork
    [00:08:31] <Areo WarrFork> that tower
    [00:08:32] <Fried Bammboo> every clan he joins
    [00:08:33] <Areo WarrFork> hurt me
    [00:08:34] <Fried Bammboo> turns to shit
    [00:08:40] <Areo WarrFork> lies
    [00:08:40] <[Pk#] Areo> woah nigga
    [00:08:41] <Areo WarrFork> action
    [00:08:43] <[Pk#] Areo> >pk
    [00:08:43] <Areo WarrFork> and power
    [00:08:47] <[Pk#] Areo> real dis shit up
    [00:08:47] <Fried Bammboo> power is shit
    [00:08:47] <Areo WarrFork> went shit after
    [00:08:51] <Fried Bammboo> you can't deny that
    [00:08:51] <[Pk#] Areo> yeah
    [00:08:54] <[Pk#] Areo> we can all agree
    [00:08:56] <[Pk#] Areo> power is shit
    [00:08:59] <Areo WarrFork> power was great when I was in :D
    [00:09:03] <Fried Bammboo> no
    [00:09:05] <Areo WarrFork> yes
    [00:09:05] <Spart Yoksu> destroy the bombshop
    [00:09:06] <Fried Bammboo> it was still sthi
    [00:09:08] <Fried Bammboo> *shit
    [00:09:09] <Areo WarrFork> verra still was there
    [00:09:19] <Cerevox> this is a fairy tower, some turd with a full load of bombs will kill it in 3 seconds
    [00:09:21] <Areo WarrFork> verra was best
    [00:09:21] <Spart Yoksu> better?
    [00:09:27] <[Pk#] Areo> warrfork
    [00:09:28] <Fried Bammboo> verra was cool
    [00:09:29] <[Pk#] Areo> when r u
    [00:09:32] <[Pk#] Areo> gon join delta
    [00:09:37] <Fried Bammboo> he just got too defensive of some powerfags
    [00:09:39] <Areo WarrFork> I already applied to a clan
    [00:09:42] <Fried Bammboo> like bluearrow
    [00:09:45] <[Pk#] Areo> what clan
    [00:09:47] <[Pk#] Areo> IS THIS
    [00:09:47] <Fried Bammboo> or whatever that fuckers name was
    [00:09:50] <Areo WarrFork> If I tell you
    [00:09:54] <Areo WarrFork> you would lol forever
    [00:09:59] <[Pk#] Areo> ex'
    [00:10:01] <[Pk#] Areo> amirite
    [00:10:01] <CatZombies> 4ever
    [00:10:02] <Areo WarrFork> no
    [00:10:03] <Fried Bammboo> no
    [00:10:06] <Areo WarrFork> Cerb knows
    [00:10:09] <Fried Bammboo> he was already a part of it
    [00:10:09] New player joined the game
    [00:10:09] Unnamed player is now known as yawaratann
    [00:10:10] yawaratann is now known as VIP yawaratann
    [00:10:10] VIP yawaratann has joined Red Team
    [00:10:12] <[Pk#] Areo> what
    [00:10:13] <Fried Bammboo> Warrfork
    [00:10:17] <Fried Bammboo> were you already in pk#
    [00:10:22] <Areo WarrFork> was yes
    [00:10:28] <[Pk#] Areo> does this mean
    [00:10:49] <Areo WarrFork> means what
    [00:10:53] <[Pk#] Areo> idk
    [00:11:09] <Spart Yoksu> who did
    [00:11:10] <James_kul> let us in
    [00:11:14] <FarlesBarkeley> nevar
    [00:11:17] <sdman789> idk
    [00:11:24] <offisfufu> peace
    [00:11:24] New player joined the game
    [00:11:24] Unnamed player is now known as sachier
    [00:11:25] sachier has joined Red Team
    [00:11:37] <[Pk#] Areo> all dose knights
    [00:11:39] <[Pk#] Areo> on blueteam
    [00:11:49] <macksin> griefer
    [00:11:51] <Fried Bammboo> we can still get the
    [00:11:53] <Fried Bammboo> *them
    [00:11:58] <Fried Bammboo> they won't expect us
    [00:12:06] <FarlesBarkeley> aww wtf
    [00:12:08] <Vigilance> WHO
    [00:12:09] <offisfufu> WTF
    [00:12:12] <Fried Bammboo> dafuq just dropped?
    [00:12:12] <macksin> LFG
    [00:12:13] <[Pk#] Areo> LELELELE
    [00:12:14] <LFG 360NOSCOPE> I hate you
    [00:12:17] <LFG 360NOSCOPE> so much
    [00:12:19] <Cerevox> wtf?
    [00:12:20] <CatZombies> cerevox no
    [00:12:20] <[Pk#] Areo> i sense butthurt
    [00:12:21] <TheWhiteKnight> me?
    [00:12:22]  * Cerevox * has been voted to be kicked by Vigilance (1/3)
    [00:12:25]  * Cerevox * has been voted to be kicked by FarlesBarkeley (2/3)
    [00:12:28] Fried Bammboo is now spectating
    [00:12:31] <LFG 360NOSCOPE> now my castle in the sky iz ruined T.T
    [00:12:32] <Areo WarrFork> Wait
    [00:12:35]  * Cerevox * has been voted to be kicked by CatZombies (3/3)
  2. jackitch

