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Baron's Warchest Servers

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by daskew87, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    +1, cool guy, hasn't been an admin before, but he's worth a shot IMO
    I haven't talked with Hero as much as I have with rampage, but she seems like a pretty decent person. If it was my server, I'd give them a shot.

    Also, I know you're really only recruiting new people to be admin, but if you ever need someone with some experience, I'd gladly apply. (I'm admin on official, hierbo's, and action servers (I think my admin on aphelion's servers got removed due to my inactivity on his servers))
  2. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator


    Okay a few things have changed since my last post about the servers...

    :up:Admin applications...

    I couldn't agree with you more @Auburn, I think both of them are good dudes - You're both admins congrats @RampageX & @ThE_HeRo. Meet me in the servers and I'll do the 'necessary rituals' to make you the admins (I'm not just talking about assigning you admins, hehe) ::D:

    Thanks for applying Auburn... as time goes on I might change my mind about having mostly "fresh" admins. But for now I just want to take on guys that are quite new to the roles. I appreciate your advice about the two applicants however.

    !!!New Server!

    Yes it looks like I'm going a bit server-crazy now as I have 6 of them. This latest one is another 1v1 server for TDM. I have currently not changed the max players to 2, but I will do when I remember to. This server is called at this moment: *Baron's Warchest 1v1 DM (EU) no 2*.

    :right:Some Server Changes

    *Baron's Warchest Nice 'n Small* has had a little more processing power given to it - power for 11 slots, not just 10. The reason being is that Admins can join when a server is full (spilling over the 10 slot allotment), so it is useful to have a more power for this reason. Also I am planning on assigning some nice people that frequent the servers a lot VIP status, whereby the only extra advantage they have is they can join the server when it's full. I'm really pleased with this server so far, my favourite games are 5v5 games usually.

    *Baron's Warchest 1v1 DM (EU)* only has custom TDMs now. All the maps are created by me and they have been designed for 1v1 situations - as the default maps are more suitable for big groups. These maps are much more aggressive and less campy.

    *Baron's Warchest Mixed-maps CTF* will soon be converted into a passworded TDM server for the upcomming tournament I am hosting. Incase you didn't know here is the tournament. It will be changed back and forth from being an open CTF server back to the TDM over the next month at least.

    There ya go. Twas the update :rollseyes:
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2015
  3. ThE_HeRo

    ThE_HeRo Bison Rider

    Will do tomorrow. G'night.
  4. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Maybe you should have one 1v1 server with custom maps and one with your maps? A lot of your maps are focused on archer gameplay, but a lot of 1v1s are with knights.
  5. RampageX

    RampageX Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Will do. :thumbs_up:
  6. ThE_HeRo

    ThE_HeRo Bison Rider

    I won't be able to do it until tomorrow... Super Bowl day... I'll squeeze some time if your free tonight if I'm able, @daskew87
  7. RampageX

    RampageX Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Tonight is fine for me too.
  8. Clev

    Clev Resident Stoner Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    • How often do you play?
    • Im on nearly every day
    • Which well known servers have you had admin on before?
    • This would be the first one
    • Did you simply get admin because you are a friend of the owner?
    • N/A
    • How long were you an admin?
    • N/A
    • Was your admin status ever removed and if so why?
    • N/A
    • Do you have any recommendations from guards or server owners or other notable people?
    • I feel as though you could ask any LVT and they could vouch for me, plus you know me fairly well.
    • Why should you get admin and what makes you a good admin?
    • Because if I'm playing a lot during the day, I might as well let something good happen out of it as well.
    • Any other information you think might be relevant?
    • Hi Dask <3
  9. AmestriStephen

    AmestriStephen Haxor Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    Dasko, he's a nice dude, plus he can be a lot nicer than me :P
  10. veronartdoob

    veronartdoob Haxor

    Admin Daskew is a cheater, when he is going to lose start to do cheats, swiching teams for take his flags, and he get stuff from commands, block people with F3...etc etc
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 20, 2015, Original Post Date: Feb 20, 2015 ---
    Admin Daskew is a cheater, when he is going to lose start to do cheats, swiching teams for take his flags, and he get stuff from commands, block people with F3...etc etc
  11. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    No mate I do that in the late evenings for fun. I don't do it to make one team win. Some people don't like it, some people hate it... some actually think its funny and find it a cool break from the norm when I spawn bombers and sharks etc.

