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Action! Unlimited

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Rayne, Dec 5, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    Yeah same here, when I play as MY alt who has admin powers on this server-wait...
  2. Arcrave

    Arcrave http://tinyurl.com/ArcravesTheme Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Radpipe, Alpaca, Areo and 2 others like this.
  3. jackitch

    jackitch :(){ :|: & };: Global Moderator Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Vanguarde, I can appreciate the fact that you like to help keep servers free of hackers / griefers.

    Here's where my concern is:

    I have good reason to believe that 'my alt is a well-known action admin' is a blatant lie.

    I parsed our logs to give me strings of your IP address and have found no matches to you on other accounts. If you are an admin, you shouldn't be. If you DO have an alt who is an action admin, we need to know who that alt is. You can't be an admin with a secret account that isn't tied to the forums. And as to your alt being 'well-known', I find that hard to believe given that no one even knows who your alt is. And if that account is well-known on the forums, might I remind you that forum multi-accounting is a bannable offense?

    I don't know you and I'm trying to go about this the right way, but honestly, tooting your own horn about how
    is not required. At this point it's actually quite annoying.

    So here's my offer:

    Send me the names of all your alternate accounts (the 'admin' especially) or you will be permanently banned from the Action server. If you lied, that's not so bad, but I want you to post that in this thread so everyone can see it.

    You can't say: "My alt account is an admin and well known" without being prepared to face the consequences.
    Beef, Vanguarde, I3lue and 6 others like this.
  4. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Can't see any recent posts from Vanguarde. Deleted posts detected?

    EDIT: Oh $#!+, just searched for posts from Vanguarde. Seems like either he deleted ALL of his posts, or someone did it for him.
    Alpaca likes this.
  5. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    Strange, I can still see all his posts...
    arcanecat and Alpaca like this.
  6. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    I took the liberty of liking brandon's post before trying it myself, but yeah i can see them too
    arcanecat and Guitarman like this.
  7. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    I do believe he was trying to be sarcastic... trying to make fun of you guys... and what not.
  8. Wolffkran

    Wolffkran Horde Gibber

    Bullshit. I like my ability to distinguish between trolling and stupidity.
  9. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Strange, it looks like they aren't there for me :/
    EDIT: Oh, I see, he has "hidden" content and I need to click the show ignored posts to view. Because of course I ignored him a long time ago for some reason I can't even remember. I guess I'm just allergic to bullshit. Seriously, over a year on KAG and he's the only one on my ignore list.

    Anyway, here are some choice quotes from Vanguarde just 10 minutes ago on the server (10:30pm CDT, 10 March).
    He also says it's funny when people threaten him.
  10. Oximus

    Oximus Arsonist


    He was put in your ignore list, thank whoever later.
  11. Vanguarde

    Vanguarde 'Most Hated' 2013

    Feel free to ban the IP's you see - they are all proxies. I also use custom VPN's. I use a proxy when I admin on the servers so there is a reason why you cannot figure it out. For Vanguarde I just play in the open.
    It took me months to work my way using my alts to gain the trust of the admins to make my alt admin. I see no reason to tell you anything. All I will say is that the alt IS connected to the forum. It's a well known member who happens to be well liked. Please remember I am a sociopath and this is what I do. It's how I get enjoyment. I see the game and the forums as a huge meta-game. I am sorry if you feel powerless but my alt does do a good job being admin.

    I see no reason to tell you the other admin accounts I have for other servers that are not affiliated with action unlimited. As I said I work very hard and it takes intense concentration to juggle and change my entire persona and writing style, and I am not giving that up. Nothing bad has happened for the several months I have been admin, and nothing bad will happen. Just don't kick the hornets nest.

    - Billy

    P.S. I have nothing to apologize about for in regards to my advice in terms of how to admin, or anything else for that matter. I have been playing games since 1982, and online since 1994. I know what I am doing. If you want to "punish" me for doing what I do that is your choice, but the thing that is pissing everyone off is that they fear who my alts are, and might be friends with the alts. They have no idea who they are now. Welcome to the internet. You would not have made this post making demands of me if you could have corrected it without asking me in the first place. I don't like to be threatened. Leave me alone. Everything is fine, it has been for months.
    </br>--- merged: Mar 11, 2013 5:31 AM ---</br>
    I also have nothing else to say about any of this, and will not respond to anyone who speaks to me for one (1) week.
  12. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    So basically, he's a total asshole when he's being "Vanguarde", but he's fine when he's other people... Honestly I don't see the big issue. Yes, he's an asshole whenever he does something with his vanguarde account, but if he's on his best behavior with the other accounts, then what's the problem with them? I honestly don't care; yeah it may be a little odd that you get off on this, but we all have our own things. That's what I was thinking BEFORE I red the part about "Just don't kick the hornets nest". Now I'm mad. You see, that's just being extremely egotistical and full of yourself, and that's MY thing. So back the fuck off. You think you're so special because you can fake an IP and act like different people? Great, where's that gonna get you in life? Hmmmmmmm?!?!?!? (the following has been censored for the sake that no one gives a fuck that I may or may not be (probably am... sorry, that was for me) better than them irl)

    So to recap, cocky and full of self? MY THING. and don't you DARE try to steal it.

