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ArL - Arthurian League

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Freddex, Dec 9, 2012.

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  1. Xiaojin isn't familiar with Kag forums? wuuut...
  2. Cpa3y

    Cpa3y Shark Slayer

    And good game to BoW too. You are very strong enemy and we just had more luck than you.
    16th likes this.
  3. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Merc doesn't even have a group, I heard they have a conversation, yet, xiaojin and someone else who was using some account told me that there wasn't any information either. They just knew when the match was supposed to happen, but not where, neither got they told what the password is.
  4. Well dammit here comes the finals. And as always nobody in POWER is prepared. Aha. Ahahaha.
  5. Galen bzt argue 2013.
    I suppose you're right, then. Power still only slightly beats them in the category of organization :p
    Will the finals be postponed or something, then?
    Galen likes this.
  6. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    I have no idea, honestly. I suppose that Fred is going to tell us people what'll happen now.
  7. Cause the morally victorious clans don't need organization. High fives to POWER, YB and MERC!
  8. Bammboo

    Bammboo Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I'm quite sure that xiaojin said that she didn't really come onto the forums besides her comics. So that would make her unfamiliar with them?
  9. Harmony

    Harmony Shopkeep Stealer

    MERC assembled in due time (despite having no information), played a few matches and Pk# forfeited because they couldn't handle it. They were too afraid of losing to MERC and not being able to lose to BoW in the finals, so they had the match thrown out. Just goes to show you that if enough people complain, somebody will make a hasty decision and ruin it for all parties involved. So much for having fun playing against a team that doesn't even want to finish their own match. So get mad, and whoever recorded what little of a match there was please upload to verify this
  10. Rock, Paper, Scissors!
    :huh?::hammer: :gold::(
  11. Knew it. Pk lacked booze power.
    Karpovich and Sigsson like this.
  12. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I don't think anyone recorded it, as I was the only available person to record and I was on BoW vs FAITH (which is being edited at the moment, should be up early morning GMT).
  13. Verrazano

    Verrazano Flat Chested Haggy Old Souless Witchy Witch Witch THD Team Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    it's kinda odd the passwords are always the same.
  14. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Symph, you imply that POWER have been morally victorious; you can't be physically victorious and morally victorious at the same time, you fool!

    Well, unless you're me, of course, but then, I am amazing.
  15. Meanwhile, @ the ArL officials' houses:
  16. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Video will be going live here, you can subscribe to the channel if you want to be notified of it's upload and procession completion.

    magnum357 and WarrFork like this.
  17. rocker2

    rocker2 Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    I don't agree with a lot of this, so I'm going to post my perspective on the matter:

    Last time we were scheduled to play you, none of you showed up. We waited for hours, yet it seemed nobody had remembered the match. Master was kind enough not to take the points and postpone the match to later.

    Today, we waited half an hour on the server (with no contact whatsoever) before Areo and I went to try to find the Merc representatives - We found only you and Xaio on Oban's, without any clue about the password.

    After we gave you the password, you decided to play with only 2 actual Merc representatives. As substitutes, you found WarrFork, Maverick, and Taiga, well known as some of the most skilled players atm.

    I don't understand how you are whining about this - Not only did we not forfeit the match, the match ref (Galen) decided that the match was unfit and postponed the matter until Freddex would be back.

    The Merc team really needs to step up their organization and game - We can't be expected to play against a team that can't even show up on time, or at all, unprepared and lacking fair judgement.

    E: There's much more to this story, will add some stuff asap.
    Taiga and Domis like this.
  18. Not quite GG after all. Hello again, silly billy. :r_flex:25252525:bird:

    Haha, on a more serious note I'm really looking forward to the finals; going to be really interesting I tells ya. Really interesting indeeeeeed.
  19. All this drama and POWER isn't a part of it. I feel left out.
    nerdpride and BeasterDenBeast like this.
  20. Symphony, I can share it with you <3

    Seriously, I dislike to see when people have to play with 300+ ping, of course I help out mercs in trouble.
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