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AE - always erect

Discussion in 'Dead/Inactive' started by Cruxiat, Apr 23, 2016.

  1. Cruxiat

    Cruxiat Haxor Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    GG @Rice_Lord @TheBloodyWolf You guys went really well. It was a pleasure playing against ya, hope we can do it another time!
  2. Rice_Lord

    Rice_Lord Base Burner

    Thanks! It was a good time playing with you as well.
  3. Cruxiat

    Cruxiat Haxor Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    + @Red_&_White
  4. RedOTheWisp

    RedOTheWisp Ballista Bolt Thrower Official Server Admin

    Steam & Forums name: RedOTheWisp (both).
    Where you come from: Australia.
    What you're best as: Archer.
    Experience: Both Classic and Current with around 200 hours total.
    Anything to Add: I'm interested in getting involved in the more competitive aspects of Kag.

    Thank-you for your consideration.
  5. Cruxiat

    Cruxiat Haxor Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    Thanks for applying! We'll get back to you as soon as possible.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 7, 2017, Original Post Date: Dec 20, 2016 ---
    + @-Tj-
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 10, 2017 ---
    - @Stevedog
    - @Darksteel
    - @Ozminer
    - @sagakeren

    good luck with reforming AUSS boys! It was a pleasure having you in the clan, and I hope I met you on the battlefield soon :thumbs_up:
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 10, 2017 ---
    + @Gurin kappa
  6. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    It's sad to see so many people leave :QQ:
    ... and it's also sad to see that people like @Gurin are accepted into the clan :kappa:
  7. Cruxiat

    Cruxiat Haxor Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    + @FEARKING Welcome back to kag my dude!
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 20, 2017, Original Post Date: Jan 15, 2017 ---
    Hey! We're looking for clans to challenge (and to challenge us) For MLK! If you'd like to have a match, please contact me or eps via the forums or through steam. Thanks!
  8. Nicuwins

    Nicuwins Haxor

    Ok fight me 1vs5
  9. Cruxiat

    Cruxiat Haxor Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    Message me on forums if you want a legit match lmao
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 21, 2017, Original Post Date: Jan 20, 2017 ---
    Alright so I just spammed the fuck out of every clanpage to get us some matches going, if I missed a clan make sure to hit me up ASAP to get a time
  10. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

  11. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester


  12. Cruxiat

    Cruxiat Haxor Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    guys I'm desperate for matches, if you're in a clan and want to have some good fun matches for MLK then hit me up. xoxo
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 15, 2017, Original Post Date: Feb 12, 2017 ---
    clans who bitch out of matches need to be banned asap
  13. erik102003

    erik102003 Base Burner Tester

    who makes you guys those sexy cards ? :3
  14. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester

  15. erik102003

    erik102003 Base Burner Tester

    I love them ! 25252525
  16. nickkardash

    nickkardash Haxor

    hi, if you want to have a match against omega, were up for it. We have a mix of US and EU players. https://discord.gg/Ejsz6AF come to this chat. there isnt a lot of clan leaders in there yet, but its intended to be a leader chat, to find and organize matches.
  17. Cruxiat

    Cruxiat Haxor Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    @nickkardash Yep! I'm contacting you guys as we speak, Also, just to let you guys know that TOXIC will be returning in a week or two, so feel free to contact us for matches in future. Thanks!
  18. 34/36 = 94.44444
  19. Cruxiat

    Cruxiat Haxor Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    me no math good, me have no calculator, me fix, me thank
  20. PooManCHU

    PooManCHU Shopkeep Stealer

    Hello Cruxiat, i Am PooManCHU that is my name in game and on the forums, this is a an application form describing my experience and skill level in KAG.
    I will start with my Experience with kag, well i pretty much grew up with this game, i played it when it was free back in 2012. i was twelve at the time, At that point in time a was not competitive at all. i bought the steam beta version a year later. i don't use steam anymore because of auto updates that cant be turned off witch sometimes break save-games on my modded games. i decided to stop using it in 2015, i took about a year off. but decided to get back into KAG mid 2016 this time wanting to be competitive, i downloaded the indie launcher off of kag2d.com, and have been playing most days since.

    I live in New Zealand, in the far north, in a nice inland valley, my ping on Aus server's are good, but ping on EU and US servers is pretty poor.
    As far as hours go i Couldn't give you a exact number nut over the almost five years I've been playing kag, I've put in a shitton of hours.
    i Have played in game a lot with Atheon and i bit with Eps. Ath knows my skill level if you want to double check,we have fought side by side on many occasions.

    I main Knight in KAG, i play Knight 85% of the time, that being said i am a competent builder, and while not being the Fastest i I'm pretty Clever, archer is by far my weak suit i hardly play it and I'm not very good with that class, i can still let rip a few bomb arrows when needed. but overall i am i knight through and through. i consider myself pretty good, but being cooky ruins my game. i get a good amount of kills, because i throw myself into the thick of it and am not afraid to risking death too help my team, everyone has bad days on kag, on mine i can still hold down a k/d of 1.00, and when im playing normally i hold a consistent k/d of around 1.70 to 2.00 sometimes higher, i am a team player.

    Thank you Team Toxic for reading what a had to say while i am a vet of kag i am still pretty new to the social side, i would like to join a Clan i like minded individuals, i am Active in Kag and wanting to compete for TOXIC in 2017.