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Rejected "Bear Caves" by Didgedy

Discussion in 'CTF' started by Ni, Sep 27, 2019.

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  1. Ni

    Ni Battle Angel Global Moderator Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Donator Tester Official Server Admin
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    Last edited: Sep 27, 2019
  2. Ferrezinhre

    Ferrezinhre Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    Middle seems very likely to deteriorate, flag above spawn and spawnblacked owners will lead to sea of salty salt .m. .Anyway resource spreead is bad, this bulb underground, and gold positions could be better and bit too much trees, 4 or 6 is good more is overkill. I will say NO for official.
  3. mehwaffle10

    mehwaffle10 Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    Flag above spawn is way too hard to capture and spawn is way too easy to grief. Forward flag is also very close to spawn, leading to a very stalematey or scrappy game. The tunnels again encourage ratting, for which there is ample space and resources to sustain. Holding a tower in mid would require complete rat control, which is not really feasible. The map is so close that flag towers can likely siege spam each other, leading to the rush to siege and the losing team hiding underground. Too many trees still, a bit better gold placement but still a lot. I vote no.
  4. Magmus

    Magmus Ballista Bolt Thrower Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    First flag is impossible to capture and tent too easy to be blocked, no bedrock to prevent rats, both flags are too close to tent, too many trees. It could work having more bedrock on the entire map to prevent deterioration and ratting, reworking the tent area (maybe removing it from inside a cave) and moving/removing the first flag. Map still too close, but I kinda like the map. Without heavy modifications its a no.
  5. Ni

    Ni Battle Angel Global Moderator Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Donator Tester Official Server Admin
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    Yes: 0
    No: 3
    mehwaffle10 likes this.
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