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Action! Unlimited

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Rayne, Dec 5, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    You never fail to make a situation funny.
  2. AL3X_j_M

    AL3X_j_M Shipwright

    TL; DR? Read the bolded text, for those less patient. (Ritalin is a helluva drug)

    This post is to report the abuse of Warrfork's admins privileges in the hopes that his powers will be removed, limited, or given a warning as to the removal of them, as well as request an unmute (in game name: AL3X_j_M).

    I do understand:
    -Any server is not a democracy, I have absolutely no rights whatsoever on a legal basis; ethically, there are certain standards that if a server fails to meet it's likely to just be hated by most players (rampant admin abuse, which isn't a huge problem). I understand that I don't have any legal rights, but that isn't a very fitting excuse to punish me without allowing me to protest, or explaining the reasoning behind it.
    -I carry the burden of proof. Though Warrfork provided no reason as to my ban, and simply muted me for his own personal prejudice, and not real fault of my own. I might mention that I was not disrespectful to admins, or players, I was not racist, sexist, or offensive to any demographic intentionally; at least, not within hours of being banned and well before Warrfork was online, and that was only jokingly. I can provide sporadic screenshots of well before being muted.
    -The staff will obviously favor Warrfork, despite my thorough documentation and polite demeanor. I am being respectful despite my obvious frustration, and I would expect this kindness to be reciprocated.

    I do not understand:
    Why I was muted (for at least an hour, possibly a day, or even permanently)?:
    -I can rub people the wrong way. I say some offensive things, but without malicious intent. If someone is offended, I always explain why I thought my statements were appropriate, or apologize for my behavior.
    -I can be obnoxious, but really, I'm not a spammer, and I don't live under a bridge asking travelers to answer my questions three. For those of you still confused, I was referencing an internet troll.

    Are the former reasons appropriate reasons for a mute, ban, or kick?
    Certainly, provided I was warned, or given a reason prior to the punishment. If you beat a dog within an inch of it's life for shitting on your carpet 4 hours after it shits on your carpet, it will not learn not to shit on the carpet. Negative reinforcement, commonly known as kicks, mutes, and bans; these measures are far more effective if I know what I was doing wrong, which I didn't, and still do not. If someone spends an entire day at work, and then you cut their pay and demote them to a toilet cleaner, they'll be quite upset, especially if they're totally unaware for the reason of their punishment; I believe Warrfork's reasoning behind providing no reason for punishing me is just a sadistic attempt to troll me (quite succesful, I've written this wall of text because of it)

    Why does this warrant punishment for Warrfork?
    Most criminals commit countless crimes before actually being caught and convicted, with bad admins, most manage to peter on until someone with dignity and an understanding of the English language gets tired of their abuse; the point is: Warrfork has acted poorly as an admin, and from what I can deduce will happily do so in the future. He's apparently too immature to handle power over other people, provided, that power is very limited. He muted Mephilisium and myself for no reason, other than the fact he does not like us. In comparison to some, my behavior is remarkable, and the fact that others go unpunished while I receive twenty-four hour mutes is curious, indeed.

    "This is all well and good, now where's your proof?" Right here, in chronological order!
    This is an album on my Imgur account of about 100 screenshots before and during the mute, if you can find incriminating evidence against me on my other albums, your attempts would be futile as no other images pertain to KAG, but go ahead! One caveat, some of the images may be posted twice because Imgur decided to ignore over 60 images and several of them vital to my argument :>!

    The most relevant ones to my argument regarding Warrfork's abuse of admin, lack of proof, and my attempted justification of it; I was unmuted by an admin, and I was remuted before I could offer a valid explanation, good job North Korea, err Warrfork. The prior sentence is a criticism of Warrfork's actions being similar to a Totalitarian regime's, quite humorous; ho ho ho.

    Last screenshot of me being unmuted:

    First realizing I had been muted (Despite Guitar man asking on my behalf on multiple occassions, no reason was given for my mute, or Mephilsium's):

    Warrfork freezing someone for using a catapult in a manner he did not appreciate:

    The only relevant information in this gap is that two people, Alpaca and Guitarman, asked for the purpose behind my mute several times without avail.

