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Action! Unlimited

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Rayne, Dec 5, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    Move to da US mon.
  2. Panasonic

    Panasonic Builder Stabber
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    :DLOl I dont think i will though oh well so be it
  3. vampo

    vampo alchemist Donator Tester

    it would be undermine those who have paid for VIP if you were to receive the benefits they paid for, free. your reason is probably the most common reason people pay the 5 dollars. that or just because they think rayne is so qt.
  4. GreenRock

    GreenRock Base Burner

    I didn't see all the pictures, but I did take the time to read what you posted. You can find the logs in the KAG folder wherever you installed it; it's much more effective proof than going through each picture and reading 4 lines at a time. Link posted the log for reference (Thanks, link).
    I ctrl+f'd the log for AL3X_j_M. I literally read everything he typed in the log. And the context around it, if he was replying to someone. He didn't say anything really out of line. He wasn't spamming or being objectively obnoxious. In fact, at one point, he was helping someone's bomb jumping technique, if you read the log. The point where he was muted:

    [18:00:44] * [RCON POWER WarrFork] /muteid 5548 60
    [18:01:07] <Sir link6155> who you mute warrfork?
    [18:01:20] <POWER WarrFork> I don't see why you ask.
    [18:01:30] <Sir link6155> it said you muted someone
    [18:01:59] <POWER WarrFork> And? There is a problem with this, link?

    Something crawled up WarrFork's ass and he was/still is in a bad mood. He muted this Alex guy for the shits and gigs. Alex is some white knight who likes to bitch and post pretentious essays about badmins on internet forums with metric fucktons of proof. Seriously, dude. That post was about as unnecessary as him muting you.

    The other admins and I can unban if we see fit, AL3X_j_M. Take this comment of WarrFork's with a grain of salt.
    Radpipe likes this.
  5. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Skipped everything past Alex(nigger)'s post.

    1)I am God.

    2)I banned Romney cause he was trollthrowing, he did so to two people, he got permabanned, don't give a fuck, want to troll? do it elsewhere.

    3)I don't know why you were muted, I also asked warrfork and he didn't say, that did bother me, but he also can do that for whatever reason he wants, not sure why you got banned after being muted but it might have to do with how militant you were about it which I don't agree with depending on HOW the initial muting was handled.

    4)Warrfork while you don't 'need' to explain yourself, when someone is constantly asking why it would be nice to give a fucking reason so they shut the fuck up, cause you know, 'I' don't like reading stupid shit either, but I'd also like to know 'why' in that specific case, since it's obviously enough for him to get his friend to keep asking why, so it wasn't clear.

    5)It's not Arcrave's server, it's actually Radpipe-RayneGuro's server.

    6)I'll reban you if you start whiteknighting though in all seriousness Alex, I hate that shit, that's why we all laugh at Ramsis.

    If you're Australian this is to be expected, people playing over 300 ping are actually banned by admins usually manually if we see you somehow aren't being ping banned. Sorry but it's not fun for anyone when you have to play against someone with that level of ping.
    Domis, rocker2, Radpipe and 2 others like this.
  6. Arcrave

    Arcrave http://tinyurl.com/ArcravesTheme Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    It says that because we needed an account for the thing, I volunteered. NOT because its my server.
    STOP THIS!!! i dont want them to know!!!!!!

    No, my good sir, this server is actually Raynes, and Raynes ALONE.
    WarrFork, Radpipe and PumpkingSlice like this.
  7. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    Since people have evolved to the point where they can't click links or page 1 for the rules, I'll post them here.

    1) No Griefing
    2) No Hacking
    3) No Glitch Abusing
    4) No Spacebridging (Building on the very top tile of the map)
    5) No digging a tunnel from your tent, this will usually only make your team lose, and is akin to griefing.
    6) Don't piss off Admins, they can and will ban you for it.
    7) Super Admins(Red Names) are allowed to do whatever they want. (Only superadmins have editor!!!)

    We have a Zero-Bullshit Policy, if you are caught griefing or hacking you will be banned permanently. You will be given another chance if you write me a 3 paragraph essay on what you did and why it is bad.

    As you may see I bolded and underlined some very specific points. This is because most of you come complaining here, which is most likely to do with these points. These points are there because, being a popular server we have always (I may be only a recent admin but I have been here long enough to know about the shit that happens and what type of people to look out for) had shit literally given to us in a plate many times.

    At first we handled the situation withouth anger and got to the bottom of things within seconds. Now we have atleast (example) 4 people at once doing different abuses around the map. If there is only one admin on, tell me how he is supossed to handle that AND make sure no one else is up to mishcheif. Unless they are a saint, they're obviously going to get pissed off. (Also to my knowledge, rule 6 is a recent rule that has been added. Correct me if I am wrong)

    With the zero-bullshit policy I can say I have had my fair share of it. People literally think of anything on the spot to not get banned, to only abuse there right on the server again. People literally think we are "stupid" and come up with excuses such as "Sorry I don't speak english very well, I am polish" or anything along those lines. Then we also have the occastional "fuck you", "you're the worst admin" "FUCK OFF!!!!". I can only speak on my behalf and not the other admins on this. I don't care about the abusive language towards me as I can handle it and find it funny when people resort to this. However I do find it offensive when people say things such as "Sorry I don't speak english very well, I am polish". I honestly get confused as if people take us as un-intellectual children or something. Wether they are telling the truth or not, they are basically "handing shit in a plate to us" scenario all over again. This time we are not taking the shit and we are giving it back to them.

