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Beo's KAG Servers

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Beo, Sep 21, 2011.

Mods: jackitch
  1. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Can you add a story please?
    GalenMarek likes this.
  2. Ream

    Ream Haxor

    I really don't know what write... I play on this server everyday. I am cool with a few admins(Galen, Justi, Gerald).
    I can play everyday between 14-22(of course, with exepctions)I usually (my internet sucks:QQ: ) get good ping, on Beo's servers( I am from Poland, servers are hosted in Germany). And i fight against dragons! Cause every story is more interesing with DRAGONS!:p I am bad with writing stories...:(

    @Edit I haven't been admin on any server (in other games too) I am admin on [TiT]Mooooree Zombies
    @Edit2 I know only few rcon's commands
    @Edit3 auch... I've wrote just application... no story... but DRAGONS! D-R-A-G-O-N-S!:p
    justi01, GalenMarek and Worm like this.
  3. Statoke

    Statoke Shipwright

    I want to be an admin on Beo's. I am an active member and I have friends that are currently admins too such as Baratheon, Freddex, Jesse etc.
  4. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    Guess Beo's not looking for any moderators right now.
  5. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    You shouldnt belive all you read ;)
  6. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    Better to believe than ignore though.
  7. Tintoko

    Tintoko Shipwright

    Recently I have went on Beo's CTF server and have complained to an admin about how he and some idiot go complaining about people being immature in KAG.
    Then when the arguement gets too far he decides to use his banning power, when I was going to type: Do you want a medal for being able to ban?
    I find myself banned.

    And, funnily, those 2 people are premium.​

    Their names are Justi and Shizoid.​
  8. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    I don't know where you got the idea that we were complain about immature people in KAG...We were on about the lack of common sense when you decided to come in with a hostile attitude and began cussing.
    You litterally began to make cancer jokes and think you can get away with it too, i don't appriciate that. I was within my rights to ban you, for you were being a complete asshole.
    Funny how you added no information to try help your point our here, so i've added the relivent parts myself. Feel free to take a look at it all.
    Last thing, what does premium have to do with this? All we did was buy the game, and you go ahead and assume this suddenly has something do with this?