    EDIT: also, crappy punk rock. That's also my thing, but I can share that. None of you can touch my ego, it's way out of your league, and if you try, I will find you, and I swear by my pretty floral bonnet; I will end you. That means you Vanguarde.
  13. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    Trying to, Not achieving it
    Ej likes this.
  14. jackitch

    jackitch :(){ :|: & };: Global Moderator Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    I did not intend to threaten you Vanguarde. I was simply reiterating server / forum rules and calling you out on something that I had no reason to believe was true. But did you really have to post on my profile? Really?

    I figured you used proxies. That's fine. Go ahead and continue doing that.

    I have not kicked any hornet nest and if I did, that's not what I intended. I also do not feel powerless. After all, what kind of power do I have anyway? I play a game and can ban people.... not really power if you ask me.

    I have banned your account on our server and have reported you for multi-accounting on the forum. If the administrators decide to give you a free pass, though, fine. You can use your 'nice' persona anytime you want. I don't care, and never really did tbh, even if it's one of the Action admins.

    Alpaca made a good comment which I wholeheartedly agree with:
    No problem whatsoever. Find the best-behaved person you can and roleplay that guy.

    As I said before, I don't know you. I have one account and I am who I appear to be. You can choose to use alternate accounts ingame. That's fine. Even if you have 20? paid accounts.... But not on the forum, as is stated here in the forum rules.

    TLDR: I just don't want 'Vanguarde' around anymore. Pretend to be someone else that's well-liked. I don't expect a reply, because you won't be responding for a week, but I hope that we understand each other.

    :heart: jackitch
    rocker2 and Ej like this.
  15. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    This seems to have got slightly out of proportion the moderating staff have been alerted and it will be dealt with, if you do in fact have an alternative forum account. For now please let it get back on topic and if the concerned parties feel the need to take it further please do so in private through a Query (conversation/PM)
  16. Vanguarde

    Vanguarde 'Most Hated' 2013

    THIS MESSAGE IS DIRECTED ONLY AT FELLOW MEMBER HELLA. The response is too long as 140 is the limit. You spoke to me Hella in profile here is answer.

    I will answer you because you speak to me with no disrespect. I will answer you back with the same honestly and respect.

    I struggle with severe mental illness and when I get these episodes I need a way to deal with them instead of hurting local animals like I used to do. I have daily nightmares about the BlueLuigi event and when I am symptomatic I want nothing but total revenge on the entire community and Vanguarde emerges as a result.

    When I am not severely symptomatic I do not interact with the community at all this, instead I am part of the community peacefully.

    I think KAG is a fantastic game. I want nothing but the best for it. When I am symptomatic visions of doing harm to the unborn grandchildren of various members who annoy me and drive me insane with their disrespect for KAG and each other to get ultimate and final revenge on them.

    I cannot help it when my illness flares up this severely. I am ashamed of my actions when I "wake up" from them and I pray everyday that my three children do not develop into sociopaths with bi-polar disease like I have.

    I never talk to anyone as directly as this Hella. Something about the way you write to me soothes me and disarms my very violent temper, unlike most of the members who choose to interact with me in a harsh way which is dangerous for everyone involved.

    I just want to feel better and to go back to being the alt admin which I cannot log into when I am in crisis like this as he will be revealed through my anger.
  17. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Hey, man, delete that message here, send it to me by pm. It's easier that way, you won't get murdered by people trying to troll you, and it's also quieter. I'll respond to you by pm too.
  18. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    But then he won't get the sweet, sweet attention.

    And what's the point of trolling if you don't get attention?
    Rayne, Aoi and Oximus like this.
  19. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    He'll have my attention, Unnamed, and that's the best kind of attention anyone can possibly have.

    You have my attention too. Do you feel it's warm caress?
    UnnamedPlayer likes this.
  20. Arcrave

    Arcrave http://tinyurl.com/ArcravesTheme Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    What the fuck kind of shit is this? The Advanced faggotry in this thread has been brought to record levels. Please do not provide him with anymore nourishment. Cock-Gobblers can only go so long before they starve to death.

    "Hella-Gay" - Rayne
Mods: jackitch
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