    Now I know this essay has gone forever but just some last points. When Rayne, or any other admins, say to write a 3 paragraph essay, it's an example or aim. They don't want a
    They want a reasonably good explanation to why you want to be unbanned. 3 paragraphs is a guideline of how much information they want. (Sometime in the past, someone posted on how your paraghraps should be laid out, making your chances higher for being unbanned. I think it may have been is previous threads for the action server. Not sure if any of the guys remember. If you do it would be nice to put it in the op)

    Thank you for spending your time to read through this and hopefully you will now have a better understanding of how things work and may possibly find your answer as to why you was banned. (If I have said anything wrong or unnecessary, please fell free to criticize or correct me. Again thank you for reading.)
  8. The server belongs to the Illuminati.
    Radpipe and Arcrave like this.
  9. Arcrave

    Arcrave http://tinyurl.com/ArcravesTheme Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Guro does not host the server. The Server belongs to Rayne, who also maintains the server. do not speak on things that you neither know or understand i do not remember inviting you or the utensil to any of the chats had about said server. Now stop spamming the thread with this nonsense and back to players bitching about ADMAYN ABOOSE!!!
    Radpipe and PumpkingSlice like this.
  10. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    Mad cause bad and you know it. This is something you do plenty of too. Especailly with that p shape bridge trap
    you always try to kill me with in build time. Such a hacker.

    EDIT: Also I'll remove the shit about server ownage so people will just see the rules shit.
  11. Arcrave

    Arcrave http://tinyurl.com/ArcravesTheme Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    That's more like it.
  12. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    Rule 6 is my favorite.
    p.s. for some reason, even though it says i'm watching this thread, i wasn't being alerted to new posts, I come on, and there are 5 new pages. it's been like 24 hours.
    arcanecat likes this.
  13. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    He's not banned and I didn't banned him, I muted him 1 hour, that's all. Don't be all so cocky.
    Anyways, you are wrong all the way, I muted him for;

    [17:31:43] <AL3X_j_M> My computer has a nvidia 6150 SE graphics card and is like 7 years old, try not to be insanely jealous
    [17:32:07] <AL3X_j_M> Double power slash, ouch my anus
    [17:32:29] <AL3X_j_M> It's not a contradiction Zaloski, so what's the joke?
    [17:32:40] <AL3X_j_M> A community is not "urban" by definition
    [17:36:32] <AL3X_j_M> Zaloski, quit being a backseat faggot and get in the anus
    [17:37:05] <AL3X_j_M> > mfw you just admitted to being homosexual \(-.-)/
    [17:37:39] <AL3X_j_M> Why the fuck was double power slash amazing
    [17:38:17] <AL3X_j_M> I didn't vote next map because I don't enjoy smoking crack and killing baby seals
    [17:47:10] <AL3X_j_M> Wow nice glitching warrfork
    [17:49:48] <AL3X_j_M> Zaloski is a hungry hungry hippo
    [17:52:07] <AL3X_j_M> fuck I messed up that quote
    [17:52:10] <AL3X_j_M> brb suicide
    [17:54:42] <AL3X_j_M> lag makes it a pain in the ass

    [18:00:22] <AL3X_j_M> FUCK
    [18:00:27] <AL3X_j_M> Chatkilled
    [18:00:35] <AL3X_j_M> fuck you blue team

    YES, I KNOW, alot of these lines are just trolls and jokes BUT it still stupid and like I said before, I will mute for this kind of shit.
    About the fact I was raging about him, GreenRock, it's bullshit too because I think i've never seen this guy before and I didn't seen it in-game, only in the chat.
    I've never killed him, been killed by, why would I be mad about him then? Because the chat over there.^

    @BlueLuigi, yeah of course that time would be great if I explained because he keep spammed when he was muted. That would be the only point I concede.
    But I was going to do something about it if it he still spammed. That's why I didn't answered other admins, I muted him, so, it would be great if I deal it him alone.
    Why? See link and GreenRock saying shit because they don't know why I did this mute.
  14. Arcrave

    Arcrave http://tinyurl.com/ArcravesTheme Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]


    Warrfork all is well, no harm done. Please continue your service to the server. Him raging about your grammar even after being told that English isn't your first language, and the entire fucking wall of white-knight reddit-esque troll text proves hes an ASSHAT. We All know what we do to asshats around these parts. No more walls of text plox. :yes:
    rocker2, Aoi, PumpkingSlice and 3 others like this.
  15. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    That's not really spam but it doesn't really matter, I find all the things he said annoying as well, and will not unban him ever

    Rule 6 is bullshit anyway, it was never truly enforced.

    Domis, arcanecat and PumpkingSlice like this.
  16. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    WarrFork, were you sure it was for 1 hour, or did this guy get remuted for a longer duration? He's muted on the server right now. Or does KAG handle it like an hour of game time, not real time?
  17. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    He was muted again by another admin who's name I shall not mention.

    EDIT: It's fair to say now that a lot of the admins (mainly higher admins) dislike Al3x (or however you spell it) so let's just say he is fucked for now.
  18. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Yes, i'm sure it was 1 hour and it's with real time.
    If some other muted him, that's not my fault.
  19. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    rocker2 likes this.
  20. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Thanks man..
Mods: jackitch
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