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[AG#] vs pGc [Approved]

Discussion in 'Competitive KAG Archive' started by Lumeos, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. Server: Clan War server (italian's server because MLK EU not op)
    Date: , Saturday, October 25 2014
    Rules: Official rules

    • Snake19
    • A_jax
    • Fuzzle
    • Urkeuse
    • Elowan
    • Lumeos
    • Teqas
    • MrFlames
    • Subtelny
    • Cepiarz
    • KarolloPL
    Results :
    • Round 1 : 2 - 0 ([AG#]won with 2 caps)
    • Round 2 : 1 - 0 ([AG#] won with 2 cap)
    • Round 3 : Win 2/0 no 3rd round
    • Outcome: [AG#]WIN!
  2. TeQaS

    TeQaS Haxor

  3. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    AG receives 2 points gg! Dont forget screenshots!
  4. sorry