    I don't freeze people aggressively like how you stated either.

    Also many people now I have allowed to join me on switching teams and being random lol. They have enjoyed it a lot. A lot of such people I don't even know.

    If you don't like what happens in the server late on at night, don't join it. Otherwise I accept your criticism and if it's not for you please again don't join when it's going on: e.g. messing with gravity (people loved a lot, e.g. "Gravity flux incomming!" lol) etc
  12. blackjoker77777

    blackjoker77777 Haxor Tester
    1. Zen Laboratories

    well , Daskew that guy got a point , the last time I joined your server (in the morning) I found a lot of guys messing around using commands and they said you forgot it on . I mean seriously, a team with 90 flags and the other team is composed of 5 teams and each player spams kegs and bombs and they spam !hall or !barracks just to dig the ground (I had to restart map like 5 times to avoid that severe lag !!! ). That wasn't funny at all and I tried my best to stop them from spamming things here and there using all the admin powers I am allowed to use, I didn't ban anyone but I froze some of them to avoid the 99 bombs spam and 40 warbase spawn some of them got convinced but 90% of them kept spamming (-_-) .The issue is that most of the players said that I was breaking the fun there and that you "forgot" the commands on for a reason (at least that's what they said ), I told them that I will ask you to turn off the commands and some of them started raging and flaming (some of them chased me on other servers too). Being an admin with those conditions is really hard and stressful man ! :anger:
    This made a lot of people leave (and they were complaining) and most of them used to join that server usually but they stopped after seeing that the server lost his popularity and his laws ,rules were made for a reason , you know :rollseyes:. Having fun from time to time is a great idea but what happened is a total chaos {remember that day when I asked you to give me access to /sv_test command? if you did that day I would be able to solve that issue easily ::P: }
    the conclusion: beware bro , don't loose your server and don't loose the great players that respect you (and telling the players to respect admins and not calling them "fun-breakers" won't hurt too ), I am just writing this because I hate to have enemies I mean I play to have fun , and I usually protect the server I am admin on and try to catch those "rule-breakers" to make them stop , but this will be illogical if those rules doesn't exist !!!
    PS: you are a "Donator"? wow how didn't I notice that before? :huh?:.
    Did the devs give you a custom head? or not yet? ::P:
  13. AmestriStephen

    AmestriStephen Haxor Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

  14. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    I knew about the test mode command before, but you've given me some nice help anyway.

    I accidentally left it on that evening.

    You don't get a custom head for donating a small amount. You have to spend a fair chunk of money. Although some people are rewarded for community work with heads.

    !!!New Admin

    @Slendermawn is the new admin

    @Egholm is the new "Head of admins" - go to him for advice about how to admin if you're unsure. He's tried and tested now and a good wise dude ::D:
  15. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

  16. Egholm

    Egholm Shipwright

    Glad you're pleased with me :smug:
  17. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    Yerp yerp yerp ::P:
  18. NinjaCell

    NinjaCell Haxor

    Admin Application

    How often do you play?
    At least every week. Usually more.
    Which well known servers have you had admin on before?

    I am an admin on the MIST server.
    Did you simply get admin because you are a friend of the owner?
    No, I got admin because I helped the owner set up the server and showed him how to add people as admins.
    How long were you an admin?
    I still am, although there is not always people on the server so I don't need to go there that much.
    Was your admin status ever removed and if so why?
    Do you have any recommendations from guards or server owners or other notable people?
    I'm sure @MCrifelMIST
    and @Auburn could recommend me.
    Why should you get admin and what makes you a good admin?
    I don't get angry easily, so I can make balanced judgements.
    Any other information you think might be relevant?
    I started the Fire Emblem social forum, I made an archer guide once (I still maintain that's why Aurora is so good) and I'm in your archer tournament.
  19. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    +1, I've never seen him be immature, and he's overall a cool guy.
  20. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    :up:Admin Applications

    Hey @Yagger. I actually responded to your application and a bunch of other well-known members. I prefer to give people a try who haven't been admins at any big joint before. Sorry about that man. Otherwise I'm sure you'd be an ideal admin.

    As for @NinjaCell I agree with Auburn; I think you're a pretty sound guy and you're not a well established admin. Next time you see me in one of the servers I will perform the admin rituals with you then make you an admin. Good luck!
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015