    An admin known as GOD, apparently Rayne the owner of the server (claimed as such), permanently banned "Romney" while using a catapult on the enemy. I'm not sure if this is a legitimate ban, irrelevant, frankly I'm just confused by it.
    "CAUSE I SAID SO", made me think it was probably a kick, or a joke, at Romney's expense.

    Another attempt to explain my case to someone that isn't an irrational troll, this is the first one that was noticed:

    Unmuted, explaining my case as best I can; I was muted before adequately explaining my case (similar to the execution of "philosophes" during The Reign of Terror under Maximilien Robespierre (philosophes, It's French, I can spell philosophers!). Perhaps comparing myself to the greatest philisophers of the 18th century is a bit sanctimonious, my apologies :P.
    (I meant: Literally, I have no idea.)

    Continuing my explanation, which is difficult to do when you have a very limited understanding of the situation yourself.

    Requesting the reason for the mute politely from Warrfork, even though he deserves no such respect.

    Muted before I even got to argue my case, this is what angered me enough to write the wall of text surrounding this sentence.


    I remember the exchange between the two admins quite well, but not word for word. GOD asked Warrfork why he had muted me, and response was that 1. He shouldn't be interfering with another admin's work, abusive, or not (this is to prevent the ask father, then mother phenomena, it poses a "weak front") 2. "We mute people we want to", he basically admitted that he had no reason other than his own personal distaste, for me to be muted. I sadly can't find a screenshot of this, but based on the circumstantial evidence, I think my swearing on my own life will be adequate enough support (you can hold me to that!)? Anyways, I've provided plenty of evidence, and as an admin on KARPs I always get evidence before and after I take action as an admin, if Warrfork fails to do so this is just further evidence he doesn't really care if people have objections to his use of power.

    It is my assumption that the owners of this server don't truly care for the misconduct of their admins, but I've spent over an hour writing this purely out of principle, an asset many lack (principle, that is), and I've decided I may as well post it.

    Thanks for your time,
  3. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Nobody is going to look through 100 screenshots. Please upload the chat logs from KAG:\Logs\
    (The file name would be something along the lines of 13-01-04-45-34 or something. You just have to find the right one.)
    AL3X_j_M likes this.
  4. AL3X_j_M

    AL3X_j_M Shipwright

    That's why I linked the relevant ones? Please read before you criticize.
  5. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Anyway, I myself is confuse on why Alex is muted. Warrfork provided no explanation for why he is muted and simply told us not to deal with Alex because he muted him.

    I have chat log if you wish to view: http://pastebin.com/ntMnfc6x

    Btw, I see me here: http://i.imgur.com/PUPwF.png :D :D :D
    AL3X_j_M and ParaLogia like this.
  6. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    First of all, if I wasn't answering other admins, it's because i'm am one too and I think I don't need to explain myself everytime I do something.
    Secondly, you both (you and Mephilisium) have been muted 1 hour for saying shit, troll or not, I don't like to read some stupid things.

    And if it make you happy, I don't see any problem about removing my admin status there. Anyways, he (1) unmuted you when I did, do I really have an utility there then? I guess not. Oh and, link, if you keep annoy me for mute I do and asking why I mute people, I will bash you to death. It's freaking silly.
    norill and link6155 like this.
  7. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    I just want to make sure people are being muted/ban/kick/etc for a reason and not out of rage or some silly thing.
  8. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Of course, we all know I admin abuse every day and ban everyone when I rage.
  9. AL3X_j_M

    AL3X_j_M Shipwright

    You don't need to explain yourself? Unless you own explicitly, or possess the highest authority in regards to a service, privilege, or access you are banning someone from you are required to explain yourself. If there is someone higher up on the food chain, you need to be able to justify your actions; even when you are the supreme authority, that's not an excuse for baseless punishment. If you removed yourself from admin status we can end this conversation and I will be vindicated in history, the Sith will once again reduce their influence to the areas immediately around Mordor, and Darth Saurondemort will be slain.
  10. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Alright, I will and always do, explain myself when I want. Even if it's someone higher than me.
    He gived me admin power? It's because he think i'm good for this. If I am/he wrong, then I would not be admin.
  11. AL3X_j_M

    AL3X_j_M Shipwright

    If you can't type properly, I'll take the liberty of correcting your grammar and spelling.

