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Action! Unlimited

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Rayne, Dec 5, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. Areo

    Areo much doge so swag wow
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    50 seconds = still too early
    It's the 30 goddamn second mark when you get to endgame grief if you want to, Griefing too early = ban just like link fucking said.
  2. Let me put it straight, unless the one of the teams are really close to the enemy's tent, then no end game griefing is allowed. In the case that a team is not near the enemy's tent, then the moment it hits exactly 30 secs, it's okay to end game grief.
    Lancelotz and PumpkingSlice like this.
  3. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    That's a bold faced lie. I didn't even have issue with you until this happened. You can lie and scheme all you want. It's a 1 day ban, but if you wanna keep it up I'll be sure to make it longer.
  4. Freestylopitek

    Freestylopitek Catapult Fodder

    i agree, if one of the team is near... but in this game there is no chance and other guy start griefing ! moreover, i was froze all along the game with no reason. I was the black sheep of this game... but no problem, if u dont want unban me, i will play in other server
    </br>--- merged: Dec 27, 2012 6:07 PM ---</br>
    I prefer 1 week ban for me
  5. Done. Your ban has been changed to 1 week x10.
    Lancelotz and PumpkingSlice like this.
  6. Freestylopitek

    Freestylopitek Catapult Fodder

    10 week without stupid moderator :-)
  7. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    You are fucking lying. I will post the full fucking log. You show me where I froze you all throughout the game without reason. Just skimming, I saw that link and Ej froze you for blocking someone in at some point. I did not freeze you at all until the incident where you started endgame griefing too early. Tell you what, I'll just go ahead and extend your ban to forever.
  8. Freestylopitek

    Freestylopitek Catapult Fodder

    no problem, i was froze 3 time, because u say i do stupid castle, but i wasnt because red coming and i just block stupid tunnel. But i speak for nothing, because i don't want com back on your server : its not fun to play in this condition.. so stop speak about it and ban me as long as you want
  9. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    No, I'm serious. I wanna know when I froze you other than the one instance. That wasn't me who did it. Quit fucking lying and pretending you're some victim. If you have legitimate proof that I froze you more than once, I will give you $100.

    Attached Files:

  10. Freestylopitek

    Freestylopitek Catapult Fodder

    i dont say its you, but someon did it !
    </br>--- merged: Dec 27, 2012 6:20 PM ---</br>
    and when u say I grief, it was pissed me because i was froze 3 time for nothing before
  11. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

  12. Freestylopitek

    Freestylopitek Catapult Fodder

    sorry, a moderator say that, but i dont know if its you
    </br>--- merged: Dec 27, 2012 6:21 PM ---</br>
    i think there is only one mod
  13. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    No, there's dozens. And learn to edit your fucking posts, jesus. Don't post any more unless you've got some kind of proof from the logs provided where I froze you at any point other than the one where I've stated.
  14. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    If you want to argue on the forums then learn how to not MULTI POST.
  15. Freestylopitek

    Freestylopitek Catapult Fodder

    so i say the truth : there is a STUPID moderator who think he is like a god :-)
  16. Areo

    Areo much doge so swag wow
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Moderators don't act like god , they are in a position of authority and they have to use it well , you just can't see that whatever the fuck you're saying is wrong , please stop posting useless shit now.
  17. Freestylopitek

    Freestylopitek Catapult Fodder

    so u think i lie... I hope someon else will say the same in this forum
  18. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    Heh, i'm glad that none of the people that I ban ever come and try to appeal, means I don't have to put up with shit like this, poor bones... that and i don't keep the chat logs ;)

    p.s. Freestylopitek, regardless of whether you were right or wrong, whether your ban was just or not, Bones said that it was only one day, and if you shut your mouth you could be back in 24 hours, but if you kept whining you would be banned longer. What did you do? you kept whining. Why? is 24 hours actually so fucking bad that you had to risk getting banned permanently? because you did. was it really worth it? seriously, why can't anyone ever just listen to an admin when they say "if you drop it you'll be back tomorrow,"... just drop it, and you'll be back tomorrow... IT'S VERY FUCKING SIMPLE.
    I3lue likes this.
  19. Hehe the only time I ever get banned FOR ANY REASON is ping kicks :QQ:
  20. lol Id like to point out
    That I only acted immature once
    and the act of banning me was immature
    You guys are just abusive admins as i see it
    and a perma ban for saying oh im going to make an admin abuse report

    Dude your tellin me to be immature
    where you perma banned me for saying im makin an admin abuse report
    what kind of fail is this seriously
    And pumpkin my case?
    was that im muted for what owning the admin so he raged?
    I dont think thats cool
    I didnt really rage through the whole session I talk in caps to draw attention to the words
    and be quiet and listen to how you think your doing a good job? Hah right
    I realize that this server is not of good quality and is truly crap
    Im sure Rayne Did not want crappy admins like you guys perma banning people for proving the admins wrong
    I know i dont speak for him but come on seriously you banned me for saying im making a ban request
    Both of you guys are acting immature for I did nothing wrong of the sort other than you common sense that any player would use

    This is my last post on this
    Just know you did wrong and I do not wish to ever come back to this server for what it has turned into from older days it is now much different in a bad way
    Freestylopitek likes this.
Mods: jackitch
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