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Action! Unlimited

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Rayne, Dec 5, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Wow, I know but the reason he unbanned him was on the fact of lack of skills.
    So, if you have a brain somewhere, you can understand he was banned for an error due to bad skills. (But Kouji thought it was for griefing at first, then he noticed that) You get it now? It still mean he have been banned for skills.
  2. coco_na_latinha

    coco_na_latinha My name is coco I'm loco you said oh no! Donator

    Hai! I like to play this server but I don't like the server rule number 5 because the stones are located next to tent.

  3. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN


    There you go.
    I banned him because it looked like Griefing. Skills seriously had nothing to do with the actual ban. If someone looks like they are griefing, they usually are and deserve to get banned. It just happens that in this case the person was new.

    Toyota Prius in charge of admining #2013
    Yagger, Radpipe, Ej and 1 other person like this.
  4. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    k, you obviously can't read or I can't explain what I mean correctly.
    I'll bet for the second option.
    jeffeypop and GloriousToast like this.
  5. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Well what I'm getting from your posts is that you are posts is that you are implying I banned him for a stupid reason such as the fact that he lacked skill and I'm basically arguing that that is not the case. If that's not what you mean, then I'm sorry. Otherwise :bird:
  6. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    What I mean is:
    - You banned it for griefing
    - Then you notice he's not pretty good as builder and don't tried to grief
    - You unban him because that^
    - What that guy got: Banned for lack of skills
    - Why you banned it: Because you thought he was griefing.

    However we see this, this guy have been banned for being bad as builder. I am clear now or I just repeat shit again?
    GloriousToast and PumpkingSlice like this.
  7. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Why the fuck this argument going on in the first place is beyond me
    rocker2 likes this.
  8. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Because that's the thread for useless arguments.
    Didn't you noticed since 60 pages of it?
    jeffeypop, Stevedog, Areo and 5 others like this.
  9. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    I only noticed because I came back on and had a warning for calling Pumpking a "gay paki" which was around 20 pages ago. :huh?:
    rocker2 and PumpkingSlice like this.
  10. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    Heh, I like how you guys are arguing as if you could even impose a consequence on each other. Good job!
    Radpipe and PumpkingSlice like this.
  11. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    I have no idea what are you talking about.
    Where/who/which line mean we want to impose a consequence?
  12. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    1. does action still have its mumble server up? if it is can someone post it on op?
    2. did bluigi get admin back? should someone edit the op if he hasn't?
    3. can a couple of maps be added that suggest to tunnel not make it difficult?
  13. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    1. The Mumble isn't used for KAG anymore, talk with Blueluigi if you still want to hop on the action mumble
    2. Blueluigi is still banned on the server if I recall correctly.
    3. Tunnels are being set back to default

    Then why are you both bickering about how well each others administration abilities are? Either apply to remove his admin, or stop whining about Kouji's administration methods like a 12 year old faggot.
  14. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Where I whined about Kouji's administration? I've said the fact to ban someone for skills is stupid but actually Kouji banned it for griefing and then unbanned it for lack of skills. I just like how you search problems.

    If you get mad for these things, just don't read. Unless Kouji didn't feel good from what I've said, I don't see any problem.
  15. Ramsis

    Ramsis Ballista Bolt Thrower Donator Tester

    Aoi is fat, don't mind him.
    PumpkingSlice and Aoi like this.
  16. vampo

    vampo alchemist Donator Tester

    me referring to kouji using the rcon logs to confirm his suspicious does not the same as me depending on rcon logs for absolute proof.
    if english is your second language, it might help you to get along better if you try to make less accusation and argumentative.
    my post was supportive of the player being given a second chance. :huh?::heart:
  17. PixieKeira

    PixieKeira Shopkeep Stealer
    1. Delta Force - Delta

    What is happening in here: Half-baked arguments

    What I see in this thread: 50 knights wearing 50 different colors waving their e-peens at each other

    Solution: Powder keg
  18. Ajax

    Ajax Arsonist

    Gurl gamer pls go
  19. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    Ajax go and rethink your words.
    jeffeypop likes this.
  20. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    We don't ban for skill, we ban for blatant stupidity.

    Let's say you're watching someone play Mario, and he keeps walking into enemies instead of jumping on them, now let's say Mario is a team based game and he is wasting a life every time he does, he's not getting the fucking idea after the first 2 times and is still walking into them instead of jumping OVER them or jumping ON them.

    Ban him.

    Or at least I should say 'we' never did, when it was mine or Noburu's server, or Rayne's via FLAB.
    Domis, Radpipe, Guitarman and 4 others like this.
Mods: jackitch
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