    [10:56:52] <Schizoid> This doesn't seem the case. Reds are still winning.
    [10:57:02] <Drago Clefspeare99> it has only been a minute
    [10:57:16] <[BoW] justi01> I didn't mean me
    [10:57:27] * COLLAPSE by CaptainGreen (size 4 blocks)
    [10:57:29] <Madman217> wtf
    [10:57:32] <[BoW] justi01> I ment you seemed to be the only guy with common sense on the blue team
    [10:57:34] <[BoW] justi01> You switched
    [10:57:36] <Azimyt> idiot
    [10:57:41] New player joined the game
    [10:57:41] Unnamed player is now known as Dragon_Slayer
    [10:58:01] New player joined the game
    [10:58:01] Unnamed player is now known as DemonMK97
    [10:58:09] <KirasiN91> boom
    [10:58:09] New player joined the game
    [10:58:10] Unnamed player is now known as Tintoko
    [10:58:27] <Drago Clefspeare99> common sense is hard to find in KAG
    [10:58:28] <MrBlue> o
    [10:58:30] <gito88> sorry
    [10:58:30] <MrBlue> no
    [10:58:37] <Schizoid> Common sense is hard to find anywhere.
    [10:58:40] DRC jbeaudoire left the game
    [10:58:41] <Drago Clefspeare99> very true
    [10:58:47] New player joined the game
    [10:58:48] Unnamed player is now known as [HiR] Satan-Tourloupe
    [10:59:15] <[BoW] justi01> I'm not gonna lie, half of the people who play KAG tend to be thoughtless
    [10:59:21] <Tintoko> shut the fucvk up if you dont like KAG get out
    [10:59:30] <Schizoid> Speaking of the devil.
    [10:59:33] <Drago Clefspeare99> I have to agree
    [10:59:36] <[BoW] justi01> Did they say the hated KAG?
    [10:59:38] <[BoW] justi01> No.
    [10:59:46] <Tintoko> you guys talk grammatically to prove youre mature when i bet youre just all 12
    [10:59:46] <[BoW] justi01> DId they complain about the lack of common sense?
    [10:59:47] <[BoW] justi01> Yes.
    [11:00:13] <Schizoid> oh god here comes a pissfight
    [11:00:32] <Schizoid> What the fuck made you think you're welcome to come into our normal chat and call us all idiot 12 year olds?
    [11:00:41] <Tintoko> its teh truth
    [11:00:43] <[BoW] justi01> Shhh, Schiz, his opinion
    [11:00:43] <Tintoko> youre just a fucking retard
    [11:01:07] <Schizoid> The subject was about how humanity lacks decent people, not about disliking kag.
    [11:01:10] <[BoW] justi01> Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no matter how much of a dickish opinion it is
    [11:01:24] <Tintoko> this server is realy dickheaded
    [11:01:47] <Tintoko> especially the premiums
    [11:01:50] <Tintoko> they act as if theyre the boss
    [11:01:52] <Drago Clefspeare99> lol 244 gold as knight
    [11:01:54] <Tintoko> when theyre worthless 12 year old assholes
    [11:02:08] <Schizoid> sigh
    [11:02:09] <Drago Clefspeare99> excuse me I am 16
    [11:02:16] <Schizoid> i can smell the butthurt
    [11:02:18] <Tintoko> 16 aint even mature
    [11:02:20] <[BoW] justi01> Na, he's just raging. No worries man
    [11:02:21] <Tintoko> i smell your moter's cancer
    [11:02:26] <[BoW] justi01> Wow.
    [11:02:30] <Schizoid> really now
    [11:02:31] <Tintoko> from here
    [11:02:32] <[BoW] justi01> Don't make another joke like that Tint.
    [11:02:42] <Tintoko> why not
    [11:02:51] <[BoW] justi01> You made a joke about cancer
    [11:02:55] <[BoW] justi01> Do i really need to add to that?
    [11:02:55] <Tintoko> its a zodiac sing
    [11:02:57] <Tintoko> so?
    [11:02:57] DemonMK97 left the game
    [11:02:59] <Schizoid> Alright, you're oficially a stupid faggot and anything you say from now on will be denied on this server by all people.
    [11:03:00] <Tintoko> its a zodiac sign lmfao
    [11:03:07] <Tintoko> schizoid
    [11:03:14] <Nazarov> bed
    [11:03:17] <Tintoko> your mother couldnt afford premium so you had to steal her credit card
    [11:03:19] <Xizzdot> its down there
    [11:03:19] <Tintoko> she doesnt even have one
    [11:03:24] Funky-Djemayro left the game
    [11:03:25] <Nazarov> ok
    [11:03:48] <Tintoko> laughing at hwo this arguement was caused by schizoid and justi now theyre trying to stop
    [11:03:51] * COLLAPSE by stason200711 (size 35 blocks)
    [11:03:57] <Madman217> why?
    [11:04:00] KirasiN91 left the game
    [11:04:03] <Drago Clefspeare99> sorry justi
    [11:04:08] <Schizoid> There was no argument, just normal chatter, until you stupid shit decided to call everyone faggots.
    [11:04:11] <[BoW] justi01> No worries man
    [11:04:15] <Schizoid> Justi, do something about this shit.
    [11:04:18] <Tintoko> you ARE faggots
    [11:04:19] <Drago Clefspeare99> it had to be done
    [11:04:21] <[BoW] justi01> Yep, i probably will
    [11:04:24] New player joined the game
    [11:04:24] Unnamed player is now known as Pixelink
    [11:04:26] <Schizoid> Do something now.
    [11:04:29] * [RCON [BoW] justi01] /ban tintoko -1
    [11:04:30] Tintoko left the game
    [11:04:32] <[BoW] justi01> How's that?
    [11:04:38] <Madman217> by all
    [11:04:40] New player joined the game
    [11:04:40] Madman217 left the game
    [11:04:41] New player joined the game
    [11:04:41] Unnamed player is now known as Delo
    [11:04:42] Unnamed player is now known as [SRA] soulrealm
    [11:04:44] <Nazarov> doors to thue bed
    [11:04:49] <[BoW] justi01> The bugger was intentionally harrasing people on the server
    thebonesauce and Beef like this.
  9. Tintoko