    jackitch :(){ :|: & };: Global Moderator Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    You should be unbanned. I don't see your username anywhere.
  3. Cerevox

    Cerevox Catapult Fodder

    Awesome. I was just afraid it would be a long term or perma ban and wanted to deal with it asap.
  4. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    Votekicks don't last very long at all, should be no more then 10 minutes.
  5. Vigilance

    Vigilance Catapult Fodder

    Could someone please explain why I was just banned? I'd been helping the team over the course of the match and one of the moderated players froze me and banned me with no explanation.
  6. jackitch

    jackitch :(){ :|: & };: Global Moderator Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    It'll be over soon, it wasn't permanent. Someone told me that you were followed by Overlord (semi-pro) through multiple team doors straight to our tunnel. That's why they banned you. (It's a bad idea to run through a door when you're being chased unless you have a good enough headstart, especially when they're good)
  7. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    damn, I'm missing... some, kind of drama, while away having the rocks 4 jocks party hardy college experience. Government politics? lol, sure.
  8. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    GloriousToast and Alpaca like this.
  9. Vigilance

    Vigilance Catapult Fodder

    Well I might not be very experienced with all the game dynamics but I was certainly not intent on helping the other team nor do my stats suggest I was bringing my own team down either. I know you guys have to deal with a lot of griefers, but if player performance is an element of suspending someone from play then it seems odd that you'd take the leading sniper out of your team lineup for _one mistake_. Seems like a bad policy to ban people for anything other than griefing or cheating because in this case you're trying to control the outcome of the match by punishing less experienced players. In matches, as in life, people make mistakes and you should try to roll with it.
    Noburu likes this.
  10. Beelzebub

    Beelzebub Ballista Bolt Thrower

  11. Arcrave

    Arcrave http://tinyurl.com/ArcravesTheme Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]


  12. Beelzebub

    Beelzebub Ballista Bolt Thrower


    basically the Action server
  13. Arcrave

    Arcrave http://tinyurl.com/ArcravesTheme Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

  14. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester


    You keep trying to live up to the original but YOU CANT!
    thebonesauce likes this.
  15. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    u 'avin a giggle m8?
  16. overlord right now:

    Stevedog, Alpaca, Varion and 6 others like this.
  17. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Spawn more overlords
    Overlord likes this.
  18. PorkChop

    PorkChop Catapult Fodder

    Hey I just wanted to spot out that there was a admin by the name of "Shark MrIcarus" and he was griefing towers and he kept freezing me and killing me 24/7 until It had to get to the point where I had to leave the server :| ...
  19. Someone should probably do something about that.
  20. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    While I haven't had any specific names, I have heard an increasing number of complaints of admin abuse, specifically of freezing people mid game just to "troll".
    First of all, it's not trolling, it's simply retarded and childish. I will have to remove your admin status if I do get evidence of you doing so. It's okay I guess if the person you are doing it to is a dick and is constantly spamming (although you could just mute them in that case) or if there are only like 4 or less people on server and you let them know. If I do catch you abusing admin, or get evidence of it (video, or combination of logs + screenshots), I'll remove it. This is just a general warning though, if you aren't doing it, fine, if you are, stop it.
Mods: jackitch
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