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Action! Unlimited

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Rayne, Dec 5, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    There for BlueLuigi. It's flat for playing purposes with large holes. Impossible to make bottomless pits (unless bomb spam to hell, but seriously unlikely) but enough air time to die instantly for those kind of traps. Obviously plenty of stone which also makes it hard to dig "base to base" tunnels because the game will be over before then. The "natural" tunnel system is mainly there to help with any stale mates that happen in mid. Can also get across the pits easily without building.
    Razi, PumpkingSlice, neil_v and 3 others like this.
  2. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Hehe. The middle bit looks like some kind of bearded warrior in a helm.

    ...or maybe it's just me.
    rocker2 likes this.
  3. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    awww, shown in separate spoilers so our screens don't explode. I knew you luved us :D
    jeffeypop likes this.
  4. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    You don't know how wrong you are there.
  5. dexterlakeclub

    dexterlakeclub Catapult Fodder

    I was playing on the server 30 minutes ago fortifying our base with stone and doors to protect our spawn and a guy named Cunts started destroying everything i was building. I'd seen this guy before and seen him get vote kicked for griefing. He continued to grief me until he had destroyed everything i built. I started to call out in chat that cunts was griefing me and then suddenly i was banned. Could i please be unbanned? I'm not sure what happened but I believe someone confused me with Cunts.
  6. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    That's funny. This "cunts" guy was saying people were grieffing on action in the irc.
  7. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Cunts Jtg was the only "Cunts" on blue team.

    You and JTG were the only builder besides JTG and Ajax. Between you JTG and Ajax, the only one who was actively breaking shit was you. Collapse log also stated it was you. Chances you didn't break stone and collapse that highly unlikely. I'll take my chances that you were the one who collapsed it.
    PumpkingSlice, rocker2 and jeffeypop like this.
  8. dexterlakeclub

    dexterlakeclub Catapult Fodder

    I literally didn't break ANYTHING. I was only building. I was placing doors mostly and some stone above it. Cunts was going through and destroying every bit of it from top to bottom. If I broke a single block it was due to misplacing something. When Cunts was destroying things he was doing it in a single hit. Somehow he was destroying my wood doors very quickly with single strikes. I replaced it as quickly as i could but he wouldn't stop.
    </br>--- merged: Jan 29, 2013 8:26 PM ---</br>
    The game had just started and there wasn't really anything built vertically. I'm not sure what I was banned for exactly, but if it was related to collapsing, there wasn't really anything to collapse. The only collapsible material near me was the thin layer of stone blocks i had placed above the doors i put down. I had done nothing but build and I have never griefed in my life.
  9. Areo

    Areo much doge so swag wow
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Because most of the people here post invalid things.
    Also , Dex , you're sure that you did not grief anything? Usually the admins are not accused of griefing. You are sure this ''cunts'' was a griefer?
    arcanecat likes this.
  10. vampo

    vampo alchemist Donator Tester

    i wasn't there but...
    it sounds like this guy put ground floor doors at spawn and not even a tower and someone corrected it. if the collapse logs say he done it, i'd go with that. the fact that this guy hasn't once said "i'm new" leads me to believe that he is legitimately new and just doesn't get what's going on. also that he is referring to the player he is accusing by the player's clantag. could be a clever rouse, probably not, though.
    i say put him in deny builder seclev until he learns why ground floor doors aren't for fun.
  11. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    If you guys didn't seen anything and just count on rcon logs, don't ban him. We all know these logs say wrong 3/4 of times.
  12. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    I was there and I'm pretty confident that this dexter guy is not a griefer. All I know is that he accused JTG (CUNTs) of griefing or something and then JTG kicked/banned him.
  13. dexterlakeclub

    dexterlakeclub Catapult Fodder

    Ok, I didn't think a guy named Cunts would be an admin and I'm pretty sure I saw a guy with the same name griefing before. If he was an admin, I guess he was able to destroy blocks with his admin powers and not with an exploit/hack and he didn't like what I was building. I thought I was being griefed and I'm not sure if he said anything in chat. I would appreciate being frozen as a first warning instead of banning me immediately.
  14. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    By opening a door, you can destroy it with one hit, Dexter. Just saying, because whoever was destroying those doors was probably opening them and hitting them, rather than using another method; they'd be destroying doors in a long row because door corridors slow the player down, and become more of a nuisance than a benefit.
    jeffeypop, Alpaca and PumpkingSlice like this.
  15. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Thanks for ignoring my post.
    This statement does call you out as a very new player. People who have been playing for a while know you can destroy open wooden doors in 1 hit. This combined with the fact that you thought door hallways are good probably means you are somewhat new to the game. I'd suggest you checking the Class Mechanics section.

    For now I'll assume that it was an accident and you may have accidentally right clicked on a door that was open to caused the collapse. If you are wondering why I didn't bother to freeze you, it's because I've had plenty of experiences of someone greifing and trying to blame it someone nearby who was actually fixing things. Since you are new, you legitimately thought you were doing good and the other person was doing bad. In that case I'll unban you (you were only banned for a day either way cause it wasn't anything major) but I do suggest you do read some stickied stuff (stuff with the pin next to it) here: https://forum.kag2d.com/forums/class-builder/
  16. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    Kouji - Saving the day since now.
  17. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    I have no idea how the fuck you guys save days.

    Banning for skills have been seen alot here now, that's such a stupid reason.
    Same goes for refering to rcon logs for a proof, that's stupid.
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  18. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    I didn't ban for skills or solely on RCON. Thanks for reading.

    I banned because it looked like he was legitmentally greifing. The only builders near collapse were JTG and Ajax who are unlikely to be griefers and dexterlakeclub. Experience dictates that if there are 3 builders are on screen in the area of the collapse, 2 of them are completely trustworthy and 1 is unknown, it's likely that it was the unknown. Collapse logs only confirmed my assumptions. Please continue crying on how I'm such a badmin. The fact that he was a new person and didn't know how to play was the reason I unbanned him.
    jeffeypop likes this.
  19. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    I've never talked about badmins, I've just said it was a stupid reason. I wasn't pointing at you for rcon logs too, that was for jeffeypop.
    You still put the fact he did that because lack of skills, that's what I was trying to say.
  20. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    He didn't ban for lack of skills, he banned him for suposedly grieffing...
Mods: jackitch
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