    Tintoko Shipwright

    This helps my case more, thanks I guess?
  10. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    Imo, he didnt deserve a permban but just a kick for insults.
    justi01 likes this.
  11. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    No worries, man. I tend to unban people when i feel they learn their lesson, but that time can vary, so i stick with a perma ban.
  12. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    what if you banned someone then forget you've banned them within a month? also if the servers never reset.
  13. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    I write down names of interest. If it was a simple griefing attempt, then i won't bother with it. But if it's something like this, then i know i'm gonna have to remember them.
  14. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Dude, Tintoko, you're lucky I wasn't there. It's one thing to insult the admins and call the servers shit, it's another completely to make jokes about fucking cancer. He didn't deserve a permaban? I think he deserves a goddamn BLACKLIST.
  15. WanderMark

    WanderMark :) Donator

    I am quite chillaxed of a person, very lenient when it comes to how long I kick people. Speaking for myself here, but I am very liberal when it comes to jokes. I simply don't get shocked regardless of how a bad taste it is in. This does not mean I understand the serious undertones of making a joke about cancer.

    If as much as one person gets offended, then that is enough for you to stop. We do what we can in order to create a friendly enviroment, free from offensive jokes and alike. Just because I can handle them, doesn't mean everyone can. Part of our jobs as moderators is not only to root out griefers or hackers, but also the bad seeds that either deliberatley or not tries to ruin the atmosphere for others. It is not always easy, there are no books that define everything that is considered offensive, it is really all subjective. Cancer is however generally something that affects a lot of people and is commonly something that isn't socially acceptable to joke about. If someone feels bad since you are joking about it, then you are the one that is supposed to correct yourself. They can't stop feeling offended, but you can stop telling what your so called jokes.

    Seeing your forum history and the logs provided above, I say that Justi has all the rights to permaban you. To me it looks like you are attempting to troll people. You showed no acts of understanding, just flammatory comments all the time, of course that is going to get you banned.
    justi01 likes this.
  16. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    [17:24] <+Rayne`> [03:20:20] <Tintoko640> you wont believe
    [17:24] <+Rayne`> [03:20:25] <Tintoko640> what a nice nice BEEP
    [17:24] <+Rayne`> [03:20:30] <Tintoko640> till i die
    [17:24] <+Rayne`> [03:20:37] <Tintoko640> rayne
    [17:24] <+Rayne`> [03:20:42] <Tintoko640> did i mention i ahve a problem with you
    [17:24] <+Rayne`> [03:21:07] <Tintoko640> NIG
    [17:24] <+Rayne`> [03:21:08] <Tintoko640> GER
    [17:24] <+Rayne`> [03:21:19] <Tintoko640> ASS
    [17:24] <+Rayne`> [03:21:21] <Tintoko640> HOLE

    I'm not really willing to let you back with open arms after i saw this too. If this is how you behave in the presence of a global mod, then you can piss right off.
  17. Hicapp

    Hicapp Base Burner

    Today i was banned on ctf server for nothing in battle, soooo....what the heck?
  18. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    Wasnt me!
    Oh and are you sure its not a ping ban. Our admins are mostly fair and honest unless insulted (see stuff above).

    Console and chat logs are found in “<KAG directory>/Logs/” console logs are named console-datehere.txt and chat logs are named chat-datehere.txt
    Upload them from that time here or copy paste stuff in a spoiler.
  19. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    Na, i was there, Ryu saw you take attempt to take down a bridge. So, if you want information, it'll be him.
  20. Ryu

    Ryu Shopkeep Stealer

    You were spotted by the player Beton for griefing. When I approached the scene, I saw you, as a knight, trying to destroy one of our bridge. At this point, the player Beton voted you for being kicked. You must have realized you got caught because you resumed playing. Too bad I witnessed you. I run after you, froze you and tempoban the heck out of you. Any question?
Mods: jackitch