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BC FlatMap CTF

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by BC, Oct 16, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. Healio2

    Healio2 Catapult Fodder

    Thank you :)
    </br>--- merged: Jul 1, 2013 2:32 PM ---</br>
    It was in between enemy and ally building structures. It was just a 3 block deep hole with doors and the hole was filled with bridge pieces so that the enemy had less chance of seeing me.
  2. Fucu

    Fucu Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Really? I get on and there's already tons of spam about something so stupid. Everyone was yelling at you telling you to move up and contribute to helping the team. The team started a vote kick against you, and in response you said to bone:

    <Healio2> I pressed your mom last night

    I kicked you and that was it. It was like kicking someone that's afk. No one was ever going to ban you for sitting in a hole. On the other hand, if the team is begging for extra help and you're refusing to do so, the team is welcome to vote kick you out for a replacement. Maybe I should have waited until after a few more votes came in, but I had had enough. Rest assured that you will never be kicked for skill level or anything like that. We're here to have a fun and enjoyable time, but you are not the only one that is trying to enjoy themselves. You're a part of a TEAM. It's a TEAM effort. Single player tactics are exactly what get you yelled at.

    And I also hope you understand Harmony's sarcasm. ^^
  3. Healio2

    Healio2 Catapult Fodder

    No one was polite about telling me to help the team.. but even if they were.. our whole team were mostly builders who were just building things by the base.. attacking a base we couldn't reach head on because builders were back there.. and our lack of knights is like giving them free kills. By hiding in a hole I was sure to get people passing overhead since killing the other team was the only way we were going to win with the lack of cooperation from the builders. I was attacked for my strategy by like 3 players. They refused to listen to reason. They were being very selfish trying to tell me how to play the game.. and very rude. So like I said previously.. I got hostile too, but I tried to lighten up my feelings of hostility with the mom joke in reponse to someone saying something about pressing on. I mean I could have just said a bunch of foul things to everyone or left leaving everyone with even less help. But I didn't do any of those things. I made a joke and I got kicked. And all of this because I was having fun and strategizing. I was on the team, and I was killing enemies in my own way.. which contributes to the team.. so it was a team effort. I attack from a traphole less when there are more knights to keep the enemies at bay.. but obviously a lot of enemies were passing over the hole for me not to get bored in there.
  4. Fucu

    Fucu Ballista Bolt Thrower

    No one yelled at you until you said it was a strategy, everyone was fine. You're welcome to look through the logs yourself, but I'm way too tired and busy to deal with someone complaining about being kicked for being useless. You're welcome to return to the server with an open mind and listen to people that try to help you, but don't come crying to the forums because people are mean. Get over it.
  5. Healio2

    Healio2 Catapult Fodder

    Yeah they were complaining and yelling at me. you said it yourself in that other reply of yours.. but it wasn't single player tactics.. no such thing exists in a war game. I am not sure why everyone was fine until I mentioned it was a strategy.. it is like they were angry that I was thinking for myself instead of following suicidal orders. I will return to the server when Action 40 is down. I wasn't here crying on the forums because people were being mean.. they do that all the time. I was here posting because the whole mess wasn't fair to me and it wouldn't be fair to anyone else that it happens to. I am posting because people have the right to know what happens. It doesn't matter what you think of what im posting. Defending myself and others is what matters to me.
  6. Harmony

    Harmony Shopkeep Stealer

  7. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    I'm sorry, but you've been lying this entire time. The layout where your, "hidey hole," was was like this;


    The two generic buildings represent the red team's buildings, while the ladders represent the CLOSEST blue tower, which was actually farther away than that even. I DID ask you politely (at first) to stop wasting the team's time and the spot that could be filled by someone attacking, I said, "We need to press the enemy," which we were doing. Most of us were knights/builders pushing blue back and were almost at their base. You, however, decided that sitting in a hole the entire game was useful, which was nestled between two red (our team) buildings. Which is, in fact, useless. That's when you said, "I pressed ur mom," or some stupid shit, and that's where I got annoyed.