    1. First of all, if I wasn't answering other admins, it's because I* am one too, and I think I don't need to explain myself every time* I do something.
    Secondly, you both (you and Mephilisium) were* muted 1 hour for saying shit, troll or not, I don't like to read *stupid things.

    And if it makes* you happy, I don't see any problem about removing my admin status here*. Anyways, he (1) unmuted you when I did, do I really have an utility there then? I guess not. <-(I'm not sure that was English) Oh, link, if you keep annoying* me for muting why I do,* and asking why I mute people, I will bash you to death. It's freaking silly.*

    2. Why* did* he* give* me admin powers*? It's because he thinks* I'm* good for it*. If I am/he is* wrong, then I would not be admin.

    Honestly, I was unsure as to your age, intelligence, and maturity earlier, but these are quite evident now. You honestly think that "If I am wrong, I would not be an admin"? it's nice that you think you're right one-hundred percent of the time, and as a result earned admin status. On another note, good way of bringing someone else's failure into the equation "If he is wrong, then I would not be admin", you're trying to lure me into insulting the owner of the server, and playing off your own mistakes (as I see them) as reasonable and correct? [sarcasm] Your logic is infallible, your language impeccable, I must resign from this argument and abdicate my position as a human being worthy of your presence. [/sarcasm] If you can't, at the very least, learn the language you speak, I'm not going to argue with you any further; if you're not removed as an admin it's Action Unlimited's problem, not my own.

    Post script: If I come off as offensive, it's a result of wasting my time arguing with someone that doesn't take the time to argue his position intelligently, assuming there is a capability to do so.
  12. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Don't make assumptions. (He can't into grammar, but that's because he is French.) I really dislike when people consider grammar to be a proper point while arguing.
    AL3X_j_M and WarrFork like this.
  13. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    If you take grammar as an argument, you are really dumb.
    I will stop there and let 'higher people' deal with you.
  14. AL3X_j_M

    AL3X_j_M Shipwright

    Paralogia: Well, then I must retract many of comments, some of them rude. It would seem odd to me, though, that if you aren't capable of logically and clearly defending your actions as an admin, why would you be allowed to make them at all? Being able to properly communicate is a clear sign of understanding, and I don't feel that I should have to prove myself to people that can't properly punctuate. I'm not asking for an English major, but if you're criticizing me over a written medium I'd expect effort, and logic to be the rule, not the exception.

    Warrfork: Grammar isn't an argument, it's a sign you are an intelligent human being, or at the least one who understands the language they are speaking. My argument is that you're lacking in maturity, intelligence, and reason, basically the most important qualities of an admin (heart beat and computer are also required)
  15. Panasonic

    Panasonic Builder Stabber
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Love this sever the best I get ping ban though is it possible to have VIP to stop getting banned on your server I will treat t with respect rid just I don't wanna be ping ban anymore
  16. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Well, it doesn't take much mastery over the language to say "Griefer ban." or "Spammer mute." I do agree that communication should be an essential part of an administrating team, and we do indeed lack that. However, I do not believe that poor grammar is the source of this problem.
    I'm not insulting you (are you posting that in reply to me?); it just bothers me when people bash on others' grammar as you did.
    EDIT: I re-read, and you said criticizing, not insulting. I guess that changes the meaning a bit.
  17. Whoa whoa whoa, if you fucking correct WarrFork on his spelling and grammar and shit, I am going to make sure that you never come on this server again. In case you didn't fucking realize, WarrFork's first language is not English. Unless WarrFork is fine with getting corrected by an asshole like you, I won't tolerate what you are doing. It seriously pisses me off when someone corrects someone in how they speak when the language spoken is not his/her's first language, and therefore not going to be the best at it. They don't need retards like you constantly trying to show you're better than them, when if you spoke their language, they could easily correct you.
    Lancelotz, rocker2, neil_v and 5 others like this.
  18. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    That's alright Radpipe, they all use grammar when they are out of arguments on this forum.

    Anyways, Arcrave;
    ''You are donating to lordsharkrave@gmail.com.''
    rocker2 likes this.
  19. AdrianC

    AdrianC Haxor Tester

  20. Panasonic

    Panasonic Builder Stabber
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Yes I understand but I am not in the current time to donate but I keep getting ping ban ad u don't want to spendn5 dollars because of ping ban
Mods: jackitch
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