    You were not contributing to anything except occupying a space on a team. You were NOT between our buildings and the enemy buildings, you were back towards our base structure, with many walls of our own ahead of you. You were cocky and smug, highly different from your "wounded deer" demeanor you've shown here.


    [23:11:04] * Healio2 * has been voted to be kicked by MEDIC thebonesauce (1/5)
    [23:11:07] <Healio2> boo!
    [23:11:09] * The teams are in need of balancing!
    [23:11:12] <Bomba Harmony> Balls
    [23:11:19] * Healio2 * has been voted to be kicked by Bomba Harmony (2/5)
    [23:11:19] <Fucu> Healio, move
    [23:11:21] <[HA] GloriousToast> YES
    [23:11:23] gamer4life747 left the game
    [23:11:23] <Fucu> Do something
    [23:11:28] <Healio2> I am actually
    [23:11:32] New player joined the game
    [23:11:32] Unnamed player is now known as AltusNovas
    [23:11:32] AltusNovas has joined Blue Team
    [23:11:35] <Fucu> You're not, actually
    [23:11:41] <MEDIC thebonesauce> ...fucking christ
    [23:11:42] <Healio2> Im hiding in a hole and I pop out and kill people
    [23:11:47] <[DV] Crickey> xdd
    [23:11:53] <MEDIC thebonesauce> you're also being fucking useless
    [23:11:58] <MEDIC thebonesauce> as we're pressing them right now
    [23:12:02] [CLA] Snared_08 left the game
    [23:12:07] <Healio2> I pressed your mom last night
    [23:12:08] <Fucu> ^^^
    [23:12:10] <Bomba Harmony> LOL
    [23:12:12] <Bomba Harmony> Nice Kaz
    [23:12:13] <MEDIC Kazaco97> gotcha
    [23:12:20] <MEDIC thebonesauce> nice one, fgt
    [23:12:20] Healio2 left the game
    [23:12:23] <[HA] GloriousToast> WTF
    [23:12:23] <Bomba Harmony> I HEARD
    [23:12:26] <Bomba Harmony> THIS IS WHERE COOL PEOPLE HAND
    [23:12:28] <MEDIC thebonesauce> lol
    [23:12:28] <[HA] GloriousToast> I CANT FUCKING SHIELD?
    [23:12:29] <MEDIC thebonesauce> Fucu
    [23:12:31] <[DV] Crickey> F@GGT XD
    [23:12:31] <MEDIC thebonesauce> did you boot him?
    [23:12:32] <Bomba Harmony> HANG
    [23:12:32] <Fucu> Just kicked him
    [23:12:34] <MEDIC thebonesauce> <3
    [23:12:51] New player joined the game
    [23:12:51] Unnamed player is now known as Healio2
    [23:12:52] New player joined the game
    [23:12:52] Unnamed player is now known as Tekax2
    [23:12:52] Healio2 has joined Blue Team
    [23:12:52] Tekax2 is now known as Omega Tekax2
    [23:12:52] Omega Tekax2 has joined Red Team
    [23:12:55] <Delta Beepo> ...
    [23:13:01] <Delta Beepo> guess it didn't work
    [23:13:09] <Healio2> really I got kicked for that. and Im on the other team
    [23:13:17] <Bomba Harmony> Healio
    [23:13:18] <[DV] Crickey> wtf .l
    [23:13:19] <Bomba Harmony> I HAVE YOUR BODY
    [23:13:29] <Delta Beepo> why kicked him Fucu?
    [23:13:31] <MEDIC thebonesauce> yes, because you were useless
    [23:13:47] <Delta Beepo> he is not useless?
    [23:13:48] <MEDIC thebonesauce> chocobash
    [23:13:48] <Healio2> that wasn't useless. its strategy.. called element of surprise
    [23:13:49] <Bomba Harmony> bone mad
    [23:13:51] <Bomba Harmony> fucu mad
    [23:13:52] <[DV] Crickey> xdx
    [23:13:52] <Delta Beepo> he gave me kills
    [23:13:55] <MEDIC thebonesauce> please stop opening the door
    [23:13:55] <Bomba Harmony> erry1 mad
    [23:14:00] <[DV] Crickey> harmory mad
    [23:14:10] <[DV] Crickey> harmony
    [23:14:12] <[DV] Crickey> :pp
    [23:14:13] <MEDIC thebonesauce> ...
    [23:14:13] <Delta Beepo> HAMZ IS MADE
    [23:14:18] <Bomba Harmony> HAMROY
    [23:14:19] <MEDIC thebonesauce> there goes my cata
    [23:14:25] <MEDIC thebonesauce> Healio
    [23:14:28] <MEDIC thebonesauce> let me give you some advice
    [23:14:28] <[DV] Crickey> xdd
    [23:14:32] <Bomba Harmony> SHIT
    [23:14:34] <MEDIC thebonesauce> when you're pressing the enemy
    [23:14:34] <Bomba Harmony> BRB
    [23:14:38] <MEDIC thebonesauce> and tearing through their front lines
    [23:14:47] <MEDIC thebonesauce> sitting in a fucking hole = useless.
    [23:14:48] <Fucu> If someone's trying to give you advice, healio don't be a dick about it
    [23:14:58] <[HA] GloriousToast> U ARE ALL DICKS
    [23:15:03] <Delta Beepo> ^
    [23:15:04] <KAG soapgaming> why are you guys mad?
    [23:15:04] <[HA] GloriousToast> I HATE U PLZ DIE
    [23:15:10] <[HA] GloriousToast> i fucking lag
    [23:15:12] <Healio2> I have to agree that most people here are dicks
    [23:15:14] <[HA] GloriousToast> and i die a lot
    [23:15:17] <Bomba Harmony> I have to agree
    [23:15:19] <KAG soapgaming> im not a dick
    [23:15:20] <Bomba Harmony> That Healio
    [23:15:24] <Bomba Harmony> is agreeable
    [23:15:26] <Bomba Harmony> but not right
    [23:15:33] <[HA] GloriousToast> soap is the biggest dick
    [23:15:33] <KAG soapgaming> you guys are trolls
    [23:15:35] AltusNovas left the game
    [23:15:37] <Bomba Harmony> soap is the biggest
    [23:15:39] <Bomba Harmony> little dick
    [23:15:46] <Healio2> And also I mean this game is to have fun and strategize
    [23:15:46] Nopiensescordero left the game
    [23:15:47] <Delta Beepo> Healio, don't worry about them, just have fun
    [23:15:49] <Healio2> its a war game
    [23:15:51] New player joined the game
    [23:15:51] Unnamed player is now known as ___stfu___
    [23:15:51] ___stfu___ has joined Blue Team
    [23:15:53] <Bomba Harmony> HEALIO
    [23:15:55] <Healio2> I have fun hiding in a trap hole
    [23:15:56] <Bomba Harmony> HEALIO
    [23:15:56] <MEDIC thebonesauce> ...what the fuck
    [23:15:56] <Delta Beepo> MEDICS, LISTEN, HERE IS HOW I HELP PEOPLE
    [23:16:04] <[ARG] faktor> pouch
    [23:16:04] <Bomba Harmony> WOAH
    [23:16:05] <Bomba Harmony> PURPLE
    [23:16:09] <Bomba Harmony> I was unable to slash
    [23:16:10] <MEDIC thebonesauce> Healio, sitting in a hole doesn't help your team
    [23:16:12] <Bomba Harmony> because of purple cash
    [23:16:13] <Healio2> a
    [23:16:23] <[DV] Crickey> a
    [23:16:24] <[DV] Crickey> a
    [23:16:28] <Bomba Harmony> bone u never help team
    [23:16:31] <Delta Beepo> Healio, if you don't like someone, and if you want them to shut up, do this, press ESC, then IGNORE PLAYER, and click on their name :3 you're welcome
    [23:16:32] <Bomba Harmony> WAT U NO ABOUT HELPING TEAM
    [23:16:43] <Bomba Harmony> Or
    [23:16:47] <Bomba Harmony> GET OVER TEXT ON A SCREEN
    [23:16:48] <Healio2> I can't ignore people who kick me for playing how I want to
    [23:16:54] <MEDIC thebonesauce> Beepo, that's not going to help anyone
    [23:16:55] <Bomba Harmony> AND SIMPLY USE YOUR ABILITY
    [23:16:58] <Bomba Harmony> TO SELECTIVELY READ
    [23:17:00] <Bomba Harmony> AND NOT READ TEXT
    [23:17:00] ithaqua left the game
    [23:17:01] New player joined the game
    [23:17:01] Unnamed player is now known as mmega
    [23:17:02] mmega has joined Blue Team
    [23:17:02] <Bomba Harmony> OF THOSE YOU DO NOT LIKE
    [23:17:07] <MEDIC thebonesauce> Healio doesn't understand the concept of teamwork
    [23:17:07] <Bomba Harmony> PRE SIMPLE
    [23:17:14] New player joined the game
    [23:17:14] Unnamed player is now known as killanatorx5
    [23:17:16] <[HA] GloriousToast> soap is the biggest dick
    [23:17:18] <MEDIC thebonesauce> the point of MEDIC is to help new players who want to learn
    [23:17:19] <Delta Beepo> you can always report on the server's main thread on the KAG forum
    [23:17:26] <MEDIC thebonesauce> not help people who are useless.
    [23:17:29] ___stfu___ is now spectating
    [23:17:31] <Bomba Harmony> I AM IN HERE
    [23:17:32] <Healio2> I will report this on there
    [23:17:32] New player joined the game
    [23:17:32] Unnamed player is now known as tatorx
    [23:17:33] <Bomba Harmony> I AM IN HERE
    [23:17:33] tatorx has joined Blue Team
    [23:17:36] <Bomba Harmony> Do it Healio
    Digger101, Kazaco97 and Beepo like this.
  8. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Guys, please stop spamming the thread - The issue has been dealt with - Fucu has made a ruling and we shall stick to it. Healious1, we've established you were kicked for being a useless team player in a team based game, you will never be banned for such a thing, but a kick is pretty reasonable at peak play times, the server is only 20 spots.

    I hope you continue to have fun with the server, it is after all for everyone's enjoyment and I hope your bad experience hasn't jaded you from playing - The admins are trying to keep things running smooth for everyone.

    If you still wish to discuss this further, please message me :)
    Beepo likes this.
  9. Pro builder on BC
    CoughDrop, UnnamedPlayer and Beepo like this.
  10. dildor

    dildor Haxor

    Any admins/mods know why i'm banned? I tried to join today and was confronted with a ban notice.
  11. Fucu

    Fucu Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Ping ban possibly? I wouldn't think anyone would ban you without telling you otherwise. Plus, you're a regular and have never caused any trouble. :huh?:
    CrystalClear likes this.
  12. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    It's been sorted :)
    </br>--- merged: Jul 26, 2013 1:27 AM ---</br>
    Hi guys,

    Server will be going down shortly for maintenance, in addition to maintenance, I'll introducing a number of new features for the server, once the changes have been made and the server back up, I'll list the changes :)

    Thanks for patience =)
  13. TheBlackDog

    TheBlackDog Base Burner

  14. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    Be kicking Swaggers ass
    Say nothing
    Get kicked
    "Why he leave"
    The mad
    TheWids, Superblackcat and Guitarman like this.
  15. Xtr3m3xSwAgGeR

    Xtr3m3xSwAgGeR Builder Stabber

    ?? i was playing with you i admit you were killing me most of the time i didnt kick you and i said why did you leave and i dont know what you mean about the mad.
    TheBlackDog likes this.
  16. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    Make a complete rap, bro.
  17. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Wait wait wait... Motherfucker named Xtr3m3xSwAgGeR is an admin on this server? Fucking seriously?
    Superblackcat and Guitarman like this.
  18. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    Yeah... I was surprised too.
  19. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    If you have a problem with Admins, message me and we can discuss what the problem is.

    Beepo likes this.
  20. Xtr3m3xSwAgGeR

    Xtr3m3xSwAgGeR Builder Stabber

    rap i dont rap
Mods: jackitch
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